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Technology #623
Why are milliners care more about aesthetics than functionality?t
/pcbg/ PC BUILDING GENERAL 2 weeks wait for shipping reeeeee edition
Node.js and sql server stack
Admit it: You’d buy a MacBook Pro if you could afford it
How will prevent your sexbot from going rogue?
Windows = NSA Botnet for Gaymers
Even though people may disagree on iphones other features being subpar, apple's chip design blows any doubters away...
U have 10 seconds to think of an excuse or this anime girl is taking your job and youre fired
Why does Apple launch the best, most premium version of every product?
Share your l33t Linux command
The Forth Meme
Apple just won the smartphone wars
What happened to Terry, did he get committed?
/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser
Whats a good gaming laptop that is discreet and doesent scream GAYMING?
Programmers are way overpaid
Things that keep you from switching to Linux full time
Specs / speccy thread, post them, rate them
/ptg/ - Private Anime General
What do you expect to see in my next release?
the current state of the EFF
Battlestation Thread /BST/
You're all using Windows
Both windows and iphone skip the 9
Why is Sup Forums so goddamn stupid? All this time, they were working for BEZOS, not Soros
So because of the home button removal we have to:
How does a company worth $750 billion get away with this?
How many hundreds/thousands of $ has Sup Forums conned you into wasting?
Why did Apple go from having 10/10 aesthetics on their iphones to having chinashit-tier aesthetics?
Why didn't you write your last code in JS or Java Sup Forums?
My entire internet history just spontaneously decided to delete itself. This is the second time it's happened...
Your mother will buy it
Why does the tech industry hate this number so much?
Sex Robots Replace Women
I dont normally post here so forgive me if I am not up to date on the board culture here
/spg/ - Smartphone General - Another iPhone Edition
Why the fuck can't Apple come up with original ideas anymore?
Is it still true?
/lgbt/ Libreboot General Thread
Tfw Windows 10 uses less ram than fucking GNOME
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Linux Distros
Windows 10
Mouse General
Is Brave browser any good? or still too buggy?
Windows 10 appreciation thread
Just joined the master race
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Show me you firefox addons
Apple iphone camera face mask thing
/hpg/ Headphone General
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Alright, so let me get this straight:
Sticker thread
/wt/ watch thread
Who is the target audience?
IPhone Doa
Be me
Do Sup Forumsays get paid for shilling linux around here?
Just started new course in school and my class is literally filled with /r9k/ and Sup Forums browsers what do?
/spg/ - Smartphone General - iPhone X Edition
When is i9 or threadripper useful?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Sup Forums here
Shit ergonomics
Be honest
I went back to the stock rom and it now asks me to verify my device even thought it was never locked or encrypted...
First reactions please
ITT: alternatives to the Iphone X "future"
Now that Protonmail is banning accounts for violating their "rules", isn't encrypting emails and sucks...
999$ phone
Who iPhone SE masterace here?
Applel keynote 9
Google's down
Shows over everyone go home
Tfw I want to upgrade my ancient cpu
When will you grow out of your teenage contrarian phase and admit that chrome is the best browser?
Need to quickly access video on my android phone
Do you steal from work?
IRC: #/tpg/ on
Tfw you install linux although it's worse than windows to escape the botnet...
/bsd/ general
12TB of storage
Unpopular Opinions Thread
Reminder that girls can use computers too...
Apple Keynote 2017
Xiaomi General
What color iPhone X are you guys gonna get?
Are these in parallel?
Final verdict on this one?
Daily Reminder: Any DE is bloated by definition
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Why do you waste time using Linux when you could be doing something productive on Windows?
What was your first language and why did you to learn it?
/spg/ - Smartphone General - iPhone 8 Edition
Stop using React
Buying new monitor is so fucking hard now days...
How can I create a bot that automatically saves images from specified Sup Forums threads using a raspberry pi?
I have found an ancient device that does not exist on the modern market...
What god damn torrent software do you reccomend?
If everyone hates systemd then why does every distro use it?
Keep trying to install a Manjaro partition
There are people using this and calling themselves programmers
Oh fug
Just a little over 3 hours until the entire game is changed. What are your predictions Sup Forums?
The current state of Sup Forums
Facebook reaches 142% of the 20-29 population
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
UTorrent 2.2.1
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Lets settle this once and for all. Coffee or Red Bull?
