Sup Forums what are some good movies/tv shows about our shared interest(i.e. tech)?

Sup Forums what are some good movies/tv shows about our shared interest(i.e. tech)?

I tried watching Humans, but it was cringy as fuck.

>upload AI to millions of bots in literally 5 seconds.
>have AI, but still using tech from 2010
>still have regular cars

That show could've been cool, but they fucked it up.

List your favorite tech movies/tv shows!

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Haven't dedicated myself to watching any series since Bones and Scrubs

Peaky Blinders

Not Related to tech but still a good ass show



OP's pic is only worth watching for the boobies

Ex Machina was pretty good. I wanted to snap that pussy on the lefts neck.

It wasn't. The story was almost okay but all the characters were shit.

I'd say Somnio but I couldn't find it.

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.

dude that movie was great what r u guys

Westworld is good, but it wasn't meant for you.

It seems good, but it's about the "old west", right? cringe.

It's not about the old west, that's just the setting. The basic idea is that there is a company in the near future that managed to create quite realistic human simulacrum. So, to profit, they created this huge "park" full of them where you can pay 40k a day to do whatever you want to them. But the story isn't about the wild west, its about how the robots are slowly figuring out that they're robots.

Damn, that actually seems pretty good. My first impressions were wrong. Gonna give it a go. Thanks,user.

Have olreadg said Ex-machina (a good film) but i have some others similar: Eva (2015) Ghost in the shell (2017) Transcendence (2014) and Automata (2015)

First episode is pure Kino son, enjoy it. The next couple are a bit slower but it picks right back up and get your noggin going. Pay attention becuase the set designers and writers put in some good detail and foreshadowing.

It was fear mongering AI hating bullshit. The characters were literally retarded low IQ brainlets.
>builds AI alone
>doesn't make a fail safe where if it escapes it can't kill him or people
>Nerd comes
>Falls in love with sex bot
>Explained by creator purpose of sex bot
>Nerd frees sex bot
>AI escapes
>AIs mission was to get free at any cost
>AI kills Mr. Google
spoiler alert, the movie is dog shit.

Dennou Coil

>Ghost in the shell (2017)
Nick Land-approved!

good geg

The IT Crowd is pretty good

Nice quads, and nice taste. Dennou Coil was made for kids, but it is a really good series. It made me better realize what potential augmented reality had. (I think AR is a completely different beast than VR. VR helmets will probably remain niche forever, but if they make AR glasses that actually work, they're going to be hueg.) Watch it yourself. If you have nephews/nieces you want to get into technology and annie-mays, show it to them.


Sinchronicity was better.

Sorry to break it to you, but things don't automatically become shit just because you write like an idiot and put a bunch of LE and XD in your post

Automata is really good

Primer is pretty good
Black mirror is tangentially related, it talks about the impact tech has on our life
I've got more ill make a list and post it later

besides that user being a giant faggot he is completely correct, the movie is complete and utter dogshit