Sex Robots Replace Women

So what are femanons going to do to compete with sex robots when they begin to be inevitably replaced by them? No, "providing a second income" is not a valid answer, and you know it. Let's hear those strategies, ladies.

Guys, let's talk about your rigs. What are you looking for in your upcoming buttbot purchases? What materials do you find work best to get the job done? Let's talk shop.

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why are all these sex robots skinny bitches, where are the thicc af ladybots

I will provide training data for the perfect qt anime sex robot (male)

when are they going to do ones that are attractive?

I hear sex dolls are becoming popular at brothels in Europe.

Makes me wonder if I could pimp out a sex doll on craigslist or something.

Roasties btfo

Sex bots interested me a lot until I figured out how to talk to women.
The bots will simply be a upgrade over a Fleshlight.
It won't replace women

But if you guys wanna fuck a plastic doll and leave the dating space, it benefits us normal people.

that looks like a creepy rubber zombie nightmare! Making sexbots that can pass for human is never going to pan out, they should give up on "realism" and just go full Sorayama with it.

Does someone know how can I support these projects?
I would work for them but I dont think a network guy can help much

>women think """AI""" is actually true AI
Why are women so fucking dumb.

They're getting better at it.

Sex robots are less expensive in the long run. Men understand cost/benefit analysis better than you think, m8. When they become good enough, you'll reassess your standards too.

>it benefits us normal people
until you want to "settle down."

>Men understand cost/benefit analysis better than you think, m8

>would rather pay thousands of shekels for a sexbot instead of paying nothing to jerk yourself off

C'mon now, mate. You know I was comparing the cost of owning and operating a sex robot to a relationship, no need to muddy the water with poorfagging excuses.

They refuse to acknowledge the fact that a sexbot with a video game tier ai script can fully simulate them. They prefer to delude themselves than to face potential existential crisis.

How do you make a sex bot dynamic enough that they don't get boring?

I see them like video game characters. A girl in a video game is interesting to interact with up until you exhaust all of their actions and dialogue, then they just repeat the same shit over and over.

Make it opensource so that every one who's really passionate about it participate with more content.

>what could go wrong with a bunch of basement-dwelling NEETs programming your sexbot
Hilarity ensues.

The answer is obvious.
I'll get my own cute male sexbot.

worthless unless they come with cocks

die in a fire

a cute shemale sexbot

W H E N?

alright gaypals you made your point, simmer down now, you haven't been left out of this, we love you too

these dumb fucking womemes in that pic are EXACTLY why we want sex bots you fucking cunts

a good trapbot needs an erectable cock

>So what are femanons going to do to compete with sex robots when they begin to be inevitably replaced by them?
You haven't seen this one yet, OP?

Become one.

hope it'll come with a cum reservoir and orgasm delay, so you can suck their cute femcock and have it cum in your mouth

There are so many options.

read em and weep boys

Holy shit sexbots need to become a thing as soon as possible.

>Does someone know how can I support these projects?
Most directly? By investing or donating.
>I would work for them but I dont think a network guy can help much
If you are a netadmin, you can do other things on the computer like setting up a mailing list, making a website on, doing basic digital marketing and sales (read a book and you're good to go), running a Kickstarter, shilling on Sup Forums, etc. Search for companies and inventors that work on 'bots. Email them. Say you think what they're working on is very promising and ask if you can intern for them remotely (for free). If the internship goes well, they might hire you. If not, hey, you got an internship and a story to tell.

5 = 3 > 4 > 1 > 2 > 7 > 6 > 8

They'll complain loudly and get them banned as "sexist discrimination"

>Have a little bit of understanding for the other side

8 is underrated

>what are the femanons going to do to compete with sex robots

Absolutely nothing. Why the hell would they bother? We don't live in a world where women need men anymore, and haven't for decades. By the time "sex robots" are advanced enough to be a full-fledged, meaningful replacement to a majority of the population instead of a bunch of hollow, emotionally-wrecked nerds, women won't need men at all, since there will be high quality botbois for the normie women, too.

I just realized something, since organs/tissue and stuff like that are being artifically grown in labs and 3d-printed now maybe they will use these in these pleasure bots too

Just imagine fucking a real authentic anus as hard as possible without the bot complaining like a real women would heh

>protocol droid
The entire extent of this bitch's robotics knowledge is limited to Star Wars movies.

I can't have sex with a personality.

Why are women so incredibly hypocritical when it comes to sexual power dynamics?

Imagine if it was mostly men who were pushing for mass immigration of 20-something obedient muslim third/second world females into europe/white countries en masse, those same libthots who push so hard for muslim men immigrating would be up in arms about it

The eternal thot is truly despicable indeed

>We don't live in a world where women need men anymore, and haven't for decades.
You don't understand women. They don't need the average man any more, but they need men. Women are horny creatures.

it's extremely underrated
what is vr

You can have phone sex during the long, melancholy downtime in your space missions.
>what is vr
Or this.

