/tpg/ Thinkpad General Now With Fewer Trannies Edition

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Other business laptops are also welcome in /tpg/ (e.g. GETACs, Toughbooks).

>New to /tpg/ or looking for purchasing advice?


>If you're looking for purchase advice, READ THINKWIKI FIRST. Then post, stating budget and requireme$

>Don't buy anything OTHER THAN Panasonic Toughbooks, pre-Lelnovo Thinkpad A, T, X, and number series,$

>Be careful of CIA niggers recommending you flash unusal firmware.

>Recommended models:
T60, T61, X60, X61, 860, Transnote, PC110

>Models to stay away from:
Anything with 'island' or 'chicklet' keyboards.

>Used ThinkPad buyers guide:



first for patrician Elitebook 8470p

How have you upgraded your Thinkpads? I have a 525GB SSD and a 5TB HDD in my T500. I also went from 4GB to 8GB of RAM.

Not a Thinkpad, Toughbook or a GETAC, not really relevant.

It combines none of the strength of old business design with none of the strengths of new business design. truly a marvel

Good sleeve options for an x220 with 9cell and an x230 with 6cell?

Elitebook 840 G2

Lacks Ultrabay, dual battery option, has chicklet shit keyboard, glossy screen only, etc.

It's totally for business normies who never used a proper laptop.

Maxed the ram and installed an SSD.

I'd buy a toughbook or getac in an instant if their resolution weren't so abysmal.

Resolution is maximum comfy and saves on battery.

I just can't work with that.

Should I get a T460 with a 768p screen or a E570 with 1080p? The T460 also bring pro dock station.

You'd be amazed to find out that most of Unix was written on 80x24 terminals.

What's wrong with 1080?

You know how people that were born at high altitude can live places where other people can't? I wasn't born in 80x24 altitude, and although resolution was low once in my life, I have become accostumed to reasonable resolution and can't go back.
I'm referring to the 4:3 models.

Toughbook comes with FHD now.

How heavy is a T430 ? Like i want a powerful laptop that can last a good while but also for school and in the simlar price range (eBay price range) was looking at the x230 but i don't like how the CPU is soldered so no upgradability and i can't afford anything crazy new (budget 100$)

Where can you buy a full HD 4:# screen these days?

saw this in previous thread
is funny

Also i liked how you could replace the CD drive on the T430 with another Drive Bay, so what do you guys recommend?

This one's my all time favorite.

you can't. That's my conundrum.

T60 IPS for you then.

>tfw you run your finger around the soft rim trackpoint

who else soft rim trackpoint here?

>tfw want to buy a nice ultrabook, but also want to build a desktop
such is the life of a poorfag

Why aren't you anons using an X40?

>no hardware backdoor
>super efficient processor
>best keyboard
>near-retina screen
>10+ hour battery life with wireless, 14 hours with it turned off (with new chink battery)
>no homosex trackpad
>no need to install transexual boot shit
>gigabit ethernet
>tiny and sexy
>proper aspect ratio
>internal roll cage to protect drive (no screen / lid cage but IDGAF)
>actual IBM logo
>no built in camera or mic, stymies CIA niggers
>only $30 or so
>cute docking station and extended battery available
>*yellow* thinklight to preserve night vision
Why don't you own the finest laptop ever made?

Photogenic weekend pic included.

Buy X60 or X61 for > $100 or so, then build Ryzen desktop.

>That screen ratio

>not again

< I mean.

Millennials, everybody. Bask in their glory.

I just.. I had hoped thinkpad retro would maybe give me 10 more years before my way of life became completely obsolete. I can't rely on t60 forever.

Thank you user

It all comes down to the specs. It's just not powerful enough for me. That's all. If I could get it with a 2x2.5GHz CPU and 8GB RAM I'd buy one ASAP.
Also, it's expensive where I live. We're talking >$100.

>no built in camera or mic, stymies CIA niggers
Well, it has speakers though. You should remove them.

i already have an x201, i just want a nice 13-15'' laptop. Is that too much to ask?
I am this fag after all
I'm looking at acer or huawei right now

Instead of the trannies who are usually posted here I thought we could use some eye bleach.

Leave forever.

I intend to rely on my older Thinkpads forever. At least until somebody comes out with something with 4:3 and Risc-V in a tough-as-nails body.

It's powerful enough for most tasks, except modern 3D gaymen and streaming VP8/9.

>Well, it has speakers though. You should remove them.
Why? And it only has one speaker. But I get what you're saying, it sucks to make life hard for our SJW spymaster bronies.


they're as much chink shit as anything made by lelnovo

Leave forever.
Are you 50 years old or do you not know what millenial means?

