$100 a woman came out with the new layout for YouTube. Only a woman could think this looks good

$100 a woman came out with the new layout for YouTube. Only a woman could think this looks good.

all me :^)

It's fucking retarded. This is the work of "UX Designers" who just graduated college and got the job because they're a trans-disabled black man-woman with AIDS

What's wrong with it ? My only beef is that it loads slow.

Most designers are 30 year old white dudes. In fact Google's programmers are mostly white and asian guys. Stop being such a virgin.

The information is vague and with what little it does show you, the page still loads like shit.

It looks clean and polished. I wonder if were you expecting some shitty metallic theme with pixelated shadows that rapes my eyes relentlessly. Although I must say that I haven't used YouTube for a while, I probably won't either.

Why is every fucking interface being made these days a carbon copy of what you'd find on an iphone?

just werks

I'm gay

women look good and smell nice
it's only natural to find designs made by women pleasing

This. Honestly the whole "MRA/misogynerd" thing seems like a bunch of gay shit to me. What's wrong with more women in the workplace? Only virgins actually enjoy sausagefests.

I gave them a feedback that I couldnt search my history, is that fixed

Nah, what good does the 30 year old white dude designers if their preferred design was hated or twisted by the higher ups (might be a woman or whoever knows what)..
They only follow what their boss who pays them what to do anyways, because money matters more..

you can set it back to the normal one

I hate the left align comments with a huge empty white space on the right.

nigger how

And after all these years, they've done nothing to improve the search function or add advanced features even though they're a search company.
You still get some of the worst shit when you search. You can't even search within a date range. Literally the capability it was at when this shit first debut.

click on your avatar and theres the option

there is no huge white space on the right

mpv + youtube-dl doesn't have this problem

They don't care about searches anymore. You are the product user.

On the face of it, there's nothing wrong with more women in the workplace.

But you don't consider all the small issues:
Women cost more, they're less productive - more sick days, more gossiping, they get pregnant, they go on their periods, they start drama constantly, and you can never fire them; the quality of work isn't the same as it is with men. Nor is the work ethic.

When you think of women as "men with tits and a vagina" it seems like a great idea. When you finally realize women are women and not men with tits and vaginas, and they not only think differently but behave differently, and not in a way at all conducive with actual work, then you begin to understand why someone would discriminate against women.

That's really the crux of it.

can you prove that statement?

good thing I'm there for the videos, not the UI

What is the point of pic related? That extra space is being used for fuckall

Good Lord is this what "tech nerds" talk about these days? Fucking layouts. Sup Forums is shit. The party is over. Everyone go home.

Who cares?
>watching yotube on the site

I agree with this.

Google search is also awful. I usually add 'reddit' onto the end of my search because anything else just gets total fucking garbage top-10 lists.

For instance, I want to know if carrots are healthy, I don't google "are carrots healthy?", I google "are carrots healthy reddit". 9/10 times adding reddit on the end brings me to a discussion with multiple viewpoints and opinions I can weigh. Whereas the typical google results are just... garbage. Unmitigated fucking garbage trash that is more advertising than anything else.

The only thing keeping google alive right now is the fact that every other search engine is slower and/or returns just as much garbage.

>there's nothing wrong with wimen
>spends rest of post on a misogynistic rant

wew lad. how's the miserable life going for you?

Man I wish Sup Forums would actually talk about UI in context of technology, instead it's shit like , circling something they don't like and going "ew".

>that barely visible gray rectangle behind "subscribed"
What was the point? Just make everything white like you started.

It doesn't look that bad desu.

Anyone else immediately went back to the old ui?

Scroll all the way down on the comments and the recommended videos stop loading. Looks like shit

>YT+ doesnt work with the new cancer layout

>open google
>how to switch to old YT layout

10 minutes in krita

shitty javascript frameworks is trendy now
iirc james damore pointed out in his memo something along the lines of "men pay more attention to detail and women pay more attention to aesthetics" (too lazy to check exactly what he said)
that might explain why the redesign looks like that

Clearly they need to hire more women then because it is not aesthetic at all.

we must make it more busier

I bet on this being designed by some spoiled rich kid that used his daddy and probably some social justice cult crap as a leverage to push his shit.

its shitty design if a static page starts the fan in my laptop. everything was done much better over 10 years ago with much less wasted resources.

It still looks like shit

UX and UI are both extremely important for software - just as much as the underlying program itself.

This is what programmers and engineers don't understand and autistically refuse to try and understand. Aesthetics are important. True works of engineering are an art piece in themselves.

Look at any statue carved by michelangelo - that isn't just technical skill but also aesthetic ability and understanding.

Wonderful news! I like it, that means I save $40k on surgery.

What does the surgery have to do with it?

so maybe have the women say what it should look like and men with programming skills do the code?

Shut the fuck up nigger

hes making a tranny joke
he likes it therefore he is a woman now and doesn't need to get his dick cut off to be one

Could be a guy like on the picture.

Snappy and static webpages > "pretty" webpages with tons of js bloat

He's right though. Why should you care how allegedly "inefficient" women are? You aren't paying them. Stop being such a virgin.

>cost more
If you're referring to maternity leave, there's a movement to have men get maternity leave you should be concerned about, too.
>less productive
Debatable. Men and women slack off, but women tend to talk more and so their lower productivity is more noticeable.
If you have an HR dept, that shit should be shut down quick.
Not like they can control it, tho...
>can't fire them
If you have a legitimate reason you can
>quality of work/work ethic
If you're hiring shit workers, you get shit results. Again, men can slack off just as well as women can.

