Der8auer successfully delids Intel's 12-18 core Skylake-X CPUs

While Der8auer has not officially confirmed this, the CPU appears to be unsoldered, given the ultra-smooth appearance of the CPU die and the fact that he recommends delidding in the first place.

Other urls found in this thread:

Polymer based TIM does last longer than indium solder, it's a good choice for long term reliability.

Sauce? Don't tell me it's that stupid article with the CPUs being put through -50c to 125c temp cycles for 15 minutes each.


Just wait for ((((30 years)))) before solder gives out

Why is that CPU PCB soldered to anther PCB?

you wouldn't understand

>something lasts longer than literally metal

We'll tell you when you're older.

>amdfags making an mountain of a molehill again

18 cores, 4.7GHz, 4600 Cinnbench score

I'm sure some hipster on Sup Forums 50 years in the future will be thankful for it.


So basically intel won't match the build quality present in AMD chips and their own sandy bridge chips from 2011, even in the highest end SKUs?

Why? It makes no sense to penny pinch on such expensive chips.

>it needs to be soldered WAHHHH WAHHHHH WAHHHHH

is that why AMD has historically always ran hot as hell?

>5 seconds later

can you try again and make a coherent point this time?

And 1300 watts.

Sandy bridge was soldiered. It's one reason why sandy bridge was a particularly nicely overclocking chip for its time.

Also, Citation needed. A64 runs cooler than Prescott and Zen runs cooler than Kabylake. It sounds to me like you're basically saying that because you happened to only get involved in tech around the time of the core2 and althon x2 series and later phenoms and coreI series.

Prior to that, AMD was often competitive or better for thermals.

18 cores, 5.0GHz on water!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pouring a bucket of water over a burning motherboard is not watercooling.

Holy shit.

>more cores
>1GHZ(30%) more speed
>15%+ higher IPC

Intel will roflstomp pooshitter


>complain about TIM
>but buys literally glued together AMD CCX and dies

>not new IPs in the thread
How's it going, samefag?

Threadly reminder that this is what you can expect from Premium Intel Thermal Jizz(tm).

Technically it is. More water than additive filled coolants anyway.

>1.2kW cpu


here's my GPU running at 1.8kV

I'm new to computers but this doesn't seem right.

Great Scott!

Actually, it's 1.87MV

are you fucking retarded?

yes some polymers last longer than metal because most metals oxidize and rust you stupid fuck

>historically always ran hot as hell?

Are you underaged?

Yeah, rust UNDER the fucking heatspreader.

>moving goalposts
stop posting please

>moving from soldering metal to metal in general
You first, please.

you're the one that tried to make something out of your stupid comment in the first place, retard.

after you.

Actually, you did that first with your "rust" claim. Holy shit, people are actually unable to follow 4 posts long discussions.

she's not moving shit, she's saying that you have top and bottom surfaces in air-tight contact with the die and heat spreader. Are you saying that indium solder (I assume you mean liquidmetal) will rust from the edges in?

>TIM lasts longer
>CPU dies fast due to high temperatures

nigger do you even fucking know what solder is

nah your inane comment about polymer vs metal was the first retarded comment

have i said that? no? oh well maybe try learning to read and you wouldnt have to ask if that was what i was saying.
and nothing of the sort was specified when the post about metal vs polymer was made either, you fucking moron.

kys both of you

You missed the post, boyo

u2 kiddo

rust is iron oxide you dense nigger

>nah your inane comment about polymer vs metal was the first retarded comment
You just confirmed that you can't follow the discussion. Like, come on. All you had to do was read one more post.

>most metals rust
Lolno. Indium(a noble metal) based solder certainly won't corrode easily.

>have i said that? no?
This is sad, you said something retarded and now you're trying to pretend you're just shitposting to cover up your stupidity.

SeeNo shit. I'm not the one who brought it up.

you just confirmed you dont know how to read

>most metals
>lmao this one specific one doesnt rust haha

>you said something retarded
oh, what exactly did i say that was retarded? let's see if you can quote me without putting words in my mouth or implying shit i didnt say.
have fun

christ you sound dumb

>discussion about solder vs polymer TIM
>posts about metal vs polymer in general
And I'm the one retarded now?

>oh, what exactly did i say that was retarded?
that someone pointing out that solder under a heat spreader has a small surface area exposed to air and thus is unlikely to oxidize (assuming it oxidizes in that way and doesn't form a passivating layer, etc) is "moving the goalposts" relative to your claim that a solder TIM will degrade more quickly than polymer due to oxidation. It's obviously not moving the goalposts, it's a totally valid and relevant counterpoint, and you couldn't understand that. Because you're a retard.

>rust is iron oxide you dense nigger
Technically incorrect. Rust can include any oxidized corrosion of a metal. Iron just happens to be the most common.

thanks for confirming you dont know how to read.

the guy simply said "metal", he did not say solder.


>still ignoring what the discussion was about

so you've gone from pretending you're shitposting to exposing yourself as a full retard, nifty

maybe the guy should have said solder if that's what he meant, dipshit?

>cant read
>calls other retard

>unironically suggesting people should recite the entire discussion in every post
>actually being unable to understand the context without that
One of the few times I can safely call someone an autist.

Hoooo boy.
Fried chips incoming.


Wait, it's still TIM ? These are like $1000 cpu, wtf...

>here have this porsche, but it has bicycle tires

You can always buy Threadripper.

hehe yes good choice brian this volca- i mean cpu is built to last

who's brian

The JUST dude.

my bad

Yeah of course, it doesn't mean intel aren't idiots for doing this, even more when they're CPUs that have insane TDP.

You can always buy Threadripper.
Intel wants their 60% margins and retarded segmentation?
So be it.

Protip: Iron(and its alloys, if you count those) is the only metal that rusts. Welcome to English language, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Doesn't mean other metals don't corrode. Copper has that green corrosion for example. Of course only iron (or alloys containing iron) has rust, because rust is the name of iron corrosion.

What does the JUST come from?

Compare current Intel to Otellini's Intel.
JUSTnich literally JUSTed Intel so hard AMD is running circles around it, both in hardware and marketing.

Haha, you wish. More like 3000. Reminder that this cpu is not technically competing with Threadripper since it's in the price range of server cpus. It's direct competitior are the low EPYCs with 32 cores. Good luck for that.

[spoiler]Also, you'd wish it was bicycle tires on your porsche.[/spoiler]

>[spoiler]Also, you'd wish it was bicycle tires on your porsche.[/spoiler]
Sup Forums pls go.

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