Be a NEET since hs

>be a NEET since hs
>five years pass
>apply for a job as "IT strategist" and get hired somehow
>7k/month without doing anything because its piss easy

Why do people get IT degrees in the first place?

Where do you live?
Did you lie on your resume at all?
That's usually the easy way to score jobs you're not traditionally qualified for, even if you have the practical skillset to not get fired your first week.

I don't have any references

I'm happy for you, user-kun! Must feel good.

good job!

where the fuck do you live?

>spend 3 years getting university degree
>apply for 1000 jobs
>never got a single interview because they only want people with experience
>can't get experience because no one hires me

Europe :^)

sounds like a fucked startup

some silicon valley snake oil salesman probably bilked a shitload of money from some dumbass rookie VC who got starry-eyed from all the tech buzzwords flying at him

now the CEO has gotta bun the capital at a rate that is fast but not overtly suspicious while they funnel their share into an offshore bank account and then leave the country before the whole scam comes crashing down

you hit a short term jackpot OP. just make sure you don't implicate yourself in too much shit or you could have the feds on your back for months

Good job. Now, don't get fired for looking at sadpandas on the job.

Is 7k a month USD? Or fake Europe money?

>fake europe money
>~$1.20 equals 1€

EU won't even exist in 20 years lmao

Should've done some internships while you were in school

If the digit don't start with a $, i don't want it. 'merica


>literally just keep printing more of it forever
>calls euro fake
>the euro is stronger anyway

i cant wit until you all lose your net neutrality and all the ISPS decide that Sup Forums doesn't go into any package because they will be branded as hate-speech enablers and then burgerposters are gone forever

been thinking of getting a computer science degree for IT work but this might just change my mind lol

>go to job interview
>full of 6'2 white people
>uh oh
>interviewer is a black lady
>got the job

I fucking love black people

When I was in Las Vegas strip club I tried to pay for a lapdance with a 20 euro note.

She wouldn't take it, insisting I gave her $20 instead dumb cunt.

If Germany pulls out of the EU, you will start to appreciate printing money to hide problems. 'merica

>compsci degree for IT work


compsci is for research and hardcore development. if you just want to do IT shit read a bunch of books on system administration and get cisco certified. install virtual boxes and SSL into them

>hardcore development

>germany pulls out of the EU

what fucking planet do you live on

if the EU does indeed fall apart i promise you that germany will be one of the last members

valid concern, yes
america is awesome, yes
you're the dumb cunt for going into a damn stripclub

I'm skeptical of that when everyone is asking them to bail them out left and right. Germany is the only financially responsible country in the entire EU.

>tried to pay for a service in america with a foreign currency

dumb burger poster

>try to tip in euros
>waiter chases me to my car and cusses me out

>you're the dumb cunt for going into a damn stripclub

Some guy approached me on the strip.
He had a van just around the corner.

It would have been rude not going into the club after he drove me all that way.

And I had an awesome time.
Next to us were a bunch of girls on a bachelorette party, we had drinks together and I shared a lapdance with the bride to be.
Cheaper than fucking casino's anyways.

Fucking bullshit you larping piece of shit