>flat, unshaded squares
>tastefull opacity and blur used conservativly
>impressive stylized icons
>tastfully contrasting colors nd shades
>clear and concise ui design
Admit it - this is the pinnacle of OS design
>pinnacle of OS design
>sought after feature
Is that what loonix nerds call bloat these days?
>wow, its so difficult opening a new folder.
Remember that windows removed the multi desktop feature after windows 3.1 because noone uses it.
They added it in win 10 and people still don't use it.
Windows had widgets in 3.1 but removed the. Kys. Either way, linux invented widgets.
LMAO, a file explorer is not an internet browser. Stop thinking of it as such. There's no need for tabs unless your terrible with organizing, and if you are terrible with organizing you quiet literally need to give me a K! Kill! Give me an Y! Your! Give me an S! Self!
holy shit you're an idiot. and a shill. go home, microcuck.
also nice to see that you're ignoring the other posts. :^)
Macos is just stolen code from linux, faggot.
>a file browser is not an internet browser
aww so cute, that damage control
Windows theming isn't shitty css code unlike loonix. Windows theming is made in raw assembly to extract the ultimate performance from the hardware. It isn't as simple as editing a css file.
It's like going back to kindergarten.
self-centered idiot: the post
>Windows theming is made in raw assembly
nice bait.and you know that from where?
>the pinnacle
*prays to allah microsoft wipes your weeb drive*
Lol, trash
tfw femanon is actually a girl
whoa user the action center button is also wider than the network icon
who is going to stop this madness?
post wallpaper pls
my god, those xp feels, xp was so comfy
nostalgia is comfy
wp wasn't so much
Unironically this.
THESE are the pinnacles of OS design (at least, desktop ones).
Thank god, Windows 7 still has classic design.
>bad design choice
>inferior use of transparency compared to Aero
>single shade icons that don't match literally anything that isn't also a system icon
>bloated UI using three times the screen space to show half the information
Give me one (1) reason for those retarded giant box icons to exist on a desktop. They display information less efficiently and in a far uglier format.
>Explore! Create! Play! XD
Did the UI get outsourced to Marketing?
inb4 microshills ACTUALLY try (and fail) to defend their broken tablet UI designed in Powerpoint and pushed to Desktop
start menu tiles can be made a quarter of their default size, and can be arranged however you want
I know I'm probably alone in this but I like this system better than the 7 start menu, it offers more freedom
getting custom files/folder tiles can be bothersome tho
>It can be arranged however you want
Unless you want the superior Windows 7 style start menu
>Thank god, Windows 7 still has classic design.
No it doesn't. It has a horrible frankenstein-esque mess of glossy aero style UI elements and classic UI elements when you use the classic theme. The last OS to come with an actual classic theme was 2k.
I know.
Still better than nothing.
but what do you find superior in the 7 start menu, apart from the fact that the shortcuts are less customizable ?
I can have the exact same shortcuts on the right of the menu, minus the ones I don't want plus the ones I do want. What do you like about a static shortcuts list where you can only un-tick some ?
I think that messy crap is a bit of a downgrade compared to Win7.
>Windows theming is made in raw assembly to extract the ultimate performance from the hardware.
>Windows theming is made in raw assembly
Please tell up you're just pretending to be retarded.
That's an edited joke image, right?
>That's an edited joke image, right?
Sadly not.
This is a very good wallpaper, thanks senpai.
Win2k was the last Windows I actually liked.
>but muh XP!
Fuck XP. It was shit when it came out, it was shit at it's peak, and it will always be shit. People have rose tinted feels for XP when it was always a pile of garbage.
Also, Be was fucking awesome.
In this thread linux lesbos and mac mongrels desperately try to shill their poojet designed trash
Also ITT: freetards and their inability to recognize obvious b8, classic autism
That was unironically one of the most pleasing UIs I have ever used. And I say this as a linuxfag.
goddamn winfags are too fuckin stupid
dat consistency is impressive.
Fuck, this shit drives me nuts. Every legacy and non Windows program has its own special snowflake custon right click context menu UI too. Context menu of Nightly looks like some outdated bullshit.
big buttons exist to pander to tablet users.
while I have nothing against them I don't use a tablet so I prefer the plain old windows 98 style
it's the same problem with Unity