If Linux could run all Windows programs natively and without problems, would you use it?
If Linux could run all Windows programs natively and without problems, would you use it?
I don't use Windows, it's been 3 years any microsoft shitstain touched my system
Yes without a doubt. I haven't found a Linux distro I like as much as Windows 7 but I vastly prefer any of the easily accessible distros to Windows 10.
wine werks fine for me so i dont :3
That would bring all the problems windows currently has over, so no.
I disagree, the programs may include some problems but the Windows kernel and the Linux kernel are so different that it can't really bring all problems over.
If Cara Delevigne's mouth looked and smelled like a baboon's asshole, would you fuck it?
>imblying i like to fuck baboon's asshole
No because Linux runs like shit on my computer compared to Windows 10 which means I would have to put up with shitty Linux performance and shitty performance of what I currently use without issues or performance problems.
By using proprietary OS, created by a biggest cunt in the technological history who's trying to save himself from the sodomy of hell by donating his money to charity. Yes.
Also, its GNU/Linux, you faggot.
no, linux is shit, openbsd is best
I'd just like to interject for moment, but what I just told you is GNU/Linux is, in fact, just Linux, or as I've just now taken to calling it, Just Linux. Linux apparently does happen to be a whole operating system unto itself and comprises a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Most computer users who run the entire Linux operating system every day already realize it. Through a peculiar turn of events, I was misled into calling the system "GNU/Linux", and until now, I was unaware that it is basically the Linux system, developed by the Linux project.
There really isn't a GNU/Linux, and I really wasn't using it; it is an extraneous misrepresentation of the system that's being used. Linux is the operating system: the entire system made useful by its included corelibs, shell utilities, and other vital system components. The kernel is already an integral part of the Linux operating system, never confined useless by itself; it functions coherently within the context of the complete Linux operating system. Linux is never used in combination with GNU accessories: the whole system is basically Linux without any GNU added, or Just Linux. All the so-called "GNU/Linux" distributions are really distributions of Linux.
If that includes drivers, then yes.
Probably no 'cause Linux is a problem in itself to run.
I know this is bait, but seriously, I can't take anymore of this.
either actually LEARN informatics or fuck off.
I'm sick, physically and emotionally sick, of your incessant shitposting.
If you don't understand a topic, don't comment on it.
Linux is the furthest away from being obsolete compared to the proprietary and bricked shitfest that is Macintosh software and hardware, or the banal and bloated botware of Micropenis.
If you want play your shitty AAA games (in which they don't even bother anymore), rather than actually contribute to intelligent technology related discussion? That's great.
But newsflash!
We have a containment board for that rubbish:
>Go home!
>Picture very much related, it is you trying to browse and understand TRUE Sup Forumsthreads.
You severely underestimate developers desire to fuck shit up.
>If Linux could run all Windows programs natively and without problems, would you use it?
I do use it
Are you fucking retarded? This is my first original post on Sup Forums since a few weeks. If you are mad, go to youtube or chill out.
Also I've asked about PROGRAMS, NOT GAMES. Can you read, idiot?
Go home:
Nice bait. I never posted on that board.
OP's a faggot.
you too
Alpine linux doesn't use GNU.
Android is a linux and doesn't use GNU.
>Windows programs running "natively" on OS designed for routers and VPNs
Fucking kek
>Windows programs running on Google OS
OP's pic related.
No because Linux and its community is cancer.
If it'll give me the same extra 5% more fps in games that I get using Windows, sure
The worst part is that majority of those can be fixed if people ditched the absolute fucking idiotic freetard """community"""(really just a bunch of furries jerking each other off over how pure they are, never getting anything done).
You really showed... something else.
Why don't they just get rid of GNU and make LLVM, et al, standard, if they wanna insist on just Linux?
No one can be this fucking dumb. Nevertheless, pic related.
I have only used linux for at least a year, but if this were to happen I'd seriously consider going elsewhere.
using both Void and Win10 atm, but yeah if Linux doesn't sucks for gaymin i wouldn't use windows at all
>all Windows programs natively
What, even the malware?
Even the programs that have never been distributed?
Even the programs that suck?
No. Linux drivers are shit.
Yep. All I want is microsoft office on linux desu.
>inb4 MS is shit
yeah it is but libreoffice is so bad compared to word. That said, libreoffice is free so i put up with it.