A speaker can be turned into a microphone. Technically, it IS a microphone.

Yes it can, but not with the circuitry inside a Thinkpad X40. With Intel HD audio it's possible though.

MODERN Intel HD audio, anyway. Older generations before about 2010 didn't have this issue.

Where can I buy a Thinkpad with Bitcoin in Canada?


Do this shit works with the TP charger or I need another charger for this?

With Bitcoin crashing it's a good move to convert your investment into older Thinkpads. This is for sure.

Hello everyone,

Why not purchase Dell notebooks instead of ThinkPads? It must be that all of you are homosexuals since you all like quality products, and as homosexuals think visually, Dell laptops are a good replacement for your ThinkPad laptops as they are designed to mimic said. ThinkPad laptops are too good for homosexuals like yourselves.



You just plug your regular power supply in the back.


Do Toughbooks/Getacs have good Linux driver support?

>implying Dell isn't gay

Why not X41?

Everything worked out of box with my Toughbook CF-C1 and Debian+nonfree installer.

Can someone explain the point of a thinkpad dock when it doesn't even improve the performance of the laptop? Does a typical thinkpad not have enough ports already?

I saw a mint X40 and grabbed it. X41 is barely worth the upgrade IMHO.

Is a good deal one of these for ~$18 USD W/shipping?

We at places like Dell think that a transsexual having intercourse with a straight person constitutes heterosexuality. Again, we know that homosexuals think visually, so this is our scheme to imply being gay means being straight.

It makes it easy to transition from a mobile laptop to a stationary "desktop" sort of setup

I don't know which generation this is. Price is kinda OK though. You might find them for as little as $5 though.

Series 3, Type 4337

I can only tell you why I have one.
I bring my laptop to school and work so I just leave a charger in my bag. As soon as I get home, all I have to do is throw it on the docking station to charge and use immediately. Hook up a couple of monitors and m+kb and youre good to go in a few seconds. For me its just convenient.

It is truly great. Gave it to my Dad after throwing W7 and a mangaro on it combined with more Ram and a fast 840EVO. It is a pure rocket, stays cool and was cheaper than any chinkpad back in the day.

Now I am trying to shoot a x230 with an i7 and will wait until pepe ruski brings out his 2k panel mod

Why not an Apple instead? Apples are "elite books", aren't they? You aren't truly being elitist with the HP Elitebook.

Price is OK then. $10 would be awesome but instead of waiting for an offer, you could just buy it and be happy.

Because I'm still saving up for one

Looks good. Might have to pick one up.

OK, I just wanted to know if you made an active decision against the X41 for some reason

currently have a t400 that i bought for 200 like 4 years ago.

I now need a new one. what thinkpad is best for 200-700 European monies ?

I can get a Thinkpad L430 for 200 would it be a good laptop ?


If you have up to 700€ available, you could get a T450. If you don't like that

So, are thinkpads conformally coated? I waterboarded my t420s and it worked fine even with water sitting on the board so I'd guess so, I know a guy plastidipped his ThinkPad which was pretty nice, also, does anyone know how to waterproof the surface of the LCD? Essentially I'm aiming for a ThinkPad that can be used in light and heavy rain

Batteryfag here, some of you may remember me from /odg/ and I have some advice on laptop batteries.

Whether you get a used Thinkpad, or have one you bought new, after a while you'll notice that your battery is starting to go to shit. There are procedures you can enact to restore some life to an old battery. YMMV but I've taken batteries that had 1/2 of their original capacity and refreshed them to 90% or more with these simple procedures.

First thing to remember about Li-Ion batteries is that they can only endure a certain number of "full" cycles before degrading below their specified capacity enormously, but what is a "cycle?" A cycle is defined as the *equivalent* of a full charge and discharge. If you charge your battery all the way and then drain it all the way, this is one cycle. If you charge it all the way, drain it to 90%, charge, and drain back to 90% you'd need to do this ten times for a "cycle." However, if you drain a battery all the way every time you might only get 500 cycles before it's degraded substantially. However, if you drain it to 50% and recharge each time, you can easily get 1500 cycles out of the exact same battery, and if you only drain it to 90% you can get over 5000 cycles.

Depth of discharge is what kills batteries. Don't drain them to empty, and if you can, set your laptop to hibernate automatically when it hits 10%, or 25%, or more, depending on how long you want your battery to last.