When will they go down the Jew Road like ABP?
Who is /hackintosh masterrace/ here?
Best Buy Pulls Russian Anti-Virus
Is MacBook Pro the ultimate comfy computing experience?
Is the pixel density in 27'' 1080p monitors really that bad? I'm kinda itching for one as my 24'' is a bit old already
So Sup Forums
Can someone tell me why this is happening to youtube videos?
You needle-dicked freetards wouldn't last a minute in my world...
Technology board
Wtf is happening?
What the FUCK is this ? It pops up everytime i leave the mouse alone for a few minutes...
It's a gamer-pretends-to-be-a-mechanical-engineer-to-justify-his-Windows-installation episode
There are people stupid enough to use public tracker torrents without a paid antivirus/VPN
I use a g100s i took the weight out of
Does P=NP?
ITT: laughing at idiots
ITT: Companies who have provided very little advancement in technology and deserve to go bankrupt
Who do you guys think would win in a fight between Stallman and Linus Torvalds?
ITT: dead softwares you don't miss
Current phone: what do you like, what do you dislike
Tonight Apple changes the world again
Dat battery life
It's OK when Apple does it
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Use the search function. Thread locked
How does it feel?
MaXX Interactive Desktop
Finish this sentence Sup Forums
Oy vey
IPhone X
Switched back to Linux around 2 years ago, because I needed Winblows to play games...
Sup Forums what version of iPhone 8 will you guys be preordering tomorrow?
Whats your hacker name Sup Forums?
"Why, yes...
Is "Made in Japan" still a marker of high-quality or nah?
I want to go back to this, desu
Any of you guys have tech-related jobs? What do you do? How did you get there?
google is compiled into your operating system
ITT: Pretend we are on HackerNews
What's his name again?
Are EVGA cards any good?
PHP the final redpill
What do you guys think of my Windows 10 rice? It's pretty minimal in terms of what's changed, but I like it a lot...
Be me
Why do Pajeets love iPhones?
Just hackintoshed my X220, what should I do to OSX now that its done?
Certain combinations of 1's and 0's are illegal
How many people here actually play video games?
Give me one practical reason to have less bezels
Why is Apple the only company that cares about its customers' privacy and data security?
Face it: you’d buy a MacBook Pro if you could afford it
/pcbg/ - PC Building General Pasta Edition
Say THREE (3) good things about this product
Tools Thread
Equifax BLAMES OPEN SOURCE Apache Project
When will this shit finally die out?
IPhone X, 8 likely leaked by a disgruntled employee
The Forth Meme
Sup Forumsuys, I just build my new computer. What distro should I put on it?
Please tell me what this is
Why aren't you using KDE?
Vaio love
Perfect desktop environment dosent exi-
This uses 20% of one CPU with one tab watching Twitch
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Sup Forums eternally BTFO
Honest thoughts on Windows Defender?
Coding in vim
Mi Mix 2
*stalls your path^
Bad eBay experiences?
I made at least $44,000 on Admob since 2013
Having to resort to using Nouveau because Nvidia propritary drivers are so fucking choppy on Linux
Why do apple products perform so well in artificial benchmarks but get absolutely destroyed in actual app performance?
So now that Firefox (and SeaMonkey) are officially ruined, what are the best Firefox forks...
How long does installing Gentoo take with one of these?
So why do we hate JavaScript and Node.js?
Wtf is this shit? Blizzard literally mutes you for 88 days because you hurt someone's fee-fees? Jesus christ
How fast is your internet connection, and how much do you pay for it?
12 employees
Official Sup Forums Vaping Threader
What's the best way to learn HTML?
Looking to change career to IT, are the compTIA certs worth it?
So do we like systemd or not?
Pay 600$+ for a chink phone
Be a NEET since hs
Why is there no doodle today? It's Sept. 11. Even breast cancer gets one
Removal of the search bar to make it look more like chrome
Have you joined the cheap second hand Xeon master race yet?
How do you email richard stallman?
I think we should not develop AI
For me it is the thinkpad t420. the best portable personal computer
/spg/ - Smartphone General
What sorcery are japs practicing?
What do you do in your downtime?
How bad is Loonix for gaming?
Still the king after all those years
Any good alternatives to popcorn time? seems like popcorn time's dead
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
This kills GPD Pocket
Best init service
/hpg/ Headphone General
I just got my first shitty help desk job...
