Who here running Temple OS?
Temple OS
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If I was, I wouldn't be able to post here, considering it doesn't have networking support.
>niggers don't remember original Losetheos threads
I do.
TempleOS has had networking support for quite awhile now.
It was "Losethos" not "Lose-the-os" - the pun was roughly something like "windows? (all that bloated shit) lose those" and Terry got the idea from a scene in Platoon
terry os
>TempleOS is 64-bit and will not run on 32-bit hardware.
because in $__CURRENT_YEAR even the cheapest single core celerons are 64bit.
wath happened to t. Sheiks' github? CIA niggers got him?
32-bit is for third world shitholes and CIA niggers
why doesn't this guy just move out? you know he gets some sort of disability check from the state. Why not just get an apartment.
fuck man I have an old t42 that would have been so aesthetic with TempleOS on it :(
I post TempleOS related stuff on my site @ sheikhs.space
>you know he gets some sort of disability check from the state.
It's federal, he gets SSDI, Nevada doesn't have a state disability program.
>why doesn't this guy just move out?
>Why not just get an apartment.
Why would he? He pays his parents $600/mo rent and they take care of all the shit he doesn't feel like dealing with.
>my site
could you make a shittier website?
But did Terry add it or it's from some fork?
>could you make a shittier website?
Sure, enjoy.
TempleOS is the future.
>But did Terry add it
No, Terry has no desire to add networking. minexew did.
id pay 600 to live in an apartment that 600 to live with my parents.
Love the terry pic
Terry living in an apartment doesn't sound like the greatest idea to me. Ranting about Frasier and playing drums at 2AM to old Metallica songs + angry woken-up neighbors seems like a bad combination.
he could probably rent a small house away from people or even a trailer. he doesn't have to live with his parents but he does anyway. That is perhaps the most pathetic thing about him that i don't like.
That would go well for about a month, until he calls his landlord a CIA nigger and gets booted. No one except for his family is going to deal with him unless he's a ward of the state.
>networking on a ring 0 system
Terry intends to never add networking support(or anything related to networking) to the native version of Temple Os so that the OS itself isn't a botnet in the slightest since it has no native features that connects to the internet for anything. He is not against someone adding network support to it, though.
>so that the OS itself isn't a botnet in the slightest since it has no native features that connects to the internet for anything
Eh, that's not entirely true.
>I hope to hand some control to a committee or something. God did not ban networking, but I insist on the 100,000 line limit. We could probably have FTP and TELNET. I don't want a full browser and all that. It's hard to explain, but it's kind-of designed to be small.
That is one of the reasons Terry doesn't want to add networking to the native build.
I might not have mentioned his exact words but he doesn't want networking support to be native so that no native features connect to the internet without the intent of the user ever.
It is an imageboard aftertall
dumb nigger monkey
No slowing down the herd.
In all seriousness, would any of you buy a PC/controller with Temple OS preloaded on it for like 200 dollars?
Ok, should I take down the website then?
Is he still even alive?
he just got drums he's obviously having a blast dudes
I just hope he didn't get sectioned.
Wrong coloUr scheme.
>they got terry but left me alive on this fucking planet
not cool
Fine, I got rid of the site.
Poor Terry, all he wants to do is programme.
You could've just changed the colour scheme, bellend.
guess not but ill probably make it
here's my idea anyway. im an idea guy.
its like a tablet but with ports for kb/m and video out so you can use it to 3d model. it's got a dpad and buttons built in to launch games, but will have 2 controller ports anyway because a dedicated controller is better.
>11 aug
>11 aug
That's the kernel build date of a linux box I remotely connected to with TempleTerm in TempleO when I took that screenshot. What about it?
what dont you understand about templeOS????? We need bigger more power hungry beast, fuck your table shit.
>no inbuilt random number generator
fine I'll make it thick and beastly. but it IS going to operate as a touch screen terminal because God fucking said so.
God says if it's a modern commodore 64 it has to be a badass toy. Don't skimp.
I'm in a 3rd world and i use 64
>thinks his cpu is 64 bit
Enjoy your botnet.
I made some adjustments based on feedback and showed my machine to scale.
Pic related. It's the future
oh and on the lip of the screen is a tray like on school whiteboards. it holds the stylus.
>in b4 holster
no way