Fuck you Sup Forums you got me into this how do I stop consumerism?

Fuck you Sup Forums you got me into this how do I stop consumerism?

Make educated choices that fit your budget and stop being that autistic.

Not pictured 4k monitor, 400$ case and a second hand 1080ti i bought and is currently on my system

all these shit in the boxes i am not even using, they just sitting there i already upgraded from them

throw the boxes out and stop being a hording faggot

the things are inside the boxes

>things are inside the boxes
use them or get rid of them and stop being a hording faggot

but i am already using the stuff i upgraded into

Build systems and sale them, conversely resell the components or build a server or something you detestable slime.

This, not to mention it makes RMA easier

Time to move on. As the good book says:
>When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.