Bookmark Management

So now that Firefox is about to kill the remaining reasons to use Firefox, I'm on the hunt for a new browser after a decade of going steady. But that's not what this thread is about.

This thread is about how the fuck one manages and exports several hundred thousand bookmarks.

Other urls found in this thread:

put a trigger warning ffs. sad face is too close to death face and I got scared because I was reminded of my mortality.

Scripts. Save everything to hmtl and use scripts to run a conversion to whatever browser you use now.

But you know what, I too am looking for a program that can handle bookmarks separate from a web browser, that would be cool af.

I tried AM-Deadlink once, but like everything else it chocked on more than a few thousand, and apparently bookmarks are too complicated, so more recent versions are crippled.

Uzbl bookmarks are the best example of a good design. They use tags instead of hierarchy and to access you call dmenu. I just transported my FF bookmarks to uzbl using a script, and now everything is saved in plain text so I can use any tool to search for duplicates and to order like I want.

Of course we are talking about unix design here.

Btw my FF bookmarks weighted 37MB and now the plain text is about 12MB.

>tags instead of hierarchy
Blegh. I'll take folders and trees any time over having to tag everything to find it.


I wonder what software you are shilling that bookmark conversations affects you this much.

I found something!
Is independent from other bookmark managers.

And guess what! [spoiler]It's FOSS.[/spoiler]

What's happening with Firefox thar affect the bookmark

Built-in Firefox Sync


programmer here. I'm actually working on a bookmark manager but it's unfinished. what features would you and other user like to see?

also would you use it if it was closed source but ad-free?

what platforms do you want it running on? mobile? desktop? mac? Windows?

People actually use this? Is it worth it?

>babies first program

Does Firefox not have an export function in the bookmarks manager?

FF is just starting to get good OP

i switched from Chrome

>what features would you and other user like to see?
Import to html and export to, minimal on requirements, possibly command line driven

>also would you use it if it was closed source but ad-free?
Maybe, but this makes it difficult to install it, also long lived project rely on licenses like GPL to survive

>what platforms do you want it running on? mobile? desktop? mac? Windows?
Linux and Android

>closed source but ad-free
>closed source


Look at the scripts page, has userscripts, userstyles, adblockers, and an interesting bookmark manager which awoke my interest. I am migrating to Uzbl.

Another option

Hey shill.
>This thread is about how the fuck one manages and exports several hundred thousand bookmarks.
Why the hell do you have several hundred thousand bookmarks in the first place?
It's time to clean up, faggot. This shit isn't normal.

Nigga I am not OP but my bookmarks are a treasure. Information is not easy and thanks to Google is actually hard, and I mean the fucked way google presents results (and even censors), including youtube.

Noice. Just about time it became competitive against Chrome, you are just throwing an autism fit because why not? Use Waterfox famalam. The b& lead dev is going to keep the XUL.

I once let sync chug an entire day on a system trying to sync just the bookmarks, and it still couldn't do it. That was 200,000 bookmarks ago.

Let's say you come across a page with interesting info and you bookmark it.
Realistically speaking, what are the odds of you ever visiting that page again?
Impulsively bookmarking whatever page you come across adds up over time.
Like real hoarders, digital hoarders are too stubborn/afraid to admit it's an issue.

>Realistically speaking, what are the odds of you ever visiting that page again?
Thousands and thousands of times, in fact, it just happened.

>Like real hoarders, digital hoarders are too stubborn/afraid to admit it's an issue.
You seem to think the internet is like this happy place were nothing important gets deleted, redirection doesn't exists and neiter information bubbles.

just use old opera with everything off

Desktop first; mobile is good for many things, but not organizing files. Windows compatibility should come well before Mac, since a much larger portion of the install base is the type to want to manage bookmarks.

It needs to be able to:
display/have a folder tree structure
SHOW that folder structure
not lag on lots of bookmarks
export/import html
support click and drag
display bookmarks sorted by the metadata categories.

It would be nice to be able to:
display duplicates
have it check a folder/subfolders for online status
link to

It doesn't have one that doesn't gag on several hundred thousand bookmarks. Management is the more important part; no point in exporting duplicates.

I use Diigo nowadays

Firefox bookmarks are stored in a sqlite database. Just throw together a quick script in your scripting language of choice to dump it to a format your new browser can import.

I can't speak for anyone else, but the largest numbers of my bookmarks are porn and wiki pages.

I enjoy going back to read pages I bookmarked years ago. It's like combing over an old harddrive for all the tiddies you've forgotten.

I justed use Firefox for Netflix? is that gone?

Firefox has a bookmark folder. Just copy it to a desired location. You do not need any software outside of your file manager.

