Is this unironically the most beautiful theme ever made?

loonix fags call this the "fisherprice theme", but it sounds an awful lot like jealousy to me.
Back in those days i tended to always use the basic theme, but now when i look back upon the windows XP theme and have matured, I can appreciate i for it's incredible beauty.
It's sort of how when i watched the Darude - Sandstorm music video back in the day it looked cheesy, but now it looks almost retro-futuristic and aesthetic as fuck.

indeed. XP was the best Windows release.

This is the mature version of the XP theme.
Royale master race

I'd always switch to the silver theme but kept Luna. It was comfy.

I like it but I always go back to the classic theme

yes, and thankfully it can still be used

I've been meaning to make an XP theme for my computer but I need to study XP more to get it right. Also, how to get all the icons? I have XP in virtual box but don't know how to mine it for icons. I don't know how to efficiently extract them from the .dll files

>Linux can look like any OS
>Linux users are jealous of OS design, which can be changed on minimal level
Gud one

>babbies who started with windows 8+ are so used to shit that even XP looks good to them
what a time to be alive

no royale is, the update to it that was pretty and shiny