What's Sup Forums's favorite book reader of choice?

What's Sup Forums's favorite book reader of choice?
Any difference between a 60 euro one and a 160 euro one? Any downsides in just using a phone app like Aldiko book reader?

Also drop some book recommendations if you have any
I want to read a book
Science fiction preferably, maybe something about companies or governments surveiling everyone, I haven't read anything since highchool when it was mandatory

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Kobo Aura 2, no bright light when reading in the dark

I don't read books because I'm not a flaming pseudo intellectual fag yacht

Can you inject your own epubs into it?

You can Also use ol books. All depend if you prefer scroll or roll?

Wouldn't be much a g thread then huh


Read Neuromancer. Brainfarted and typed Netrunner.


This one is pretty comfy, remarkable.com/

Picture related are good books.

Kobo aura one
Sapiens by harari

Is 1984 worth reading?


Got a kindle paperwhite 4 years ago, still working fine.


it is short anyways, so it would not hurt. But only a normie who knows nothing about politics would think that's what a dystopia would be like
Brave New World, that's were it's at

Reading on tablets... HAHAhAHAHA

>at all
>trying this hard to discern yourselves from "normies"
Reading is literally for faggots.

>Being brain dead

There needs to be more ereaders that are fully open source, or an open source operating system for ereaders that can be installed on them all

can they run emacs in it?

kindles are running some sort of locked down debian iirc so probably

tell me more, i f5 until you respond me with more!!!!!




The iPad isn't as bad as you might think it is.

Just started reading The Design of Everyday Things, I think it's alright

fug someone actually delivered, this site is less trash with people like you

gona go sleep im rly sleepy

>A walk-through of the 'how' would be great.

>You have to downgrade the firmware, jailbreak, upgrade install KUAL, install a terminal, generate a Debian image, remount the rootfs as rw, write init scripts install chroot and bash and install deboostrap and all kinds of things to get this working

apparently all he could do was use the terminal pretty much

Moon+ Reader is the best reader for android

>literally l-eddit tier

I don't use e-readers because they're not as flexible as a tablet, and are a bit more delicate. They're also on the small side, usually. I find that e-readers will try to lock you into buying books from their company, or will even have adds included in the OS; with a tablet you can buy anything from anywhere, and read any format of book via a plain old android OS. If you want to get a free book off the internet you can quickly and easily download a pdf through the browser.

E-ink isn't quite there yet IMO. It's useful, but the way an e-reader transitions from page to page can be an issue. E-ink pages also have a habit of getting stuck.

With a tablet everything is in full colour. You can read coloured comics and art books. It is easier to find tablets with a screen bigger than 8 inches. You can download apps and do other things on it beyond reading. You can store music and play that while you read, assuming you don't have a phone or music player nearby.

I bought a shitty tablet with a great battery (7000 mAh), and find it a much better experience than what I had with my e-readers. The eye strain can be a slight issue but I'm not sacrificing all the functionality of a tablet on that one factor alone. E-readers also tend to last for weeks on a charge as opposed to days, but if you get a strong enough battery that won't be a real issue.

Fucking love this image, thank you blessed user for posting it

>buying books
welcome to 2017 gramps

Any EReaders that don't choke when you try to read a PDF with images?

For the eyestrain I would just recommend getting a high DPI display.
E readers are pretty much expensive toys at the moment and pretty useless. I own a kobo aura HD and page turning ain't so great. I would recommend everyone to just listen to audiobooks on their phones instead.

>Open source
It's called free software. Open source is a marketing term and does not imply that one has the freedom to study, modify, distribute, fork, or make commercial derivative use out of the source code. Please call such freedom-respecting software "free software" or "libre software". An example of non-free open source software is the old MS-DOS source code that can be downloaded from a certain computer history museum's website. Microsoft stated that one may not distribute the code as they please, and other proper freedoms are additionally restricted.

I like kobo but I'm interested in the chingchong android eReaders. Seems like they'd work with kobo app as well as google and amazing apps. Anyone?

i bought a kobo h2o a few weeks ago
don't care about the waterproofing, just seemed like a better screen

it's great, much better than reading all these manuals on my laptop

Read some Iain Banks. Also subscribe to bookbub, discovered plenty of good books there.

Kindle paperwhite or whatever equivalent.

E ink is the only acceptable medium for books. Tablets will search your eyeballs and fuck your sleep and physical books take up too much space and cost money.

Almost every book can be pirated and converted into whatever medium your ereader uses.

I don't mind the Amazon platform because they have some books that I can't find for free and allow me to buy shit from some independent authors who I would like to support.

Just get a Kindle, as for a book I recommend Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion