Seriously Microsoft? Let me think... Because i wanted to end some unresponsive application?

Seriously Microsoft? Let me think... Because i wanted to end some unresponsive application?

Other urls found in this thread:

Hey now, they're just asking nicely, you don't have to be a dick about it.

Oops, something happened

>Asking instead of commanding

Never gonna make it

But they are asking me every single day similar stupid questions.

The botnet wants to learn from you.
Where do you think AI gets it's information.

But i dont want to be their "guinea pig"

When you don't answer, that too is an answer.

Imagine a child, asking you a bunch of questions.
If you give them good answers, they will become more book smart, but may lack savvy.
If you tell them stop asking stupid questions, they might lose interest and have low academic record, lose interest and become a slave wager.
If you just ignore them and don't answer, they'll succeed on their own become savvy and remember you as someone you didn't help them (even though you lead them to teach themselves)

I think i understand now. Thanks for lightening my mind.

Holy fuck
Sometimes I forget that windows is paid and linux is the freeware equivalent

>Sometimes I forget that windows is paid
It's okay. MS forgot that as well.

Is this for real?
How much ass raping can M$ get away with?

>Please tell us why you lied to your mother.

Uninstall W10, get W7 or linux

systemd doesn't have this problem

ops, I meant, "GNU/Linux"

I don't get this. But then again, I'm not a shit pc user so I don't have to kill processes manually all the time.

I've never seen it.

What architecture are you using?

Never once got this, desu. But then again, I usually kill stuff through resource monitor instead.

I just finished modifying my Task manager and thought I would share because it was so easy to do.

>Insider builds.
This is literally what you signed up to do, use early builds and answer questions about your usage.

>expecting a wintard bitching about botnet to know dick about anything he's shitposting about

another day
another op gets btfo

>thinking he can brute force love

Never gonna find your soul mate

pretty cool user
name of the font ?

Reply install gentoo

>windows 10.2
>please enter your technician license ID and your technicians suite product key to launch task manager

Thanks. I have been wanting to do that for a while. It messed up my tasktray feng shui when it was green.
The font in the command line is Consolas and the notepad&clock text is something extraordinary.

I see I need to locate the network sent graph line.

Here it is if anyone wants to change it themselves.
>Network tab Local Area Sent history graph line

teach me please

It is super easy and literally in the webm & . What do you need help with?

I understand that you blame others for caring about you, OP. But that doesn't mean you should disparage Microsoft for doing so. Other people may have a legitimate issue.

The gif says it all, but since I see you are good with theming windows, how did you put the date in the corner, and do you have any idea how to change the colors of windows explorer?

That is a program called Tclock I have been using since Vista.

Does it work when my task bar is vertical and hidden by default.

It's comfier liek this.

I suppose it works, but you will need to tweak the display a bit. It isn't as automatic as you might hope.

Also, I can upload my version which is probably the best version you can use on Windows 7 64 bit, because I can't seem to find a link for you.

Yes do it please. You are so kind user, thank you :)

This one might be more too your liking.

Here is the version I use/

Thanks man

>(even though you lead them to teach themselves)
things that never happened

cuz ur moms a fag

That's great, now tell Microsoft about it.

>implying (000000...FFFFFF) = 256 and not 16777216
I suck at Technology.
That should have been:
>(00...FF)*(00...FF)*(00...FF) = 16777216