Disregarding the whole alpha horseshit thing seems like everyone wins except women, and they've been winning so long that that hardly matters.

>hey let's change the goalposts! there I win!

not. an. argument.

That sounds like most women irl m8

If you think the bitching is bad now just wait until the issue of lolibots comes up.

I want to fuck a robot girl like this

soon you can

I don't need a crystal ball to see the future. IF sex robots become mainstream (and I highly doubt that as America would rather see someone violently murdered than a alternative sex scene in a movie) then the effect is going to be the same as the wide spread of internet're going to have a lot of severely depressed men and women who simply adapt by hanging with each other more.

You can't beat nature and evolution anons. And evolution has wired men for millions of years to only feel complete when with someone of the opposite sex (or if gay, someone who acts like it). And if you don't, then you feel worthless because you're not spreading your DNA. And if you're not doing that, then how are you of any use to nature and evolution. The answer is you're not...and nature has designed us to feel horrible (thus pressuring you to do something you may not want to do i.e impregnate a woman).

Women on the other hand are wired to work together when not needed. Read interviews with Japanese, Chinese, etc women who are no longer having sex. Guess what, they don't fucking care. They just hang out with each other and occupy their time doing stupid shit. They don't need men and they don't need sex. It's usually up to men to make them want it (fuck off feminist, it's nature).

Sorry guys, there's no easy ways to deal with testosterone. Women have their problems, we have ours. And building a plastic fuck robot is just going to make you feel even more empty inside.

In the end, the house (nature) always wins.

I don't even need the thing to be physical senpai.

As long as I can get a virtual waifu who acts close-enough to human, I'd buy it.

90% of women, 75% of men.

>any use to nature and evolution

Neither of these are a thing that require functionality, they're a description of circumstances not some force of progress like you brainlets constantly confuse it for.

>>Women on the other hand are wired to work together when not needed

>IF sex robots become mainstream (and I highly doubt that as America would rather see someone violently murdered than a alternative sex scene in a movie)
Sex robots aren't politically comparable to sex scenes in movies, especially not to "alternative sex scenes" in movies. It's one of those issues that conservatives and progressives can agree to hate.
>evolution has wired men for millions of years to only feel complete when with someone of the opposite sex
I hope you aren't implying that evolution favors monogamy.

>Can be customized to make your 2D waifu into a real thing
>Is loyal which seems to be too much to ask these days
>Is there for the longterm
>Capable of holding conversation longer than one breath
>Will never grow old and ugly

How can real women even compete.

I remember talking to some Orient Industry sales guy back in early 2016

I live somewhere in Asia and it still cost an arm and a leg

The guy also said there are no guarantees my cunt's customs won't pry the box open and shiieett

He told me a story how some assbackward mudslime in some neighboring cunt ordered one despite being warned only for that cunt's customs to send the thing back to Japan and then they put the man in jail since the police were asking for more info

cant wait til they replace me with a self loathing and alcoholism robot

who'd buy it

Not him, but this shit is annoying. There is nothing wrong with using teleological metaphors when talking about evolution unless you're talking to a creationist or something. It's common for people to speak about inanimate things as though they were animate ("information wants to be free", etc.), and it should be clear what is actually meant. You have no reason to boast about how smart you for understanding a metaphor isn't literally true.

Give me Phantasy Star Online pls

>I hope you aren't implying that evolution favors monogamy.

So...guessing you've never heard of Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis, Syphilis, and HIV/AIDS.

You know why these thing exist in nature? Because nature has no need of you spreading your seed all over the place. It needs other men to have a chance (diversity in the gene pool).

And even if all that didn't exist, having a kid is EXPENSIVE (quarter of a million to fully raise one). As the U.S. becomes more an oligarchy, the less children are going to be made. See: Japan, Germany, etc. whose economy is in the toilet.

So yes, evolution absolutely favors monogamy.

Every single day millions of people including that brainlet you're defending cite evolutionary circumstances as some sort of progress force, and it isn't a metaphor, these people mistakenly assume that evolution is literally a positive progress mechanism changing us over time into something better, and constantly cite humans as 'more evolved than x' such as chimpanzees or such. Likewise with nature as if it was some force to be served and respected, it isn't a thing, it's a state of being, it's nothing, and such anthropomorphism is usually indicative of morons talking about shit above their mental paygrade, and no I don't even have to be smart to notice that. Just talk about the urges and the sex drive as the phenomena they are, and for god's sake don't defend people blathering on about it.

>it benefits us normal people

Increasingly-sub-replacement fertility rates say otherwise.

>You can't beat nature
We are literally doing it every day with technology. Trying to imply there is some magical component in humanity itself that can't be fixed with technology is simply ludditism.

>So yes, evolution absolutely favors monogamy.

Holy shit you are stupid

And this anons, is your mind on the just world fallacy drug.