Ohhh now I get it. Thanks mate!

>load youtube video
>everything blends in because the buttons are light grey on a white background
dunno which muslim transexual ebola carrier they hired thought that was a wise design decision


what do the js parts even do on a page that just has text visible? it should work fine without js but for some reason it will just show a blank page if js is not enabled.

Yeah but it looks like shit though

maybe the next redesign makes the video box white too.

>it is not aesthetic at all
well to the people who came up with this design it is.
if those devs happen to be women it just goes to show how little women care for functionality
they just want things to look pretty

>shit that MIGHT get changed eventually maybe
>implying hr is omnipresent
>implying the fact they can't control it makes it any better or cheaper
>implying the feminist propaganda machine cares
>implying you aren't a cunt

>being so much of misogynistic fuck that you actually become a giant corporate dicksucker concerned about "how much money they spend on workers"

ayy what's it feel like being a total fucking tool?

Pretty sure it's because of faggots like this

yeah because that marxist bullshit really worked out for cuba, north korea and venezuela

It's thanks to faggy bloggers abusing seo. I get this when looking up tech related questions. Really pisses me off.

Yep, in time the new wave will replace them.
The normal tech cycle.. Innovative at the start, grow big, become fat and lazy and forget how to innovate -> die

Said every myopic company right before a new entrant disrupts them into history...
> mfw business men take over an innovative technology company

I became lazey too *cri cri* :C

>women are inferior to men because PERIODS!!!!!!! DAT COSTS COMPANIES MONEY
>dude you're a fucking tool for giving a shit

You're a petulant child that's parroting whatever you read on Sup Forums and /r/the_donald. I highly doubt you've worked in the tech field with women, because surprise; they just want to get paid like everyone else.

they're not improving search because:
1) they already have a monopoly on it and no one is able to compete atm
2) they realize the ads model is busted and they need to work on things they can actually sell
3) search doesn't sell by itself (related to 2, i suppose)

if there's going to be a big search turnaround, i wouldn't expect it from them. maybe duckduckgo, but also unlikely imo. at best, they'll be trying to catch up like microsoft after they missed the web wave

Perfect description of Microshit

sure, keep defending that marxist bs. i like how you went from any attempt at discussion to just downright having a diarrhea. amazing points you have there, my commie friend

> REEEEE why doesnt my youtube have a block text UI with everything in text, why doesnt youtube appeal to my autistic standards, where im only capable of understanding something if its written, icons just make no sense

Are you guys retarded? The design is nearly perfect, rhe only issue is the ranjeet programmer who managed to make a simple design super bloat intensive

If you want a text based visual diagram, and a command promp to type in sudo commands yo fucking click links, then make your own opwn source video platform thats specifically made for autistic retards like you

Three lines with a + is fucking retarded. The only icons that are intuitive are the thumbs up and down.

is claiming everything marxist the new hot Sup Forums meme?


>everything i don't like is marxism and also women are stupid

>claims i'm having a diarrhea but can only respond with a meme

good going polack.

yeah because defending equality of outcome and hiring of incompetent people is definitely not marxist. screaming "pol" and "my soggy knees" here won't get you anywhere, unlike in your shitty safespaces. i like how they sugarcoated communism to the point where people don't even realize they're defending it

that wasn't even me. go back to tumblr, reddit or whatever other shithole you came from. clearly, you're triggered by the different opinions here.

>everyone I don't like is leddit

I seriously don't understand your point. You're arguing that women are incompetent because they have periods? Is that how cuttthroat you want your work environment to be? That god forbid you (may) have a shitty day once a month, you're not worthy of working?

I don't get what you're trying to argue. You're just spouting hatred towards women and somehow think that's OK

What a shit show. I'm curious what website does Sup Forums consider to be an example of good design?

By that point, you're supposed to have had that moment of clarity that strikes and reminds you how pointless it always is to read YT comments, followed immediately by guilt and the overwhelming suspicion that you are in fact a pleb.

Sup Forums is reddit though.

Google is a monopoly.

It needs to be killed and cut apart.

>Capitalism is good until it offends me then the government needs to step in to stop people from triggering me

So that's why YouTube UI looks like a piece of shit now. The one who designs the UI is woman. Suddenly it makes a sense somehow.

All you fucking neets are retarded. Google knows so much about its users that every change made is backed up by usage statistics. All you retards will be used to it within a month anyway.

>Capitalism is good but it can’t discriminate against race or gender

Goons in 2017.

All of their servers can be dismantled by force if the populace is angry enough.

Capitalism is good until it starts to buy the government to turn itself into an empire.

What a cool and nice flat metro redux look

>Capitalism is good but it needs to not offend white 14 year old male virgins

Sup Forums in 2017

>dismantled by force
If you think you the look of a website can convince people to fucking revolt against a multi billion dollar company you are retarded as well.


>if the populace is angry enough.
Not going to happen realistically speaking
Too many people (including myself) are reliant on things like Android, Youtube, Search, Gmail, Calendar, etc.

>muh capitalism
But you can’t choose not to serve x, y, z.

You people are braindead.

i like the night theme

The most realistic scenario is probably someone exploiting a intel ME bug.

You know what I miss? Fucking knowing what the fucking buttons do without hovering over them and hoping the fucking HTML guy put a title tag on it.