Why is this board such a fucking joke?

Why is this board such a fucking joke?

Your sticky is ignored because it rightfully should be, 90% of what you do is discuss consumer technology and fucking nobody uses 'gentoo'.

Linux fucking sucks
thinkpads fucking suck
most (80%+) of you run windows 10.

So what're you really trying to prove? to every one else? to yourselves?

Why do you post here?

What is your problem exactly?

He uses MacOS

so he's smarter than 95% of this board




nice bait

macOS users are way more intelligenter, it's just a fact


The introduction of /diy/ and /sci/ siphoned off the intelligent discussion and interesting threads.

Sup Forums is now traps and Linux shitposting.

I don't know faggot.
Literally on gentoo on my t420 right now, couldn't be happier.
Haven't used windows since 7 came preinstalled on my laptop, many years ago.
kys itoddler.

If you're looking for your safe place/hugbox you should fuck off back to autistic manchild.

>Linux fucking sucks
>thinkpads fucking suck
Didn't you make like 70+ threads about it already?
Why don't you FUCK OFF if you don't like it here? Honest question.

sage is not a downvote friend

>macOS users are way more intelligenter, it's just a fact
>way more intelligenter

Bait desu

your really stupid

67% of the stupid questions on Sup Forums could be answered if people actually used the tips in the sticky. \
And as an added bonus, it has a picture of Richard Stallman. And if you aren't a fervent admirer of Richard Stallman, you probably don't really belong on Sup Forums's Stallman board.

>Implying those shill posts are anything other than bait trying to piss off Sup Forums


fuck off fagoot

>Sup Forums is literally a top 50 site
>newfags are STILL trying to deny people are paid2post here
At least a few years ago you had the "nobody would bother to shill Sup Forums lol" argument, what do you have now?

This board is shit, I agree with you on that.
It's basically a center for shills and ricefags, and always was.

I use Gentoo. I also modified some acpi drivers to work better with my X220. I am also employed. (Amazing, right?)

Linux only sucks if you don't have the skills to use it properly. So if you can't handle using a command line to perform certain useful functions of your system, you should stick to an OS built from the ground up for GUI users like windows.

Thinkpads are a matter of preference, they are just utilitarian looking laptops with awesome keyboards and durable cases.

Nobody is trying to prove anything so you should probably GTFO.

We post here because tech banter is fun, and not many people in the real world share this opinion.