what is your favorite DE and why its XFCE?
XCFE is the perfect DE, its the balance between stability, customization and lightweight.
What is your favorite DE and why its XFCE?
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this is how you spot a first time Linux user whose only other DE was WindowsDWM
it doesn't have a good launcher though
xfce lacks too many features
like for example the windows button doesn't do anything doesn't open the whisker menu doesn't let you quickly search an application to run, like are you kidding mane? And no, binding it manually doesn't work well
aqua uwu
Are you fucking retarded?
doesn't work as I said, you use say Win+F for something else and menu pops up. like fuck that
No Paul its not
Hard to disagree. Been using Xubuntu on my desktop for some time now, hardly any issues. Easy to customise. Dabbled with i3 but keep going back to the floating window manager and single lower taskbar of XFCE as it just fucking werks
>A deprecated DE, which hasn't had updates in YEARS is the "perfect linux DE"
Current state of loonix
kde plasma but for lightweight yeah, xfce
>no file search
>super doesn't toggle menu
it's shit
I like that one and lxde. But i3 is growing on me, so I hardly need to use one anymore.
That's not Cinnamon.
i said balanced, i know that is not the most.
and i using linux for more than 10 years .
>hardly any issues
that's my favorite part
i3 seems to hit the sweet spot for me, but xfce is my out of the box go to DE
This user gets it, there is nothing better
If you like it so much why do you make it look like shit?
>He uses a DE
Spot the babby.
thats customization, you make it how you like.
nice quads of truth.
I know this thread isn't a DE General, but anyway. I do so much people hate GNOME here?
Because GNOME takes 600MB of memory on a cold boot and starts to lag after opening more than 3 applications.
and even without applications, the menu is laggy by itself.
Nice shit box. Gnome is the best for multiple monitor set up.
I use gnome on my personal PC and xfce when I was a gui on my server
It's not my favourite DE. My favourite DE is no DE. I like i3wm. After that it's Cinnamon, KDE and Unity
it is
>choppy animations no matter the hardware
>way too heavy for what it is (thanks javascript)
>minimalism taken to an absurd degree, constantly removing features
>questionable design decisions
>developer attitude
But hey, at least it looks nice in screenshots.
Why the shopping cart OP? You larp as a homeless person and use your change to save up for a faceplate on your tower?
How can I make KDE at least looks like GNOME? Trying to rice it is a fucking mess. Should I try XFCE or just get back to GNOME?
never tried KDE, and about xfce, well, you can pretty much make it look like anything you want (almost), so I don't see why not try xfce, because if you abandoned gnome but still want its appearance, there must be a good motive, maybe you can get the appearance you want with xfce without that motive that made you quit gnome.
I leaved GNOME because of so much bugs and lack of custom options. I trying to get comfy with Plasma, but I can't. Besides, I don't like all of those KDE already installed.
Can XFCE get features already in GNOME, like Activities-like overview or something like that?
>i leaved
>not i left
Foreigner detected
Prefer KDE because muh features
But XFCE is pretty good too
It's my favorite lightweight DE, that's for sure. If I were recommending Linux to someone and didn't know what DE they'd like, I'd probably go with that one because it's a familiar layout that most people could operate easily.
Favorite is KDE. It's easy to bring its idle RAM usage down to
you expect it to be a modifier AND a hotkey all its own? sounds like a pebkac issue to me
I'm running KDE on my 10-year-old desktop and a Vista laptop. I've disabled the compositor and the DE feels faster than any DE I've ever used. I just shut down all programs after hours of using the computer and I shit you not, my RAM usage was 476MB.
i'm enjoying KDE Plasma.
i avoided it for so many years being a GNOME ->XFCE fan, until going the route of i3 and tiling WM's in recent years for the sake of looks.
Over the last couple weeks I've said fuck it. KDE is now so comfy. I'll throw a Manjaro KDE install on my laptop and it's good to go out of the box.
i tried kubuntu but they have trouble getting bumblebee working out of the box and i just want the simplest experience possible.
If I really sat in the terminal all day, I could just fire up tmux, so i don't really care so much about tiling.
and despite me working from 5 year old thinkpads, KDE is fast enough. only think that irks me is like 5 seconds of loading screen upon login.
This, family.
how do I get that task bar on the bottom?
Guess the DE
I like MATE, but I'm also fond of xfce.
Let me know when they fix their compositor.
>inb4 use compton
Fuck off. If they expect to be taken seriously then they should be able to do what all other DEs can do.
You shouldn't need a i9, 64GB of RAM, and a 1080Ti to run a fucking DE
Also i3 is best for multi monitor you nigger
You want Windblows FeedBack Hub to pop up every time you miss Alt too?