It is a single file, and therefore managing the bookmarks requires another program to read and rewrite the file.

>Firefox has a bookmark folder.
No it doesn't. It has a bookmark sqlite db.

It's just sqlite senpai, you should be able to extract easily using perl/python/ruby/c/fucking anything.

Not when you're parsing the nightmare that is html bookmarks. No standardization or documentation on it whatsoever. And its only

Which can be imported to other browsers. Or you can extract.

Extraction isn't the problem. Management is the problem, and a standing program with a GUI is a shitload more easy than bashing together a personal script.

programmer from earlier.

parsing the html monstrosity isn't easy. I'm building the parser with antlr. but please feel free to give me pointers.

Now to the rest:

it'll probably be open source so I can add
it to my portfolio. The thing is that I want to make money. Not a fortune but at least something. Even if I GPL it some pajeet can grab the code and remove the ads. Then how do I make a living?

In all likelihood I'll probably GPL it and just link to a patreon. Just remember to drop me a buck or two.

after thoughts:

I'm in hurricane land so no coding at this time. Its been a while since I touched the bookmark manager and I'm having difficulties writing a grammar to parse the html bookmarks. JSON would probably be far easier but if browsers store bookmarks in sql databases it makes far more sense to grab the bookmarks from the sql db directly and save as JSON.

The problems I've run into is that firefox adds tons of metadata while chrome is far more minimal. haven't had to look at safari, IE, or edge though.

what if someone wants to organize bookmarks from many different browsers? they all create the html bookmarks file with some extra tags added in and different metadata. Its an enormous PITA.

suggestions welcome

>I want to make money
Sell binaries, keep the source code GPL. You know you can do that right?

Look this
This script transform html to text based tags like tag another tag

Use simple text files as a base for your bookmark manager, then you only need to search for specific patterns. The most similar pattern to a hierarchical html are the ones provided by newsbeuter when you import an opml file and they like this folder/anotherfolder

You can go back and forth with this idea, so if you like it consider making a command line version and add a GUI on top, as to have a solid backend you can easily rewrite.

Combine these two ideas. Keep a command line backend and make it really simple, make the GUI just for Windows. With the backend in GPL and with a unix philosophy of using external application developers will improve your work and even use it, while you get to sell a GUI based version for Windows.

It's a terrible idea to try and pattern match html. I'm really good with regex and using it for html is a awful idea. that's why I'm relying on the mighty ANTLR to generate a nice LL* parser for html.

I'm starting to think that accessing the browser's sql db directly will be far easier. plus if you're dealing with thousands of bookmarks won't it take forever to export them to html? reading the sql directly seems far better.

Looks like you don't want portable bookmarks.

samefag programmer here: that's an awesome idea. thanks based user

Are you equating html bookmarks to html webpages?

no I do but you have a different format of html for each browser. I could choose to _only_ deal with Firefox and then make a different version for chrome and other browsers.

Post your progress in the netrunner threads, plenty of people looking for independent bookmark managers there. Also if you want to attract people while keeping the backend minimal look at the idea of reusing programs like dmenu to browse bookmarks, you won't leave a bitter taste of lacking to your project and is not a complete GUI either.

not at all. I was just pointing out that using regex for html bookmarks (or any XML variant) is an awful idea.

with xml and friends you can have lists that nest. how do you handle nested lists just using pattern matching?

because the concern is having a bookmark manager that can handle huge numbers of bookmarks then you need something robust like a parser.

I'll have to check out dmenu. thanks

>Several hundred thousand bookmarks
>After a decade of going steady
So approx 700,000 bookmarks over 3652 days?
That means on average you bookmarked 192 new pages every single day. And that's NEW pages, so not counting the times you've revisited old bookmarks.
In fact that implies there was a point where you had say 600,000 bookmarks, but still made 192 new ones that day. If that's the case, may I suggest that either
A) Your bookmarks are shit because you have 600k of them but they still don't provide you with the necessary information that 192 new ones provided today, or
B) You're not using the bookmarks you have effectively?
Or perhaps OP is a faggot, has major dependency issues, is terribly autistic, doesn't know how to count, or most likely all of the above?

Bookmarks are just stored in a postgresql database. It probably wouldn't be hard to write your own exporter. That said, there's already a lot of them out there including the one(s) built into firefox.

A bigger issue is importing said bookmarks over to other browsers that are not firefox, imo.

Also, flat logos don't look as nice but they jive better with modern design trends. At the end of the day firefox wants a logo that looks good in real every day use (i.e. where the logo appears in context) more than a logo that stands out on its own but clashes in real use. Also, the phoenix is retarded, at last the fox makes sense with the name firefox and looks similar to a red panda.

