Sup Sup Forumsaylords
What are the best gpu's to mine alts?
>inb4 1080ti
Sup Sup Forumsaylords
What are the best gpu's to mine alts?
>inb4 1080ti
580 pickaxe edition
what about the vega 64?
Faggots like you are why I can't find a reasonably priced graphics card
Go back to playing your little faggot games
By the way, does anyone know how to get cheap/free electricity?
I'm thinking of renting space in an industrial facility, but doesen't seem safe.
Other option would be to ship the rigs to angola, but niggers.
EBay is pretty troll when Bitcoin dips.
Last time it did therev were panic sellers trying to get rid of their mining rigs. Lel
Panic is what keeps the business strong
real talk if i purchased a bunch of cards what could i mine and make money off / with what card / coin
They gaymers still have the 1050. Buy the 1050's to dry out their stock aswell.
I'll let you buy my 7970 for 500.
I have an rx480 rig and a mixed one with 470 480 570 580.
About 175 mh/s each, used to be 200 but something happened (didn't underclock) so must have been related to the difficulty.
You can get your investment back in about 9 months (used to be 3) and this is considering the price of the coin stays stagnant (unlikely).
The good part is that you can sell the cards to gaymer neets after they run the marathon.
shut up
How many hashes/sec would this setup do for Monero?
It is technically the best, but you'll not be able to find one for sale.
Check out this businessman, he's making beer money!
You can't afford the beer I drink
Probably some hipster faggot IPA with 30 types of hops, aged for 4 years in a faggot's asshole soaked in bourbon.
My apartment has all utilities included, as in it costs me nothing extra regardless of how much electric I use.
i would, but you faggots bought all the GPUs
what are you mining with that op? $20 a day? top kek
the microcenter logo on the screen looks like it says micro cancer
I might look for a student apartment next year where utilities are included in a fixed monthly rent so i can do something like this.
What are you mining btw?
How much FPS do you get in minesweeper?
go be productive
Fuck off, crypto currency and mining are clearly tech related. It's nice to have a thread that isn't fighting over AMD/Intel or systemd.
Faggots like you need to go back to your shitty games
>telling people on Sup Forums to be productive
go be productive
Come on son
You know thats not the truth at all
The truth is no one is manufacturing enough because they are A) price gouging and B) not will to risk ramp up on a passing fad
I hate fucking miners so much.Especially the alt coin nigger miners who think they will profit from mining literally bits on the internet.The only way to profit from this is to buy at the start and sell as quicly as as the coin hits markets.But no this retards think that thwy will repay their BILLS AND CARDS,MOBOS,CPU,PSU,RAM.Unless a acard makes 50 $/mo there is no way to make money.Ohh but here comes the fun part.The coins themselves are either in limited supply or increase in difficulty by the day.REtards think the difficulty is y=a equation.But nooo here comes their second argument "i will sell them on ebay!!!" yeah in order to cover the loss each piece is selling for 350$ easy,nonone buys that shit.People will wait for new batches to come out.
This normies think they can le get le rich le quick™. The only thing i wanted to do this summer is relax by playing games on a 1060 for 260 euros, since last year of uni suck the soul ou of me.
t. econ student who has actually traded and mined and has profited.
Is it bait or a literal fucking retard?
I have 500£ and a gtx 1060 6gb
Is it worth it to join in now?
Unless you got into it before everyone shit themselves over it you're throwing away your money
sell the 1060 and use the profit and the 500 bucks to day trade buttcoins instead
Not so fast fuccboii
Probably already have more mh than you
Now imagine when my 1070 and vegas arrive to fill all these empty spaces.
/r/ing this guy's video.
lol, git gud and invest instead :)
>stagnant (unlikely)
Thats right the price will go down and you'll be making at a loss, you have the chinks to thank for that
I mined a shitcoin on my lone rx 480 for a while before a few mining whales jumped in and bumped up the difficulty.
Now I just game on it.
I have 3.something btc, 5 eth and 20 monero
I convert the eth as soon as I mine it
Someone should make a chad/virgin mining thread where the virgin mines in a pool and gets ripped off, and the chad mines by himself on a cpu and solves it in 3 minutes.
meme, not thread
Fucking miners
fucking gamers
shit, I thought I was still on /biz/ - just a minute before, I decided to check whats going on on Sup Forums
also, /biz/ is already taken over by /crypto/ give it some time and Sup Forums will be 99.9% about mining.
as a dude that bought a 1080ti that sits unused most the time, how many hours of mining would i need to do for the card to pay itself off?
Noobs mine, real men short and long crypto
Preferably cfd
Remeber to SAGE and REPORT cryptocuck threads!