No bait
What do you think about the Linux subsystem on Windows?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Ok guys, is Electron really that bad?
It is legal to produce laptops WITHOUT a trackpoint
Im a normalfag who knows html
/lgbt/ Libreboot General Thread
Sup Forums related webms
All of you guys who use Linux are posting from virtual machines, right...
What can I do with a shell account?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Chromebooks are portable,sleek and have alright screens/specs for the price
I've been on Sup Forums for quite some time now but there's one thing I don't get. In fact...
Why did we let the monitor industry go backwards?
tfw I'm never ever going to buy an AMD no matter how far Intel lags behind
Post better speakers + subwoofer in the $150-$200 dollar range
I'm headed back to college for a nursing degree Sup Forums
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Proton vpn
What's the best ereader for mango?
Linux is touted as having superior stability
Adored shills 1080 should cost 300$ because its midrange gpu
2GB of RAM
Why does some people on Sup Forums still insist on using Firefox...
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Sup Forums BTFO
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
I'm about to buy 7700k. Is it truly the best gaming cpu for price/performance or is it just a meme?
Are there any Sup Forums approved antivirus programs? I've yet to find a free one or otherwise that was decent...
Why are a lot of people flocking to chink brands?
I'm gonna buy one of these right now. Which one should I get?
Xiaomi scam
New qbittorrent version doesn't keep unwanted files
Konqi is using Plasma because it's the DE of the future!
/tpg/: ThinkPad General
IPhone are faster because they run native code
Core i7-8700K benchmarks released
How come you can get a 6 Core 12 thread Xeon for like 15-20 USD/EUR on Ebay but even the most basic 1366 socket board...
Who here /league under WINE/?
Home Made Computer
What the fuck Windows? I've tolerated a lot of your bullshit but how is this fair?
I'm encoding a video from raw to H265 10-bit, its taking ages and is going to take 40 hours to encode a 4min video file...
The Manjaro Special Edition Spitfire
Pandora vs Spotify vs Soundcloud vs iTunes vs Google Play?
What the fuck is going on here?
Why do people use standart distros when rolling-release distros exist? Srsly...
What the fuck are PCIe lanes?
Sudo vim /etc/hostname
What happens when this man dies?
Are games better with HDR?
Converting to Dumb Phone
Taking the CCNA exam next week and I'm wondering...
A furry made a browser better than mozilla
>l-linux is ready for the desktop
ITT: Compress this image
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
AUR is god like
Get job interview
Kernel compiling for 1 hour
Can ((google)) look at my documents? Is there any safe alternative for a simple cloud storage?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General - Intel Housefire Edition
Is macOS a meme or not?
Pay no heed, Im just disabling javascript
Who wants to see the iphone 8 unve-
Just fuck my internet up
Do you like nbn?
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Portable workstation
/wt/ watch thread
Best laptop brand?
How do developers who make the latest memeJS javascript framework make money if this shit is 'free'?
Sup Forums brainlets will defend this
Chinks bringing the heat
How much can one realistically expect to make with a CS degree?
12 year old bug
Ideas for iOS 11?
User, which image viewer do you use to view images...
What's the most aesthetic graphics card?
Laptop thread
Has the EFF always been this obsessed with (these) people?
What's your favorite programming language and why isn't it Java?
This is the ideal DE
Why does recaptcha keep showing me images of this impending car crash?
The taptic engine takes up too much spa-
Don't tell me you actually have a Google account, Sup Forums
Creating and coding my own database
Why does it seem like hacking culture is dead?
Just got these from the Apple Store :^)
Konqi wants you to be informed!
Anyone else starting to use more apple products as they become more successful in their career/social life?
What is the most optimum laptop that balances affordability and power to run decently/well software like matlab or...
Alright, well...
Is the GTX 1060 a good card or should I suck it up and pay retarded prices for a 1070? Please, help me...
I bought a thinkpad and now i need to put linux on it
What's the best ide, Sup Forums?
Is ur wm devedloped by a qt girl
Bombs are technology
Another Intel Coffee Lake price has been leaked
What societies make the best engineers and why?
Tfw feel so dumb and subhuman because I can't learn everything
So... what's the best Linux distro just for a fuck-around machine...
Why aren't you using W10 LTSB?
2nd degree
Which do you use Sup Forums?