Porn, man, porn. Judge not the stash lest ye be judged.
Also, it's a round number. I'm pretty sure I converted to Firefox in 2005. At least some of it is duplication after a recovering, as well. And it absolutely counts old bookmarks if I rebookmarked them - say, going back to good stories and clicking on links from them, then bookmarking the whole window.

The problem remains the same; management is needed to separate wheat from chaff.

Tens of thousands of those links are probably dead now, user. Also, get checked out for ADD.

>have it check a folder/subfolders for online status

I'm the coder from earlier.

As a man, you should abstain from porn. It WILL cause erectile dysfunction sooner or later. IRL pussy is always better. You're destroying the dopamine system in your brain.

You have a porn problem not a bookmark problem tbqh.

You're going to face ED regardless btw.

>not using Pinboard
What are you, a conservative?

Firefox started using sqlite to store bookmarks with version 3. I still use a portable version of Firefox because it still has the best bookmark manager.

They don't have the portable version of Firefox still available, but you still can download the portable version of Firefox
Archived versions of portable Firefox:
sourceforge net/projects/portableapps/files/Mozilla%20Firefox%2C%20Portable%20Ed./

Direct link to portable Firefox
sourceforge net/projects/portableapps/files/Mozilla%20Firefox%2C%20Portable%20Ed./Mozilla%20Firefox%2C%20Portable%20Edition%

If you have several hundred thousand bookmarks, then the better alternative is called "google". You're like those people who download everything they come across (porn) no matter how unlikely it is that they'll view it again. The difference is that with them, they'll still have those files accessible years from now, while you'll have several hundred dead links.

if you take care of yourself you can prolong it. you can be 60 and still get hard. check out ray peat.

Its smooth as fuck, without any of that google integration bullshit

Vs. Iridium?

Your excuse is porn? user my points still stand - if you have 700k bookmarks for mostly porn, and you're still bookmarking over 100 new porn pages a day, then you multiple serious fucking problems and should kill yourself (sorry ran out of patience)

I have dozens of firefox bookmark export files each containing hundreds or thousands of links.

Ive also been looking for a solution, something that would allow me to import other file archives, add mange categories, edit/add/delete bookmarks, and export the entire thing to a usable format

You mean something like Xmarks?

>This thread is about how the fuck one manages and exports several hundred thousand bookmarks.
Firefox sync? Unless you mean otherwise. What is your problem with it user?

I just want to take my exported file, look at the bookmarks in a different way (trees, ways to delete dupes etc) and import them back in

what the fuck, 57 is comfy as fuck

I dont need them synced as if they are different computers.
Over the last 15 years, for every reinstall I did I exported my bookmarks with the intention of reloading them after the install.
I never reloaded them, so as a direct result I have a folder(s) full of .json firefox bookmarks that are almost all entierly different.

Why the fuck are so many people so fixated on the export part? Exporting's easy - is that why? It's an easy answer to give?

>Closed source
You're worse than Mengele. Fuck off and never return.

Manage like files on file manager? Firefox can do that. But I don't know what else program can you use to MANAGE your 20,000 bookmarks.


>for every reinstall I did I exported my bookmarks with the intention of reloading them after the install.
I don't know, to me it sounds like even more of a reason to start using xmarks. You can set it up to only save new bookmarks added to your browser to xmarks and nothing else, that way you can just import all your bookmarks and merge them into one. If that's what you're talking about I mean.

It is sqllite. Just import it into your new browser. New browsers support it.

maybe, Ill have look into it.
A quick skim of the wiki seems to suggest that this uses a remote server to store all of my bookmarks. This is an issue for me.

stop shilling your botnet

An HTML browser dedicated exclusively to bookmark management would be cool.

W3m lynx

>You seem to think the internet is like this happy place were nothing important gets deleted, redirection doesn't exists and neiter information bubbles.

You sound like someone who's never heard of the Internet Archive.

>also would you use it if it was closed source but ad-free?
fuck no. FOSS or bust

Starting with version 3.0, they use a database program to store bookmarks using the sqlite file format.

I suppose it was easier for the asshat programmers at Mozilla to figure out how to implement a search function for bookmarks using a database, than to create their own search function that works on bookmarks in a text file.

Then somewhere after version 24.x, the exported bookmarks started exporting in unix text file format, instead of windows text file format.

I suppose they did this just to piss ME off.

Somewhere along the way they started storing bookmark icons along with the bookmarks. When you export your bookmarks, the bookmark icons are saved in text format inside the exported bookmarks file.

I know they did that JUST TO PISS ME OFF.

Somewhere along the way, they started storing descriptions of bookmarks also.


I'm sure there are other problems with bookmarks I haven't discovered yet. Or that are coming in future releases.

You sound like someone who was born with down syndrome.