I already installed Gentoo, user.
you can already do that with WINE desu
bring exes and other good shit then ill hop on, otherwise no.
>good shit
Imagine being this retarded.
>Still relying on the windows register
stop using Nvidia
Only reason I keep windows is because I enjoy videogames. I would definitely delete and never look back
If it had a better DE, perhaps, but at that point, why wouldn't I just use Windows?
When it comes to gaming, let me redpill you real quick. What all of you want to do is vote with your dollar. GNU/Linux is allergic to binary blobs, whereas NVIDIA gets cancer just by hearing Open Source. Only AMD is moving towards somewhat of a middle ground.
By voting with your dollars you'd eventually get:
Open Source up-to-date drivers (that make GNU/Linux suitable for gaming)
Community support (gamers could not only mod games, but sperg out on drivers as well)
Free (as in lack of malware/data collection) and Free (as in public torrents on the official website) operating system that is excellent for gaming.
Windows is cancer because this gaming driver fuckapalooza is another example of the shit Billy the faggot got famous for. Under the table deals, dividing and conquering, shameless, misleading self-promotion and outright lies.
This could apply to major branches to software as well. Instead of buying MS Office, why don't you donate a buck or two to Libre lads. Send Adobe a dick pic and buy GIMP devs a beer. You'll be much more appreciated and less likely to be called faggots here on Sup Forums (terms and conditions may apply).
..and before I go, if you're a macfag - kys.
amd drivers are worse
Kek the stupidity here is skyrocketing
Interesting, the only GPU drivers that have ever actually worked correctly for me on Linux have been nVidia
Of course not. I have self respect.
>GNU/Linux is allergic to binary blobs
which is why we'll never be able to game properly on linux
I really don't see the point of using linux as your system if you have to install steam (and its motherfucking 32bits outdated runtime) to play games anyway
It would be possible if MS released its own version of Linux.
Hipsters started the craft beer revolution. Similarly, independent game studios could start open-source gaming revolution, by relying on open-source drivers, game engines and saying no to proprietary ("we've done it this way for the last 20 years") bullshit.
Linux. There's no argument in which OS is faster and lighter. Linux scheduler is far better and as long as you don't get some shit distro you're not at 1GB ram usage + 150+ processes right off the bat.
>B-but you can run that software on Linux! :DDD You just have to do a fuck ton of things more than on windows to get it to work (barely) decently, y-you don't need windows!1 ::---DDD
The state of Linux.
>all Windows programs
Wine runs almost all Windows programs except those requiring DX12 and they're working on that too, natively.
>fuckton of things
literally you just double click setup.exe exactly as you would on windows
it's that easy, in fact it's easier than on windows 1/2 the time
If it could do that then it would literally be Windows.
nigga you literally just have to click the exe if you have wine (which is preinstalled on a lot of distros) and if you don't then you just install it
most of the software written for Windows is for viruses and the like
I use it already. If it ran all Windows programs I'd have 0 reason to use Windows, currently I'm stuck using windows for work
Not even windows can run windows programs smoothly and without problems
So you had Microsoft code running on your system at some point? You need to build a new PC immediately user... Who knows what that proprietary code did to the firmware on your hardware devices?
>vote with your dollar
> shitty linux performance
delet this
>prefer not to vote with own dollar
Pic related.
what does your pic have to do with anything?
>it's been 3 years since any woman touched my body
All these years later and they still haven't realized that shilling has an overall negative impact on their brand. Especially inept shilling by literal poo in loos.
The issue is that they can't shill honestly, so they resort to lying about stuff much like systemd proponents do. It really exposes how shaky their actual software really is, that they have to use these tactics.
I will never use MS or systemd. There's no reason to.
>Voting with your dollar will help with open source drivers.
>In response, the user posted a communist philosopher, who's spoken out against capitalism in this case wearing a tshirt "I would prefer not to".
My pic explained that I do not encourage capitalism, but rather agorism and counter-economics as means of market anarchism.
In other words, as Samuel Edward Konkin III put it:
>The goal of agorism is the agora. The society of the open marketplace as near to untainted by theft, assault, and fraud as can be humanly attained is as close to a free society as can be achieved. And a free society is the only one in which each and every one of us can satisfy his or her subjective values without crushing others’ values by violence and coercion.
Voting with your dollar will lead to GNU/Linux to become an excellent gaming ecosystem.
