Your mother will buy it

Your mother will buy it
your sister will buy it
her friends will buy it
that chad will buy it
the girl you've been lusting after will buy it
your classmates and coworkers will buy it

and you
you will be just another green bubble

>the girl you've been lusting after
>being straight

I have an iPhone 5S I got from Walmart for $60, so no, I won't be a green bubble.

>girl I've been lusting after

>tfw I own applel stoc

>implying I respect people who dont respect money

that shitty phone is not worth half what those california faggots try to charge you

fine, whatever

But you won't be able to send animojis now, and thats totally furphobic

Kiss me

really?? you actually believe it will go up after todays fail..

you should have shorted that stock you stupid fuck

>le bubble meme
Anyone sending SMS deserves to get ignored. That thing was relevant maybe a decade ago, might be two.

Now you may say this is from reddit, but remember that it's the 8th most popular site in the world, and the 4th most in the united states.

These people are the same ones you see everyday at home, at work, at school.
And they're snickering at you.

And a followup

>thinking it won't go up

*kisses u*

holy shit americans are such cattle

it will slide sideways/drop at best.. why the fuck would it go up with such shitty products? I could have designed a better phone drawing with my dick on toilet paper

I don't live in that neanderthal country. We have cheap unlimited 4G data here so SMS is pretty much dead. Also supermarket's chip readers take one second to process the payment. NFC payment takes about the same.

>Live in asia
>Everyone uses LINE
>Instead of green and blue bubbles I get cute Hatsune miku stickers

I dont give a shit

>implying apple drones won't eat it up regardless

>being a weaboo

yes, but thats already included into the stock price... If you want it to go up, you need to outcompete the Galaxy, which they failed to do

>the girl you've been lusting after will buy it

>complaining about weaboos on a weaboo website

are you implying I text people for fun
I may be a loser but I'm not in highschool fuckhead

Sucks to be them, ya'know

Fuck of kamina

>dumb materialists being dumb & materialistic
In other news; grass is still green

>new phone new number!!

Why do americunts do this? Do the carriers not allow you to keep your phone number when changing phones?

Well, you got to assume that this shit is to a degree urban legends and shilling.
But still, the fact that people keep posting that shit tells you something about their mental/dick level. OP is a faggot BTW.

and I'll have $1000 more than all of them

Wait, wait. You can even keep number when changing carriers here.
Lel USA.

How is that different from other forms of dumb people being dick/retards sort of abuse you can meet?
You know that when schoolkids in some group bully you, sucking up to them is not going to make them stop, don't you?
Also Sup Forums is 18+

>green bubbles
This meme is still going? The whole point of android is that you have options. You can change the bubbles to whatever god damn color you what

It's just shilling

Try not being friends with super shallow people.

>the girl you've been lusting after
Giving up on 3dpd is obviously the best choice.

People still use SMS in the year 2017? What the fuck are Americans doing, everyone else is using WhatsApp, LINE or Telegram.

>using imessage

lol true

> girl(male)
> fine, whatever
That's better

que? I've got blue bubbles too though...

Almost no one I know uses an Iphone, people actually regret buying them over here.

Good one op

Yes, but sometimes you want a new number for privacy.
Bad breakups, telemarketers, anything where you just want a clean start.

No, that's the point.
US uses iMessage.
People who still use SMS (green bubbles) are looked down upon.

Nope, I don't live in burgerland.

Dint forget that (you) live st your moms basement and own nothing

I'm just taking yours.

Most young people are shallow though

>Your mother will buy it
>your sister will buy it
>her friends will buy it
Probably some
>that chad will buy it
>the girl you've been lusting after will buy it
Nah, she uses an Android phone
>your classmates and coworkers will buy it

>tfw my mom got an upgrade yesterday
>had a choice between iPhone 6s or S7
>picks the s7

Less human than germans, even

>follow others
typical american...