What is the ultimate cost-no-object chair for comfort, ergonomics, and productivity?
Programmin project
Sup Forums what are some good movies/tv shows about our shared interest(i.e. tech)?
Was it autism?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
It's not a bug it's a feature
I fucked up. Anyone know how to retrieve gmail passwords?
I need a car that captures that feeling of AAA videogames with always-online DRM, on-disc DLC and user data farming
Why can't technlogy save us from natural disasters yet?
/vlg/ - Void Linux General
What do you think of the magical properties of emojis?
What languages are least infested with the SJW plague? I know Ruby is a lost cause
Is just a meme or does FLAC really sound better?
Is Quantum Computing gonna kill cyber security?
Give me ONE (1) reason why you're not using windowmanager/GNUstep as your default graphical user interface
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How do you go beyond unlimited?
IPad Pro is considerably more powerful than the android alternatives
Why is google allowed to verify itself
What's Sup Forums's opinion on Protonmail?
What is the best version of office ever 2003 or 2010?
What if he was an ugly neckbeard like us
Skytorrents had sold out
Found a Vega 56 in stock for 425 euros, im buying that shit
Android vs iOS
Net Neutrality
How do we save Sup Forums?
Do there exist any technology-related subscription box services that aren't videogayms...
What year do you think traditional Windows programs will be phased out in W10?
How do we replace DNS?
What is your favorite DE and why its XFCE?
You can only use one PC case for the next 10 years
Daily reminder that if the window manager you use is not a fork of dwm you wrote yourself...
Redpill me on Soulseek
Is Sup Forums following this Equifax crisis?
Is it still possible to be 100% user?
Why do engineering/IT students want to work at Microsoft?
Battlestation Thread /bst/
What are the definitive F-Droid applications?
Admit it - this is the pinnacle of OS design
Uni campus wifi tracking
Jokes on them, I'm an M
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/guts/ thread
What the fuck did youtube mean by this?
If Linux could run all Windows programs natively and without problems, would you use it?
DisplayPort vs. HDMI
Why the fuck would anyone use 1000 tabs?
Why don't you own all these apple products?
Windows on the left
Think pad starts to fuck out
/csg/ Chink Shit General
OK let's settle this once and for all. What is it that makes macOS looks so much better than Windows and Linux...
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Oh boy, they are not trying to hide it anymore
Wiki is down
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Why are all the arguments against owning a Mac so childish?
Rust or C++?
Hey Sup Forums. I accidentally hit my computer with a drumstick and it looks like this...
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/tpg/ Thinkpad General
Go Fetch
Since physical media is dead (not dying, it is dead. It's not relevant except to hoarders)...
What did Stallman mean by this?
Is it as bad as Sup Forums says it is? What distro do you guys use?
Post your *real internet speed
How is Doge in any way related to FireFox v57 release? I don't get it
Be honest Sup Forums, was technology a mistake?
Why do normies hate bezel on their phones so much?
Eat shit microsoft shills
Tesla unlocks Model S range via software update
The thinkpad of gaming laptops
Audio format
UBlock Origin stats
PC speakers/studio monitors thread
Didn't find any pc gore/cringe thread while searching the catalog. Why don't we start one then? Dumping my own rig
How will C-ucks ever recover?
Hey Sup Forums not a regular browser but I'd love insight from regulars here
How do I get rid of ads on YouTube for Android?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
Font rendering thread
Ask a Google employee anything
I've heard that retail in the US is in the shitter because of the internet. Is this a good or bad thing in your opinion?
Is this shit a meme or not?
When did you build your first computer?
/lgbt/ Libreboot General Thread
What is it like to have a UHD 4K display resolution? What do applications look like in it now?
Why are programmers so anti-science?
Im looking for Radio Shack TRS-80 high resolution photographs of the boards and exterior...
How's your posture these days Sup Forums?
Installed Win10. How to remove botnet?
Apple's designs are timel-
Why don't you have 10TB of storage, Sup Forums?
At one university, 55% of students in CSC 115 (Introduction to Programming) fail the class...
Buy new 4TB sata hdd
Be Apple
How much have you cost Google? Post clicks + $$
Would/do you jailbreak your car?
How good is this chair? I like how its fluffy, maybe you can recommend me a better chair if theres any before I buy...
/apple/ - Apple Ge
Why are Indian programmers so blissfully ignorant of their own cringe?