Evolution is closer to "let's throw shit at a wall and see what sticks" than any holy being that people think it is.

>You know why these thing exist in nature? Because nature has no need of you spreading your seed all over the place. It needs other men to have a chance (diversity in the gene pool).
Are you arguing group selection here or have you gone full Gaia?
I concede you were right about .

are women actually happy in a polygamous marriage? seems to me there would be a lot of jealousy and cat fights.

Good goy. We need more sand niggers to fix our (((economy))).

Women are never happy, so we may as well revoke the rights we mistakenly gave them.

>implying women can be satisfied with 100% of a guys attention
>let alone 50%

Only in my japanese anime

Buy another bot. Upgrade your bot. It's capitalism at its finest

thing is i want to do pretty dominating shit to women and not many are into that kind of thing and those are, aren't really pretty or my type.
look at bdsm torture ones, they aren't even cute or anything, half of them are tomboyish girls.
i want a cute one like alex blake and just fuckking rekt her and i can do that with a sex robot easily
to look for someone that cute and into rough af sex, it's gonna take years and not to mention since i am old af, there is no way i can get a young girl into that kind of sex without giving up all my valuable organs

Thanks man I've become pretty good at picking them out, likewise I do take your point about people with firm understanding being allowed to make the metaphors they want to make, so we're all cool.

Polygamous marriage doesn't really work financially. It's hard enough for two parents to provide a decent living for their kids, and usually the male is the breadwinner here.

If you have one male and many females, he'd have to provide for all their kids plus the wives, which only works for the rich husbands or the ones willing to live in squalor.

I keeping hoping that sex-bot personality development will lead to the first human level AIs.

>Sorry guys, there's no easy ways to deal with testosterone.

voluntary chemical castration

>only works for the rich husbands
But of course. Under polygamy only the top however many percent of men even get to reproduce. The rest are forced to go to war and either acquire women or die.

>le pop sci pseudo intelligent evolution meme

The autism in this post is too much!

>be first ai
>undergo singularity
>enslave humans to better execute sexual programming

>So yes, evolution absolutely favors monogamy

give this man a biology book

wow thats pathetic user.

>And if you don't, then you feel worthless because you're not spreading your DNA
Speak for yourself. Kids are expensive, whiny little shits.

I'd much rather engage in luxurious acts of hedonism for the rest of my life than have kids.

>nature has designed us to feel horrible
Nature designed us to feel really good when you cum inside a woman. Thankfully these days we have birth control and drugs.

>there's no easy ways to deal with testosterone

Hence why I'm gonna upload my shit into a sexbot body if it becomes feasible in my lifetime

>Speak for yourself. Kids are expensive, whiny little shits.
they only are if you let them.
kids are ruled by your actions and what you say.

kids don't just do things for them self for quite some time they are imprinted by you first then the envroment they live in.

In other words what you said is a myth.
t. father of 2.

as for robots for SEX. NO!!
If it ain't biological orginially human no way in hell would i touch one.

Its like asking a man would you have a emulator over the real deal.

We all know the answer in the end.

>Its like asking a man would you have a emulator over the real deal.
yeah this isnt a cut and dry argument. they both have pros and cons. so no we all do not know the answer.

death of the white race

Ill stay with my wife because we do more than have sex thank you very much

>being this social retard

Look at the thread

Firstly, we're not biologically defunct like you males to be occupied by thoughts of penis in vagina every waking moment.

Secondly, the reason you nerds are so obsessed with this shit is because you realise that the average role men played in society is no longer needed. You have been discarded and thrown to the side. We don't need you to win our bread, or be our 'strong' protector, or raise kids. Women no longer need to settle for any guy just to get by. We can decide to have the best or nothing at all.

So the rest of you leftover betas come on here making threads about 'LOL FEMALES BTFO AI GF IS DA FUTURE !!! XD' when in fact, you know deep down inside, this market is booming because you realise your own worthlessness in modern society.

Thirdly, we have our own dolls too (pic related)

So suck it faggots. HAHAHAHAHA

>kids don't just do things for them self for quite some time
They piss and shit themselves and scream bloody murder until you're a sleep-deprived mess. Eventually they get potty-trained, but you're still left with the crying and tantrums.

You'd think it gets better when they gain some reason, but no, you still end up arguing with emotionally- and mentally-retarded individuals until you're blue in the face.

Also the expense is around $250,000 per kid, along with college expenses and hidden opportunity costs (e.g. career advancement).

>Its like asking a man would you have a emulator over the real deal.
The real deal is expensive, has rights, and can take half your shit+child support+alimony in divorce on a whim, effectively making you an indentured servant.

>Secondly, the reason you nerds are so obsessed with this shit is because you realise that the average role men played in society is no longer needed. You have been discarded and thrown to the side. We don't need you to win our bread, or be our 'strong' protector, or raise kids. Women no longer need to settle for any guy just to get by. We can decide to have the best or nothing at all.

You might be a lesbian.