/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/hrXxMHs9
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

Other urls found in this thread:


wtf ban me from HDBurry

PTP is full, recruitment at TM+ only. Better luck next time losers.

Image has nothing to do with reality.

>RED is hemorrhaging users
>forums are a ghost town
>most torrents completely unseeded
>PTP requirements higher than Apollo
>RED staff caught faking stats again

I see...

want ptp invite
got $$$

thanks for making a proper thread

Quick! A witty joke/one-liner with 'yogurt' please!

how much? maybe we'll make a deal

>tfw another day of watching /comopleryx aniime/ and /korena kino/
>tfw not on KG
Anyone else know that feel?

>tfw no ab invite

TM was ridiculously easy to hit. Now if only I cared about PTP...

>implying the apollo interview won't be more than "do you like music? yes? you're in boi".

Don't forget "Do you have much bitcoin?"

/ptg/ is like cigarettes: you know it causes cancer, but you just can't stop

I vape instead, it makes me look cool.

I just open /ptg/ in a tab while I browse other stuff so it can keep me entertained while I browse.


It's clearly the best music tracker and you need to stop spreading false rumors


I only come here to get insider info of HDBits recruitment

My shit smells better than my dog's shit, but it's still a big ol' pile of shit.

>log in to red
>gained a total of 2mb buffer during the night

Human shit is clearly of superior quality, especially if it came from a white mans ass.


i like the HDB recruitment memes

I uploaded ~5GB in the past 24 hours

it's just one of the resident shitposters. please ignore.

Oh please, it's just that one Apollo fanboy who repurposes pooloo disses into RED ones.

and just how many torrents are you seeding

also nice dubs

if you're going to post ironic weeb art at least post good art




>ptg scum
>reading the rules

It says if you dox yourself when you sign up that they'll just laugh at you.

The spirit of /ptg/ is strong in AlphaRatio.

I've made 6 accounts so far today lads. I only stopped because I got bored. Now to download as much as I can with each one before they get banned for low ratio.

>not being set for life with buffer
eeee lad

just got my ptp invite boys :D


Is alpharatio worth joining? I got a friend offering me an invite.

> a friend offering me an invite.
Ask him if he has IPT instead

torrentleech.org/user/account/signup invite code SCCREFUGEE


Daily reminder that Ian bullied me

SCC is dead. The following sites are accepting refugees looking for a donation boost: TorrentLeech, DigitalHive, RevolutonTT, Xspeeds, AlphaRatio

Neons all excited to get into shit trackers since PTP is closed again. It's so precious.

Threadly sumo chipcuck. The official mascot of /ptg/

what is the purpose of general trackers? Blockbusters, porn and windows software?


they're almost all run by idiots that want to make a quick buck from donations

sumo chipcuck v ptg

>it's a samefag tries really hard after no one responds to his autistic frogposting episode

>no worldstarhiphop

>those grapes are probably sour anyway

>got into bib
feels good man

>worldstarchipcuck allowed

this is why i carry

What's going on in that video?

>ironic weeb
u wot m8

if you're going to post ironic weeb art at least post good art

has anyone ever got an IP ban from IPT staff? Is it even possible.

>sumo chipcuck approaches ptg to make peace
>ptg beats the holy hell out sumo chipcuck
>italiankitten wanders in to take sumo chipcuck to the emergency room

>be a law-abiding american citizen
>go about your business enjoying a sunny day
>see some guy recording you on his smartphone
>go up to inquire as to the reason he's doing it
>get kicked in the nuts and savagely beaten
so... this is the power of freedom

not what happened

what did the mean by this


when ipt mods disable user accounts, they have 2 options: a simple disabling of account or an ip ban. unless there is a VERY special reason, mostly they will simply disable the account. the ip ban can cause problems further down the line and also the ipt owner doesn't like it.

Do you guys also like to fuck with people on your shared seedbox when you have nothing to race? Or is it just me?

just you m8. get a job.

it's pretty good thing to do though
if their seedbox is always slow they'll ask to be moved

i'll post this again.
i'm trying to get into retrowithin, i used to be on underground-gamer. does anyone know their IRC or something?

Nobody cares about private trackers nerd

I have four rtorrent instances running on a machine with a 16/2 connection but I dont seem to be seeding very much. Can anyone debug or improve my config?

min_peers = 20
max_peers = 30
min_peers_seed = -1
max_peers_seed = -1
max_uploads = 999
max_uploads_global = 9999
upload_rate = 1500
download_rate = 12000
session = ./.session
port_range = 55550-55560
port_random = yes
check_hash = yes
use_udp_trackers = no
encryption = allow_incoming,try_outgoing,enable_retry

#changed dht
dht = off
encoding_list = UTF-8

#enables filtering by active torrents
schedule = filter_active,30,30,"view_filter = active,\"or={d.get_up_rate=,d.get_down_rate=}\""

what is this, upload for ants? it needs to be at least 10x as big

Is it worth to join any of the trackers that are taking SCC refugees?


>min_peers 20
>max_peers 30

Is there any benefit outside of epeen to having UHD class on HDB?

Someone chip me an AB invite. After a month on Baka I have 250gb upload and 4:1 share ration but fuck that website, they only have trash.

Is Pornolab broken for anyone else?

I would like to into J Poop Sucky.

Anyone gotta invite?

depends where you are on the pyramid

Redpill me on private trackers. I usually manage to find high quality stuff elsewhere or can clean it up to the level I want but the process often ends up being a hassle. Will private trackers save me from cleaning/searching hell or will they just make me as autistic as you people?

Post your 5 top albums.

~1000 only music I like


>tfw you put in all this fucking effort to get into AR and work your way up to a good ratio and they keep making it open reg

yes, it will make finding quality stuff easier. there are a lot of racing tracker collectors on ptg for some reason, but that is the extreme side of things tbqh

*I don't listen to J Pop. I heard it's good for Japanese Hip Hop. True or no?

The Gerogerigegege - Tokyo Anal Dynamite
World's End Girlfriend - Hurtbreak Wonderland
Mass of the Fermenting Dregs - Mass of the Fermenting Dregs
Kaoru Abe - Winter 1972
Sachiko M, Toshimaru Nakamura & Otomo Yoshihide - Good Morning, Good Night

>another day on red
>no +upload

thanks zed

Try raising your router to the Gods

i banged your mom with the router antennas

Why do you hate complex anime and complex mango user?

Yes. There are ~300k uploads tagged with hip-hop there.

>no email
You had one job.

pure kg kino

you told me to post my top 5 and so did I

why aren't you on KG yet user?

>complex anime
Dont exist

that's like implying complex mango exist, which in turn implies complex animu exists