(Read a book, faggot.)
>install linux
>use wine for windows programs
>use VM for windows programs who refuse to behave
>use VM with PCI passthrough for gayems
I'll start off by saying that your "pic related" still has nothing to do with any of this.
but secondly:
>My pic explained that I do not encourage capitalism, but rather agorism and counter-economics as means of market anarchism.
literally what? communism is literally just the negation and sublation of capitalism. that's all it means.
>The society of the open marketplace as near to untainted by theft, assault, and fraud as can be humanly attained is as close to a free society as can be achieved
which can't exist as long as private property exists, since it is theft by nature
>and a free society is the only one in which each and every one of us can satisfy his or her subjective values without crushing others’ values by violence and coercion.
you mean "to each according to his ability, each according to his need"?
>Voting with your dollar will lead to GNU/Linux to become an excellent gaming ecosystem.
because why? throwing money at a non-profit organization does not do that. Linux donations will just cause the developers to improve Linux.
But enough of the hypothetical, let's actually look at what keeps Linux afloat IN REALITY; it's the fact that wealthy shareholders who need to keep their servers running donate to the Linux foundation in order to keep their business afloat. The only reason free software has gotten as far as it did is because it JUST SO HAPPENED to include the GPL as its license. If Linus chose to use something like, say, the BSD license. Free Software as a whole would be dead as a doorknob.
This isolated scenario is almost a caricature example of why "voting with your dollar" doesn't work, since the developers know people will always pick the better UI above all else for their processing, regardless of its internal flaws.
i would go full linux so fast it would make your head spin.
I'll reply that you missed the point of my pic and/or didn't follow the referred thread of posts carefully.
>>My pic explained that I do not encourage capitalism, but rather agorism and counter-economics as means of market anarchism (in this post )
>literally what? communism is literally just the negation and sublation of capitalism. that's all it means [Nice strawman, faggot].
Exactly, and my point was to show that my post had nothing to do with either communism or capitalism. In fact, it's an example of libertarian world view.
>>The society of the open marketplace as near to untainted by theft, assault, and fraud as can be humanly attained is as close to a free society as can be achieved
>which can't exist as long as private property exists, since it is theft by nature [Nice No True Scotsman, faggot]
Agorism is not communism. You do not need to abolish private property for it to "exist". The point of agorism is reaching towards the ideal. Konkin specifically denotes his class theory with non-statist and statist capitalists being on the wrong, with the later being more so. Whereas entrepreneurs are defined as the positive driving force in the counter-economic society. This is extremely relevant for the future of gaming in linux. Fuck that statists (MS, NVIDIA) and support trail-blazing entrepreneurs. This drive to the free society is what underlies agorism.
>>Voting with your dollar will lead to GNU/Linux to become an excellent gaming ecosystem.
>because why? throwing money at a non-profit organization does not do that. Linux donations will just cause the developers to improve Linux. [Nice bandwagon, faggot]
GNU/Linux is not equal to Open Source. Vote with your dollar by buying Open Source friendly GPUs (relative), gaming peripherals and support independent game developers to prove the market that Open Source sells. Support libre or GIMP instead of office if you want. Support to GNU/Linux directly is irrelevant.
Epic comeback, I bet you're really smart
Literally just installed Linux and my wife looked over and smiled and said "You're so smug with that stinkpad."
You must be drowning in strange, user. Especially, when the three keys around the trackpoint spell out your secret weapon.
So easy to tell how this is fake
Longer, actually, but I don't see what that has to do with anything...
>no actual argument, not even attempting to claim its inaccurate
Yes. Adobe and moar games
Only if the applications adjusted themselves to work with linux and not the other way around.
Well yeah.
No because there still wouldn't be a single good DE.
aimp won't work and it's just a simple music player
you mean if it smelled like she looks?
kys retarded goyish scum
I would without the windows compatibility. This shit means problems
>wine-staging exists
>virtual machines are a thing, and nowadays it's even possible to have PCIe passthroughs
There's no reason to run windows on bare metal.
>wine-staging exists
>virtual machines are a thing, and nowadays it's even possible to have PCIe passthroughs
There's no reason to run windows on bare metal.
I use wine-staging to run just one game (that runs better than it did on windows.)
But user, I already do
aimp works fine with wine
I really hate Linux DEs so probably not.
I would continue to use it, yes, but I would also continue to only use free software.