>the ONLY fully free BIOS was created and is maintained by a literal tranny
Come on guys.
The ONLY fully free BIOS was created and is maintained by a literal tranny
wtf i hate freedom now
Because of freedom that doesn't impact you in any meaningful way.
Free Software made by a literal tranny will always hold you to less than Non-Free Software made by anyone else.
Unless you are embarrassed to use it because it would make you feel inferior to a girl (particularly one born male), but that's on you, not them.
tranny >>>>> non-free proprietary software
you mean forked, right?
> maintained
I'd call it mismanagement and gross negligence but whatever.
t. CIA
It's not a fork, it's a parallel distribution of coreboot that removes all proprietary firmware
Why should I care?
it's just a fucking fork.
You'd have to be mentally ill to create such a thing.
Sup Forums btfo
expect anti libreboot threads every day for the next year
>implying there's even a chance that this was a FTM when we all know that's not remotely possible
>implying MTF are actually girls and not guys with dresses
Girls are naturally inclined to be leftists, we know this.
Femboy traps overwhelm the alt right and centre-right to the point that it's a bad meme.
MTF are NOT girls, but if you like the fantasy better, go ahead and believe what you want I guess. That said, I have no problem using the ladyboy's software if it's actually better for my needs. Because unlike retards like you, at the end of the day, I know it's just another guy. And sure he's mentally ill, but so are many people. I'm using a piece of software not letting the faggot move into my house
You are taking this frogpost too seriously
Nice try, he's one of yours tho, not ours.
nice false false flag sweetie
Well, sadly this means that the bios will not be supported by much longer.
Go back to Sup Forums OP I know it's you being a faggot, where your shilling belongs.
Common ground will not be toloerated. We will not stop until we are literally divided and conquered.
Better get comfy faggot
Don't you get it? People that are obsessed with computers/programming and don't have a social life (I mean, ZERO interaction with the real world) often get some psychical pathology that turn into trannies. You can see that happening with freetards and faggots from the emulation scene.
I don't get it
I can attest to this. I'm a driverfag and work with some truly bizarre people. Not the only person in the office with a normal wife and children, but pretty close to it. Everyone is at-least eccentric.
>tfw you're the normie in the room despite having a massive unix beard and like to larp as a viking on holidays
>The deslusion in that picture
Jesus Christ, this is why you don't affiliate yourself with stupid ideologies: you eventually become a brainless retard. I bet the NEETSocs have something similar about Antifags and the Democrats or something. Please kill yourselves.
I know plenty of trannies that got kicked out of your movement because they weren't lefty enough.
Shitty false flag image. You guys were spamming a fucking wordpress blog screenshot as an "official" Hillary campaign targeting Sup Forums. You've also been caught with fake screenshots of people saying they will raid Sup Forums to campaign against Trump.
Just kill yourself if you can't keep your autism on one board. I'm tired of seeing you niggers roaming out of your pen.
stealing that image user.
>Actually giving a fuck about who created something that works and is free as in freedom of speech
You fucking rabble rousing fagots need to meditate on love for awhile. Now leave, go mac some shrooms and sit still with your eyes closed until you have become enlightened.
I'm not kidding.
Sometimes it's valid. You wouldn't want to support Shuttleworth or Poettering under any circumstances, for instance.
Computer logic using symbols (0 & 1) was invented by a fag (Alan Turing) that helped win Ww II by being able to decrypt secret messages. He committed suicide BC he was openly gay which was illegal and would have been chemically castrated.
Think about that
Just hang up the phone after you get the call.
Fuck off. They are good guys.
He got castrated and he didnt kill himself. He got murdered. The suicide narrative is just for leftist brownie points.
Stop fucking shitting up Sup Forums, you Sup Forumsfags.
Christ, pick another board to shit up.
I can believe that, at some point in the future, they will have the cognisance to look upon their past works and despair at the potential (or real) damage they could have wrought. I don't think they're inherently bad people.
But intent and reality are often different and it shows with their repeated mistakes.
t. """Leah"""
> parallel distrobution
> fork
pick two