> 2017
> not using R
Why aren't you working as a data Scientist user?
> 2017
> not using R
Why aren't you working as a data Scientist user?
Other urls found in this thread:
python is gettng better tools
why are you using a meme language user? You surely know Microsoft has development tools for R
because R is a meme language
python is better for scripting and things like stan are better for bayesian statistics
interactive visualisation is also becoming more important and things like bokeh make it easy with python
this was developed at my university (UoA)
I just like the scipy stack. It's what I used first
I also used Java first, but I learned with my mistakes user :^)
R is a meme language that don't even have access to Tensorflow. How are you going to train machine learning models on distributed machines with R?
there are R interfaces to stan