Did yo feel for the 8TB meme?
I want to install ubuntu on external ssd pic related, but i heard it can cause windows 10 not to boot when it's ejected...
Meet Mayuko: our new girl, ya Sup Forumsoons
Don't use this shitty app on mobile
Why is ddr4 ram so fucking expensive
Hey there, I'm the latitudefag from yesterday. I'm looking for a netbook with:
Mouse drivers
1000 word essay on the history of cs due in 24hours
Fell for the full disk encryption meme
Windows general
Are you ready to login via
Firefox WebExtension Thread
Xionics CRT Monitor
What happend to Sup Forums?
That one guy who needs an IDE for programming
He doesn't have a Gorilla Glass TV
What do you faggots think of new Ubuntu?
Cloud storage encryption
Sup Forums eternally BTFO
Will C++ ever be able to implement modules?
Oh, you really like to post some young cartoon girls, don't you?
I have a relative going to Japan soon
My company says to use Outlook for Android + Microsoft Intune for mobile email access...
I seriously hope you don't use Linux, Arch, or KDE
Fuck you Sup Forums you got me into this how do I stop consumerism?
Admit it, if you could afford one, you'd buy one
Is high refresh rate a meme?
Bedding is Technology
/hpg/ Headphone General
Friendly reminder that you should return reference to an object iff:
So I learned that Windows 7 drops support in 2020
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
So we aren't doing /cyb/ anymore? I am disappoint. At any rate...
Which programming language did they teach you in high school?
Wtf why do you fags like linux, i think its because this shit is a pain in the ass and getting it to work is satisfying...
Why should I use linux over windows if my main use for a computer is video games and I don't want to spend half an hour...
How does Sup Forums feel about Solus? It it worth using over something Arch or Debian based? How comfy is Budgie?
Why can't windows have nice fonts?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Just thought I'd let everyone know that I'm starting to come to terms with being a hacker...
The first nuclear bomb was tested ~70 years ago but we still don't have the technology to stop a hurricane?
Which is the better of the two? i'm thinking of going back to the razer death adder
Tfw the activity LED turns on while your computer is locked
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Do you need to be able to into to math to learn programming? I'm a mathlet
Is your copy of Windows genuine, Sup Forums?
Strike back at google
Why would anyone spend thousands of dollars on this piece of shit when Linux solutions are literally free and more...
Laptops for college?
/wt/ watch thread
Firefox = SJW version of Chrome
Can you use any generic cable for your gaming PC's PSU?
So Intel's coffeelake won't run on z270 boards despite being the 1151 socket, I spent 200$ on my board too
Who was in the wrong here?
/tpg/ Thinkpad General
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Wallpaper Engine?
I just bought an IPad Pro and a Smart Keyboard. What should I do next with my new device...
Who else pisses in sinks here ?
ITT: times Sup Forums autism fucked you over
Whats wrong with i3/tilling
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Going to buy this on the website any thoughts of suggestions?
If you'd have the chance to rename youtube, what would you choose?
Anyone else noticing the hipoccaracy of this board? Literally hateing on Apple because of brand loyalty .. turn around...
It is time to begin
What Browser are you using?
Rice r8 thread GO
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Holy shit, does this place suck now
Jesus fuck
Confessions of a new audiophile
Xiaomi mi air notebook
Sorry if this sounds autistic, but is it possible to change out ethernet ports on a laptop? Like...
Sex robots could kill you if they are hacked
IPhone X
Formated HDD by accident. What should I do to recover files?
So Sup Forums, I'm having a problem here
How do you download mp3s from this shit?
Hi Sup Forumsuys...
What's Sup Forums's favorite book reader of choice?
If I were to upgrade a single part of my rig, what would you recommend?
Being so cucked even your car is locked down by botnet
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
How fast is your website, Sup Forums?
Apple actually invents something brilliant (magnetic power connector)
New iphone face scan feature leaked
After this operation, 1,256 kB disk space will be freed
/spg/ - Smartphone General
User you have until the end of the day to write down all of the reasons why this company should stick to windows and...
Not a single DNS provider will host Dailystormer but not a single person complain about this
How do you organize your files, Sup Forums?
Alright Sup Forumsents, lets see them internet speeds
A brief history of Nvidia graphics and why they are fucking fanboys and gamers in the ass
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Currently, I am using a stock heatsink, which sounds like a fucking jet engine. Looking for a new one, under $50 or so...
