What languages are least infested with the SJW plague? I know Ruby is a lost cause.
What languages are least infested with the SJW plague? I know Ruby is a lost cause
who the fuck cares you retarded loser
only low level languages are safe
When you say, "infested with the SJW plague," what do you mean? Languages like Ruby, Rust, and JavaScript certainly have a lot of users who are SJWs, and many projects using them have SJWs administering them, but these people do not affect your use of the languages. Codes of conduct only apply to people contributing to a project. Unless you are actively trying to contribute to a compiler or interpreter, why the fuck do you care? And if you are, have you considered a pseudonym? You should have multiple false identities when on the Internet, each not connected to each other or to your real identity.
Either way, doesn't matter, just use C++.
You cared enough to make a buttmad shitpost, you "retarded".
That's some next level pettyness lmfao, who the fuck cares, just program you brainlet Sup Forumsfag
because every single fucking day its people throwing the phrase SJW everywhere for no reason
please go back to Sup Forums
Python is the most infested, unfortunately. Ruby on Rails takes runner up, JavaScript / NodeJS is heavily infest but not as bad as the other two... yet.
Least infested is probably going to be C++ followed by Java, then PHP. Naturally functional language like OCaml / Haskell are going to be SJW free.
I would honestly not go too much by the core community infestation and look more at the companies you want to work at and how bad they are.
For instance, RackSpace is Python heavy, but not SJW friendly at all.
Valve is C++ heavy, but very SJW infested.
C++ and C. Just do it.
Not him but maybe everyone doesn't want to deal with shitty COCs that do nothing but iron-in politics into non-political workplaces. Avoiding a place infested with people who want to set rules based on their political world views isn't wrong, if anything it'd be favourable. We throw the term sjw around to describe people who put in 'no-fun allowed because I said so' rules, it has essentially become internet slang at this point.
Oh and also:
>le Sup Forums boogay man
then fucking clarify it as that
if i say, for example, "i dont agree with trump's policies that much" the fucking Sup Forums monkies will start jumping up and down screeching SJW so much it's become a fucking blanket term with people they don't agree with or who don't agree with them
not your safe space nigger
thanks for proving my point
Sup Forums misses you
And this is where the thread has been derailed. Good going r*ddit!
don't like it then stop using vague blanket terms
How about not getting upset by a single acronym people commonly use. Why not rather than shitpost, post about the thread topic.
have you tried ocaml?
Sup Forums isn't a boogieman, the majority of people on this board are crossposters from Sup Forums according to a survey we did.
>What languages are least infested with the SJW plague?
Languages that require a brain. Haskell, Scheme, Lisp, Ocaml, etc.
gas chamber misses you
kys you special retarded snowflake. go back to sucking your nigga's dick.
>Least infested is probably going to be C++ followed by Java, then PHP.
PHP actually kicked out a few people because they were trying to go all SJW on everyone. Fuck yes.
languages that enforce discipline are usually sjw free, python is the total opposite and its most heavily infested
c, asm, functional languages
assembly. I work for intel mainitaining drivers. no women, no blacks, ez-pz job
Kys tranny
>literal adults name calling each other in an attempt to win a political argument, on a technology board of all places
who the fuck picks a language based on politics.
Pick right tool for the job.
Take this shit thread back to /pol
>nice strawman
Sup Forums contains various opinions about trump
Still a boogyman since Sup Forums is used to not discuss valid opinions
>everyone else's opinion is invalid anyway
assembly. I work for intel mainitaining drivers. no women, no blacks, ez-pz job
i care
I shit you not my gay uncle is the term "social justice" when getting angry about me not caring about gay marriage. I didn't like the sjw term either but then I realised it was a real thing.
What is this neo-Sup Forums? Are these liberals from california?
It's a mental disease stemming from low self esteem. Notice that your "problem" is that you don't feel like participating in reinforcing other people's identities, 'cause you have this crazy notion that it's not your responsibility, and you have better shit to worry about.
Holy sheit are there more like this?
Oh my god this is gold
Mental ill people BTFO
Notice when there is a mention of a tranny/SJW/mental ill trash there is always someone screaming Sup Forums from nothing
wtf i love meh now
>literal adults
Java? Looks like everyone hates it kek
probably. they fucking infest everything. i'm from the puget sound area. the seattle area was already pretty liberal, but mostly sequestered to seattle and olympia. now the whole puget sound area is getting flooded with fucking californians all clamoring for tech jobs and buying up land to build mcmansions. fuck off california.
Ruby is doing well in Japan.
>wants to show that women are good at coding
>tries to put a link within and tags
You realize C+= is satire, right?
Honestly this
>safe space meme
>in a thread about boycotting languages on the basis of their communities' political views
Boycotting a product is basically the same as not visiting a website, which is what you are actually encouraged to do, instead of complaining about daily posts you can't stand while still coming back here.
C stands for Caucasian
why aren't you using C?
Stay away from Rust. I think it's great as a programming language, but fuck it those people are completely cucked.
if a programming language requires some brain and logit to work there will be no sjw on it, or at least their number will be very low
so all languages used actively on engineering on industrial level or by big software companies, also for videogames, but there still can be sjw's on the design process of them
fo example fortran, c variants and java, php, haskell to name a few, and the best of all is that all those are actually great for developing about any program you want, fortran is used for ultra complex calculations, such as weather prediction or astrophysics, while c and its multiple variants are what a fukload of modern software is built on, from the very gnu/linux distro that runs my pc to the programs the nsa fbi and cia use to conect to botnet backdoors and spy usa cucks
My answer is also C++, but it has it's own problems of essentially being designed by committee. Say what you will about Rust but the RFC process is definitely something they do right.
>language has shitton of devs
>a small percentage are SJWs who don't code and just complain about stupid shit
>Sup Forums focuses only on the latter
protip: every community is going to have people you do not like or agree with
protip: you're a fucking retard, kill yourself
wow such edge
if "muh SJWs" are enough to keep you from using the appropriate technology suited to your projects then you are literally fucking autistic and won't get anywhere in software development anyway, just give up now you fucking mong
>these people do not affect your use of the languages
I am not somebody who normally gets upset about SJW silliness, but if a project's managers can't be trusted to consistently have sound reasons for accepting changes to their code, then you can't trust their code to do what it is supposed to do. When Linus inevitably dies or steps down from his position as Linux' maintainer, I will stop updating my kernel until I know that the new guy is not one of these people.