Sorry if this sounds autistic, but is it possible to change out ethernet ports on a laptop? Like, change out a 100mbps port for a 1000mbps one?
Sorry if this sounds autistic, but is it possible to change out ethernet ports on a laptop? Like...
yes and no
>100mbps port for a 1000mbps one?
>the absolute state of Sup Forums
Theyre not a card or anything like that, they're soldered directly to the board and their performance and speed standard is dependent on the motherboard chipset. In some cases updating a mobo chipset can give you better features but not for things like ports. Cant turn USB 2.0 into 3.0, cant make 100mbps to 1gbps
I only ask because I have a really shit HP laptop, and I'd like to make it tolerable. R.I.P
Really just get a new laptop. It's not possible to swap it out, it's part of the motherboard.
no usb 3.0 ports
or this
Ok then. Would a Lenovo Legion y520 be ok? My fren in class(vocational school), has one, and it actually doesn't look too autistic like most gayming laptops
Well it has a gigabit ethernet port, which is what you wanted, so I don't see anything wrong with it.
oops. wrong one
>placebo parts for retards
>usb 2.0 gigabit Ethernet
> USB 2.0
> 480mbit at best
> Gigabit ethernet
That's not how that works.
nigger, do you math?
>mfw when 480mbps is 1gbps
Bottle neck. Even slower than your PCI-e integrated nic.
still better than 100mbps
Still much better than 100mbps.
You do realize it will just negotiate down the speed to 100mbit anyways, right?
sure, it the other end is at 100mbps. if the other end is at 1gbps it'll set at 1gbps. if that were the case they wouldn't be manufacturing a 1gbps usb adapter.
Arguably possible depending on your soldiering skills and if you can find a chipset that'll fit. NIC controllers aren't often integrated into northbridge/southbridge controllers on older laptops.
It'd still be damn difficult and could ruin your motherboard though, probably better off buying a new laptop
yes. just solder a new nic chip in it.
Upgrade your fucking single core 2004 shit top. C2D with gigabit and expresscard is $40
> sure, it the other end is at 100mbps. if the other end is at 1gbps it'll set at 1gbps.
No it won't because it cannot support 1gbps due to the speed limitations of USB 2.0
> if that were the case they wouldn't be manufacturing a 1gbps usb adapter.
Unless of course they wanted to oversell their product to stupid people who don't know better.
Additionally "10/100/1000" doesn't mean it *is* 1gbps. It means it "supports" it because the spec standard demands that it down-negotiates to the lowest denominator.
Nigga usb 2.0 can only do 480mbps and most motherboard chipsets gimp that even
Theyre selling it as that because the adapters chipset can technically do it, but usb 2.0 cant. They can list it as 1gbps but irl its gonna default to 100mbps
If your compfortably for the solder in eth0 ctrler with more tracking on mother boats
Lead Flux
You don't seem to understand that 480 > 100
>Cant turn USB 2.0 into 3.0, cant make 100mbps to 1gbps
are you retarded? you fucking add it to the motherboard.
Checked and kekd
yes, if you can solder and aren't retarded.
just get the right tools
flux, solder, good soldering iron with a small tip. look on aliexpress for gigabit ethernet components
you don't have to change the port, just the ethernet controller chip right behind the port. it's just a 6 pin lil bitch