just joined the master race
now what?
just joined the master race
now what?
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill yourself my good man. ;)
Browse Sup Forums n stuff
You go to Sup Forums
Grow up and stop being a gaymen manchild
Enjoy a multi layered botnet inception
Translator's note: Asenna means install.
>running Steam
>running Origin
>running uplay
>running gta launcher
>running social club ui
>running chrome
>running snipping tool
>running NVidia share
How about making up your damn mind for once.
>running snipping tool
Nah man, snipping is great
Order some bleach off Amazon and drink it, fgt.
>auto sycing wifi hotspot names passwords and MAC address
>extra metadata - doesn't matter because the 99% is fucking clueless about big data and their 'product profile' being bought by different multinational companies for several times
>one botnet NSA blimp can pwn ur devices anytime
>connecting a desktop via wifi
>using cables
It's not 1982 any more, grandpa.
keep watching task manager for all the shit that constantly uses your hdd and cpu
Cable gives more stable internet. The plus side of WiFi is mobility, that won't do anything to a stationary desktop computer with lots of other wires.
> master race
> not gentoo
I have never used steam or used my computer for gaming, yet I love building pcs and taking care of them
Am I unique?
>install ltsb
>cortana and edge aren't even included
The next step? When a new game is announced, start asking if it's going to come to PC.
i like building too,
i just swapped my 4600 for the 7700t and put in the 1060 and extra 1TB ssd on my bed, on my fully carpeted floor
the rear case fan cord is laying on top of the GPU, the 2nd ssd is just laying kinda 45 degree angle on top of the bunch of cables pushed to the front of the corsair N200 im using which is next to the other case fan thats not plugged in
and i think i saw the front port header which only the PW is installed because i face the case backwards to reach shit i need
just checked hwdinfo64 and my cpu temps are just 5C higher than the G4600, which isnt bad considering i added 2 more physical cores and 4 more threads and that also means the turbo boost stays engaged so im still running at 3600+ frequency
im still catching up on last years games so im not worried.
also the main reason i jumped is cause xbox games are all cross-buy
however im dreading having to even use my PS4 at this time desu, the straw that broke the camels back is seeing how the updated PS4 doesn't smartly play the 1080p versions of the PS4 games better, instead it just tries to play the 4k version shittier and "switches" back to PS4 1080p specs if you choose
using uplay and origin
chose one
bait used to be more subtle. at least fucking try to make it believable.