Forced to use linux

There's some fuckery with my hardware's drivers in windows so until they get updated, it looks like I'm gonna need to jump into linux. As you can probably surmise from the preceding, I'm an idiot. I've been trying out different flavors of ubuntu on live usbs but I don't really like the ones I've tried (ku and xubuntu). For instance, in xubuntu when I click on the sound icon in the dock to expand it, clicking it again doesn't retract it, I have to click outside elsewhere on the desktop for it to go away. I don't like this quirk, it's gay. And KDE kept crashing back to the login screen and then hanging when trying to shut down.
So what distro/DE do I use for the least bullshit?

Other urls found in this thread:

Mint or Debian

Maybe Zorin.

Antergos KDE is comfy

probably gentoo

OP here, I feel I should mention that literally the only difference I can tell from the ones I've tried is the DEs. What is the actual difference between distros besides what you type in the terminal (e.g. apt instead of pacman or whatever)?

Debian with LXDE

there are 2 kinds of distros, shit distros (any that uses systemd) and good distros (any that don't)

KDE Neon (KDE is great, its just Kubuntu that's horrible), openSUSE, Solus

Is your computer decently powerful or more like a toaster? If it's decently powerful, give regular Ubuntu a try, ignore the other flavors. Otherwise, try Debian. These are both newbie-friendly distros in my opinion.

As for the DE, I like GNOME, as it just works out of the box. No need for customizing or anything, and it doesn't crash like KDE. But people seem to not like it. So just shop around for different DEs until you find what you like.

+1 for KDE Neon

Stop using the terminal if you are a new. Is 2017, use the software center like any normie.


Debian is incredibly similar to Ubuntu given that it is a derivative of Debian

When I took the 'how 2 linux' class in college they had us learning on openSUSE it's tolerable.

I'd recommend openSUSE, CentOS or Fedora; I prefer Fedora myself.

Agreed, Gnome is the only way to go; also looks quite nice with minimal customization.

You're a funny guy, using your distro's software center over whatever you can get through terminal.

Fuckery with windows' hardware drivers? Impossible.



elementaryOS if youre a complete fucktard, looks very nice out of the box.

I really liked the look of opensuse but their site is down for maintenance so I can't test it myself. Guess I'll try out debian and unflavored ubuntu first in the meanwhile.

I've been using rufus to make the live-usbs, is that generally the way to go?

>"what's a NIC card and why does it need drivers?"

You have driver problems of Windows?

>Not so smart I guess

You can piggyback on arch wiki and archfags for any help you need.

OP admitted that his computer skills are subpar and then explained that he has a Windows driver problem. The NIC driver is a weak point in the chain; without having a working NIC you can't download new drivers using that device, and a newbie like OP probably won't know where to find drivers manually. Thus, it's probably NIC driver failure.

But you don't get any BR bucks for knowing that so you probably won't even read this.

I am currently running Ubuntu but also Kali on a separate machine

>So what distro/DE do I use for the least bullshit?
You probably won't find an easier replacement for Windows than Mint with its standard DE, Cinnamon. Mint just works and Cinnamon will feel familiar enough.

I want to sniff Sachiko's butt.

linux mint cinnammon
unity ubuntu
debian cinnammon
debian gnome

i wont to fuck sachiko

install adapta and a set of icon through yaourt and u have something that works well and looks decent

None that you will notice. Between ubuntu flavors, there should be no difference except maybe a change of default browser.

If you go for something non-ubuntu, you will notice different software versions and minor distro specific things. Linux distros are 99.9% the same, linux users are just autistic