>tfw I want to upgrade my ancient cpu
>tfw none of the recent cpus support windows 7
>tfw I dont want to downgrade to wincuck 10
I would make the switch to linux but I dont want to lose 90% of my vidya library.
I'm gonna be stuck on my 2500k for ever I guess.
Tfw I want to upgrade my ancient cpu
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You have to man up, take the dildo and put up with windows 10. It's literally Spyware software but you gotta do what you gotta do
i7 4790k
Gentoo doesn't have this problem
If you find a second hand CPU 4770k or 4790k at a very good price buy asap...
I'm not going to change my 4770k until 5 nm new generation comes, no reason to do so.
Just buy an i3 6100, literally just works
>I would make the switch to linux but I dont want to lose 90% of my vidya library.
What kind of games do you play that isn't on linux?
Should've bought a 6700K when you had the chance my lad
Overclocked 2500k is almost as good as a stock 6500. Why would he want to downgrade?
>having anything to do with OS support other than architecture
what the fuck, am i retarded?
>windows 8.1
>i used a patch to can acess windows update
It just works, OP.
i5 3550 here.
No chance to upgrade anything. Waiting for Ryzen 2... and only if it's worth the upgrade.
Just upgrade and spend a few hours disabling windows shit and all future updates
There was something of a fuss recently over some newer CPUs not working with older versions of Windows. Not sure about details, since I dismissed it as irrelevant to me running Linux.
There is a lot of software out there that disables a lot of the spyware you can't manually disable
Do some research, I think there's a few guides out there
>using windows 7 instead of 10
>muh gaymes
>CPUs aren't technology
>gaymer fag complaining about muh gahnoo slash linocks not supporting gamyes
Happy 4670k windows 7 user reporting in
>implying it's semantically possible to upgrade from a 2500k
Stripped down custom w10 when?
All you have to do is make sure your mobo has win7 drivers, other than that you'll just get "your hw is not supported on win7" message and no updates, both of which can be remedied by small patches found on github
What would be a good price? $200~?
just install Windows 10 enterprise, then disable telemetry via group policy
also you will grow out of video gaymes eventually, so if you want to buy a cpu because of gaymes then you are a faggot
>''Hey guys what are the best headphones at the moment for the best audio and music quality''
>Hurrdurrr go to Sup Forums
> using winblows 10
You're upset
You can use Kaby Lake with Windows 7, only the integrated graphics won't work.
t. G4560
"I have no rebuttal so I'm just gonna say that youre upset"
i7 6700/k both have support for Windows 7 I say it's the best cpu you can get if really want to stay with win7
They have a workoround for that on github
It's FUD. The CPU works fine, Microsoft intentionally disables updates but you can patch that.
Just fucking dualboot already. Winshit 10 isn't that annoying if you only use it for gayming, while linux nicely stays out of the way when you actually do something.
too lazy to search desu
this is what I do
>have to switch to win10 every time i want to play csgo at 80fps
the state of my life right now
Get 10, and linux. and use this: safer-networking.org
Only use 10 for gaming, use linux for everything else. Job done
If you don't want to dual boot, get a VM up and going with VGA pass through. Otherwise get your hands on a 4770/4790k, a high end z97 board, and 16-32GB of some decent ram.
I'm recommending a bit overkill on the board and ram so you can have your PC be relevant for as long as possible.
Just install it, jackass
Works, picrelated, some shitty updates just dropped today.
>recommending 32gb ram when ram prices are at a all time high
16 is enough.
>Otherwise get your hands on a 4770/4790k, a high end z97 board, and 16-32GB of some decent ram
If I had money for a 4790k I wouldn't be dual booting a root-kitted windows 10 partition to play one video game, also:
>in 2018
>16-32GB Ram for general use
pic related is you
>he installs updates past the initial few hundred mb of 'important' shit
prosze tego nie robic
Don't fall for Microsoft tricks, Ryzen is perfectly compatible with Windows 7. I'm also not going to install W10 in any computer that I own.
This. If you have a GPU and aren't relying on integrated graphics, everything works 100%, apart from some MS nagware that pops up once in a while.
I read somewhere awhile back overclocking is pretty bad on these old OS's with these new cpus. Where it would run on w10 yet the same settings would cause a fail to boot on 7.
t. wannacry
all of the security updates installed (i think), just none of the optional system stability/bs stuff
haven't heard of that, but i doubt it. maybe it's some bios related meme
fuck get some "bootstraps" in here for more dumb as fuck boomerisms
you sound exactly like those fat retarded evil shits.