Can I get a CS Job and Work From Home and Be Able to Survive?





It depends.



yes, there's plenty of remote companies out there, BUT because they're remote, they have a larger pool to pick from, and so you need to know your shit. inverting a binary tree? you better know how to.

Some places will let you work from home if you request it.

What about freelancing? Like android app dev?

It helps if you have some experience. The easiest way is to start working for a company and request to work from home after 6-12 months.


better go for iOS unless you're living in the 3rd world
more money in that

Many places are open to it if you've worked for them for a bit and you've proven yourself

They have to know you're disciplined and can get shit done first

Word of warning with remote work you really do lose the ability to Network and relationship building is harder

I'm full remote and it has is ups and downs

is the job comfy like what I'd imagine?

typical day assuming I don't have early calls

>wake up at 7:30 get dressed and shower quick >breakfast
>start work at about 8
>code for 4 hours
>break go for a run or lift depending on day
>get Lunch
>code for another 5 hours and answer emails
>turn off work PC around 6

its variable depending on the day and sometimes when I'm on stupid conference calls I don't need to be on I can play Overwatch on mute or do laundry

I get way less shoulder taps but I have higher expectations on projects and honestly I'm probably not getting paid what I would make if I was at the Home Office full time

The company I work has signaled they want to cut Operating Costs by a ton this year and hired a ton of devs out of Bangalore

The competition as of recently has been stressful I'm way more expensive then they are and most are more than happy to relocate

Most of them are awful with terrible people skills but a few are really good

It can be hard to have that separation from Work and Home Life when you work in the same few rooms all day

but less Office BS which is nice

i used to do remote work. it's really really comfy for the first few months, but you start getting stir crazy after a while.

How does it compare to being a NEET and sending 20 resumes a day?

it's similar i guess? never really been a neet for very long. but there's less existential dread, and more money.

I was a NEET for 6 months after school doing the same thing man hang in there it will get better

Have someone double check your resume and make sure you are taloring it to each job posting

be okay moving far away and try big companies

but to answer your question remote work is nothing like being a NEET

This guy is right you do lose the Social aspect of work..

>hey lets grab Lunch or Coffee

I'm met some cool people and opportunities that way

you really have to make sure you fill that social void otherwise isolation can do weird things to people

Why would you want to work from home? It's nice getting out and flirt and with the ladies at the office.

>omg inverting a binary tree that's so hard

one more thing man make sure you are getting out and getting regular exercise

That more than anything helped my confidence, ability to maintain a normal sleep cycle, and to eventually break the NEET chain

keep doing side projects and maintain repos go to the library of coffee shops to get out for a few hours