Is Python 3 = Winamp 3? Is 2.7 the best version?
Sup Forums pls
Won from iPhone rattle but rafflers left and did not give code
Soo... which operating system were they running that got hacked and lead to this mess?
Why do some nerds choose to dress and look so nerdy?
Don't use facebook for years
Why do websites' message boards still filter words?
What can a desktop do that a laptop can't?
Richard Stallman confirmed as a thieving terrorist
Fedora fags love linux
Is it a meme or does it actually make javaScript bearable?
Why does Sup Forums constantly bitch about Indians?
At what point can you call yourself a "programmer"?
No screenfetch thread
>there are people out there who unironically thinks this looks good
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
This is the book we're using in our Algorithms class. Seems pretty good so far...
Best netbook
Why all the hate for Linux recently?
Anyone tried Xebian yet?
/tpg/ Thinkpad General
What distro is he using
Mom found the source code and is auditing it
Comfy setups
I just encrypted my android, but when I plug it in my PC, all that is accessible without password, what the hell?
How do you hide your pornography, Sup Forums?
Mini poll
/sec/: Cybersecurity General:
What are you Sup Forumsuys doing?
Problem with Windows 10
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Why do telemarketers keep calling me? Can I get something like ublock or adnauseum for phones?
Intel Covfefe Lake price just leaked
/csg/ Chink Shit General
This is the solution to 98% of all nuisances on the web
Windows 10 Search
Hahaha Firefox shows ads now. ahahaha
Audiophiles of Sup Forums, do you convert the YouTube audio tracks you download to mp3 or leave them on opus?
It's time for you faggots to install a real operating system
/phs/ - Phone HomeScreen thread
Why is installing graphics card drivers on linux almost always such a fucking hassle...
Help help
I just installed W10, what programms do I have to run now to fix the privacy things?
AMD Vega 11 GPUs Entering Production, Vega 20 Coming On 7nm
ITT: we describe each other based on their adnauseum ad cloud
*breaths in*
Defend this
turn this shit off
What exactly is this inflated bag thingy inside my pc? I know nothing about computers
Node.js fork
Not saving a few MB by ensuring your FLAC ripping quality is 8
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Why do so many companies wants women in IT?
Well Sup Forums?
They are gonna go with the left design aren’t they? god damnit
Samsung Galaxy S8
Open-source design
Remember when you first used this?
Microcontroller Thread
Is this unironically the most beautiful theme ever made?
You have a contact named "Mom" on your phone
Found this
What if i get a 200Hz TV and play overwatch at 1440p? Are there any major pitfalls in this plan?
Tech Backpacks
Post your cats
So elon musk revealed the first full picture of his space suit
"Man loves his MacBook so much, he decided to marry it" The absolute state of Apple Fags
I've been wanting to upgrade from my old haswell build to a newer ryzen build...
when someone goes to a site by going through google first in front of you
So there's no way in hell all the data that we feed into google captcha isn't being sent somewhere, right?
/dg/ - desktop general
Founder of Gentoo uses Windows 7 and OSX
Is there any good reason to get this overpriced, overhyped, overdesigned slab?
This Hurricane is headed your way
Music player
Apple, just another electronics company?
Soon 150,000,000 American people's SSN, name, Email, ...etc will be released
/hpg/ Headphone General
An EMP missile knocks out all the power for an indeterminate amount of time
Forgot go iPhone my. how unlock it Sup Forums?
Is she /our girl/?
/pcbg/ PC Building General
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Are you happy?
Post yfw coffee lake comes out and AyyMD get absolutely destroyed
I fuggin luv f.lux
Where can I find old websites?
"Yes, I like Sup Forums because they respect my pr---"
Linux or BSD?
Which one first for someone who knows nothing about programming
12 inch Retina MacBook
Elon Musk Thread!
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
Hello Sup Forumsents
So I failed my technical interview for a software engineer position at Amazon. Dubs decides how I kill myself
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Show your torrent powerlevels
Should i get a RX560 2GB or a GTX 1050 2GB (non TI)? Both Gigabyte or Asus
Are mechanical keyboards a meme?
/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
What are some good PC speakers for a small 10x10 ft foot room? music and games will be played. money isn't an issue
This kills the Firefox
Using a phone case
Understanding Temple OS
Spend years bashing jewgle and applel for potentially selling our personal data
How smart actually is Sup Forums?