OK, on to refreshing. First, take your battery and charge it all the way. Then drain it all the way until your computer turns off, and charge it all the way again. Take it out of the machine and leave it for a couple days or maybe a week, then charge it again without draining it first. It will have partially self-discharged a bit. Then drain to no lower than 40%, and recharge it. Do this a couple times, resting the battery for a couple days each time. It will massively boost your capacity. Continued.

Started getting this weird pattern on the underside of my T420s. It was portruding a bit so I touched it and it started flaking off. What is happening?

Pic related. The exposed part is what already flaked off.

why do you need to use a laptop in the rain?
and no it's not coated, it just has drain holes
if you spill water just right it will kill the computer
and if it doesn't kill it everything will get corroded and in a year it wont work anymore

W-what if I don't like 4:3 because I'd rather have a huge laptop with the height of a typical 4:3, but 16:9?

I just bought a second hand T450 with an i7-5600u, 8gb memory, 500gb SSD and touch screen for £500. Did I do good?

who else /softrim/ masterrace?

HP EliteBook 8470P – Core i5 OR Lenovo l430.

the hp is faster cpu and looks better made.
anyone any thoughts ?

If the above didn't refresh your battery quite a bit, you can do the more extreme procedure of putting it into a plastic bag, evacuating the air, and freezing it for a few days. Then take it out of the freezer, whack it really hard a number of times with the palm of your hand, and let thaw to room temperature before taking it out of the bag. Try the above procedure again. Make sure to monitor your computer for a couple hours after you insert the previously whacked and frozen battery in case of fire, if you get too overzealous you could damage the pack. The goal here is to break up the dendrites which have formed and caused high resistance inside the cell(s), not to unsolder the batteries.

It's also possible that some day you will randomly create what's known as a "breaking charge" where you break up the dendrites and your battery gets magically better, but this happens only rarely with a stock charger, most people who do this use a special piece of high-current zapper equipment for an instant on the cell.

Then install tlp and don't let your battery charge until it drops below the amount you've chosen to maximize your battery life (35%+) and have it stop charging when the thing hits 90% or so. You will enjoy massively prolonged battery life.

I hope some of you can use my advice to increase your enjoyment of older Thinkpads and tech in general. If you have questions read batteryuniversity.com and then ask away.

I got a set on ebay hoping that I would like the classic dome but I found myself going back to soft rim

Soft dome here, but does anybody think classic dome sucks the moisture and oils right out of your fingertip? It makes my finger feel awful.

do you live in a hot shit hole ?

either that or dont leave it in the car/window nigger.

Absolutely true. It's disgusting.

What's the cheapest thinkpads I can get for the rest of my family for internet browsing that is an improvement to the chromebook my brother destroyed?

HP / Dell shills thick here now that they've been rightfully pruned from OP.

just get another one because the point of a dock is not needing to plug anything in.

x220 or t420, both can be had for $150 easily and will run modern web and steam vp8/vp9 fine

Whew, now I feel a little better about replacing the nubs on my vintage Thinkpads with soft domes.

New to thinkpad, and want one for basic work (office, internet/email, etc.)

Doesnt have to be too powerful, I'm going to replace the OS with some form of linux anyways. but should be powerful enough to not lag when trying to open the fucking browser (e.g. my current shit netbook). not trying to cash out. what do you guys recommend?

What's the most powerful ThinkPad I can get?
The one with the best performance, best specs, best reliability

Yeah I agree too. I really wanted to like classic dome but they just aren't right for me.

The 8470p is garbage. That's what we've had at my workplace for a couple of years now. The lack of a middle button for the nub is simply inexcusable and makes using it early impossible. The track pad is also tiny, so your best bet is to just use a mouse.
IMO, it has absolutely no advantage over a similarly priced thinkpad.

I'm looking for a laptop that will give me 15+ hours of battery life on word processing with an i7 and decent SSd size out of the box.
anybody got anything?
I really want the hot swappable battery

p50 or p70 probably

You have some unrealistic expectations man. Why do you need an i7 if you're just doing word processing
As for the ssd just put one in yourself

I don't know which models do this but I suggest getting one that fits your needs and then purchasing a full 9 cell battery, a "slice" battery, And an ultrabay battery. That would get you close anyhow.

The ones with an internal 3c battery that make their external battery hotswappable only take a 6c external and don't have a battery slice. Youll be best served by a t420/430 or x220x230 with 9 cell battery +6cell slice for a total of 150wh

typically people that "need an i7" don't know why they need it

It's been hot as fuck this whole week 110+. It's not in direct sunlight though.