No programming experience but good with computers...
Sup Forums, why haven't you chopped your genitals off, and apply to Outreachy yet?
I hate audiophiles
Do we agree that in a future society women will be banned from buying electronics?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Anyone using this thing? is it good?
Why aren't you using Atom?
Good Website Design
>''hurr durr MPC-HC is dead''
So I finally have enough money to upgrade my really old pc setup. Here's what I'm trying to figure out though...
The future of free speech on the internet
Why do normalfags dislike thinkpads?
How you holding up Sup Forums?
Lossy audio encoding aka let's pretend we have golden ears
Explain to me as calmy as possible why i shouldnt buy this monitor
I feel bad for microsoft
Void or Arch ?
The fuck is her problem?
Should Google buy wikipedia?
Generals General
If all programming languages are garbage, why doesn't Sup Forums invent their own? What would it even look like?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General - Kaedaddy Edition
Anti facial recognition glasses/clothing that don't look like shit
Sup Forums Meta Thread
Explain this, mac friends!
Which cursor you use, Sup Forums? Classic? Modern/Aero? Dark?
/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacement General
Bookmark Management
Can we get an up time thread?
Are internet privacy and security impossible nowadays and everyone who would say "yes...
Is there a social stigma with emails and who gets an email sent to them first?
Sup Forums meme thread
Does Sup Forums view porn in their main browser? Or in a separate browser...
/fag/ - Friendly Apple Thread
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Would you be able to get rid of your home+phone Internet connection and live like that for 2 years?
Can stallmen sue me for selling cds with linux distros to clueless classmates?
What's the evangelion of programming?
ITT: Companies that you don't know why they still exist
I've been using drive for work because sheets+keep are convenient as hell, and my work isn't too sensitive...
/tpg/ Thinkpad General
Why is windoze font rendering so terrible?
Two clicks to switch applications
GPU dies
AMD or Intel?
Laptop thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Home server thread
Seriously Microsoft? Let me think... Because i wanted to end some unresponsive application?
Is this the most autistic input device ever created?
What's the oldest computer virus you can recall having on your PC?
Coding course
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Temple OS on bare metal
How do you clean your screens?
Washing mashines and dryers
His headphones have wires
Ok so now that Sup Forums hates vanilla firefox and with all the new fire fox versions that recently released...
Dear Sup Forums I don't start community college until January. Ive dabbled into python and C#...
Who here rely completely on tethering their unlimited data phone plans for getting on the internet...
For maximum security, which is the best?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
I found this iPhone. How do I restore it?
Windows 7 vs Windows 10
How smart is Sup Forums these days? Post results...
2018 - the Year of Linux Desktop
Casper, the most used third party Snapchat client on android is kill
Testing "Is this a good computer"
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Emoji support for Sup Forums when?
What's the best "virtual machine" for linux so I can play my vidya games and use windows programs
So Sup Forums, I found all these M-ITX motherboards in the trash on one of my dumpster diving excursions...
Why is fourshit so distracting?!
/pcbg/ PC Building General
He doesn't use the most intelligent programming languages
How does it feel?
/hpg/ Headphone General
Why don't the normies use this?
What's the best programming language for web backend and why is it Java?
Sup Forums btfo
So how important is G-Sync technology when building a new computer?
Why have phones gotten so big and phone batteries so shit?
Google has turned off showing ads on my network, they finally marked one of my static IPs as bot...
Forced to use linux
Hurricanes are coming
When did you compile your kernel?
What does Sup Forums think about this? Is it better than github?
Literaly have to reverse engineer some shit opensores software that's barely worked on or developed just to increase...
Tfw you got an IP-Address which lets you phonepost
What went wrong?
GEOMAGNETIC STORM UPDATE: Earth's magnetic field is recovering from a jarring CME impact during the late hours of Sept...
Forget Linux: 10 Reasons You Should Stick With Windows
Why do you not have an Intel® Core™ Inside™?
Making RHEL 7.4 work
QBittorrent 3.3.16 and 4.0beta 2 are out! Drop uBotnet today!
Would you work for the FBI - Cyber division?
My friend tried Linux and he hates it because
Why "professional" software is so shitty?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...
Sup Forums
Television and Film
Video Games