Can we discuss the ever increasing number of generals on Sup Forums?
It's starting to get out of hand; the entire first page at times is nothing but generals.
Generals General
Other urls found in this thread:
It helps consolidate shitposts.
we need an anime general
It's fine, they've been around for years and never got any worse than where they are at now
Except it doesn't. It just provides spaces for shitposters to shitpost even more.
There's not less shitposting in other threads now that there's 20 generals, there's just two pages full of nothing but shitposts in addition to the usual shitpost-laden content
We don't have enough generals to make their own board yet
>unironically not using catalog
how about the mods delete all these shitposts?
it's getting to the point where every little open sores projects feels the need to have their software shilled constantly. libreboot mpv qbitorrent what else?
mods don't actually give a shit
>It's starting to get out of hand; the entire first page at times is nothing but generals.
>ban generals
>now the board is full of unconsolidated stupid questions
Good job 'fixing' it
The more unscrupulous generals are starting to hide under the "thread" label.
The stupid questions should be deleted, then.
They're against the rules anyway.
See this Underage retards spam their shitty general to keep it from archiving all the time. If you want generals as a means to contain shit, you need to moderate it. Otherwise it ends up being worse than no generals.
ur clearly new to the chans
I call it the subreddification of Sup Forums.
Here, let me help you with this problem
Generals are a new cancer to Sup Forums that have only been introduced in the past 3-5 years as a way to advertise and market shit while bypassing having to pay Sup Forums for advertising slots.
Fuck off
In theory, /wdg/ could be merged into /dpt/, as web development is typically a subset of programming. In practice, this would only make things worse for both parties, as /dpt/ would become even more of a shouting match.
As for the other generals... There isn't a lot of overlap, and removing them would mean that posts that would normally be made inside of a thread now become threads in their own right, and the board would move too quickly from all of the new thread creation.
Bring this back general.
Also this one
95% of these generals are actually just for advertising consumer products.
The generals should be banned and the companies trying to post them should be told to buy a fucking ad instead of doing their guerilla marketing bullshit.
>29 threads
>11 of them are advertising products
>40% of the generals are product advertisements
The literal fucking state of Sup Forums today
Sup Forums and Sup Forums are completely overrun with shills.
Big corporations were a mistake.
Only the stupid questions and PC building generals should be allowed.
The rest are just paid shills
MY Filters can't even keep up with the cancer.
t.le donald poster that came here in 2015
Just filter /*/
we don't need generals for products like headphones, watches, mechanical keyboards, or thinkpads, just put the buying guides in the sticky. chink shit general is maybe the exception since its broad
web dev and programming generals seem appropriate
we don't need linux general, all of Sup Forums is linux general
mpv general is a joke and probably dev shilling
private tracker general is pointless shitposting with nothing of value discussed
stuff like clover os and netrunner generals i'm torn on
>crossing out /cosg/ but leaving /ptg/
why hasnt /wt/ fucked off to /fa/ yet?
This always gets brought up, I've gotten scared of bringing it up again out of fear of getting banned ironically. I barely post and lurk Sup Forums cause it's so shit
The funny thing is most of those """threads""" could just be shitpost in sqt
Technology is such all encompassing term you need them, the pastebins are useful information and these threads stop people from posting the same thread without any type of organization.
solve 90% of 4chans issues resolved with this one enforced no advertising rule.
too many shitposts flooding this place with shit like it's an india street
making decent content very had to come by
kys fgt
I always thought that a boards level of organization was an interesting peep into its posters minds. If you look in the documents folder of the average Sup Forums user you'll see that they have organized directories inside of directories, a path like
/user/Videos/foreign/Japan/anime/Psycho Pass/Season 2/
Wouldn't be hard to find, so it makes sense to me that there a lot of generals on Sup Forums because the posters here like to keep there shit organized. I love generals, I think there a good way to consolidate conversations on topics that aren't large enough for there own boards, like PTG is to /t/. And for the people in this thread that say they encourage shitposting, that's just 4chans community, the fastest board is Sup Forums, followed by Sup Forums (both of which were my primary boards before Sup Forums) you're not gonna escape shitposting on Sup Forums, because that's the whole reason most people started coming here in the first place.
Also to everyone talking about how the things being discussed have to be bought, and are therefore "marketing threads" by "le ebin gorberations!" Where the fuck are you gonna find any technology to discuss that you don't have to buy? The only thing that that entails is free software, and if you think FOSS software discussion is enough to sustain Sup Forums then you're a fool. Also, its "Sup Forums technology" not "/FOSS/ Free software and we'll allow free hardware just no 'marketing' threads where non neets discuss what they've bought"
How could we mask an anime shitposting general as technology though?
I just started filtering most of them, it's ridiculous that I have to do that.
>could just be shitpost in sqt
i always do that
they're better than the intel/amd windows/macos/linux shitposting
does anyone have the required filter list that filter all generals all except some that i like to frequent occasionally?
i like to frequent mpv tpg ptg ?
sorry i can not into REGEX.
>It's starting to get out of hand; the entire first page at times is nothing but generals.
And you just created another one, good job.
/dpt/ should just get banned honestly, no-one there actually talks about programming, it's just bitching about different languages.
>. If you look in the documents folder of the average Sup Forums user you'll see that they have organized directories inside of directories,
No you wont.
Lack of moderation was a mistake.
The problem is that there seem to be people here who think that everything needs to be a general on Sup Forums. Instead of just making a thread about something, their first reaction is to try to make it a general. Look at VR and machine learning as an example: Both are topics that can barely even get a thread to bump limit on an average day, yet there are people who tried to force them to become a general at several points.
You're absolutely right. All these terrible generals with in-depth and specialized information are taking away from the real issues at hand that we need more threads on, like AMD shills arguing with Intel shills, why systemd is the greatest thing ever or the digital antichrist to destroy linux, Jamal's new iphone, and what does klossy's asshole smell like.
There's three videogame boards, why can't there be two technology boards?
Not nearly enough traffic here. With Sup Forums the central problem was that the volume of posts was so high that threads didn't live long, Sup Forums doesn't really have that issue. The people wanting generals split off into /vg/ wanted to make sure that they could have threads that lived long enough to be useful, the people wanting generals to be split off from Sup Forums are just complaining about shit they don't like, instead of ignoring it or filtering it like they should.
Mine is just /downloads and then a bunch of subfolders that I use for a bit and then forget about. I recently consolidated files from all my devices and backups but it was really fractured. I deleted a ton of duplicate files but it took me a couple days to organize them all and since then I haven't even bothered
>Stupid Questions General
containment general so the catalog is not shit up with tech support
>Friendly GNU General
same as above
>Chink Shit, Headphones, Think Pad, Mechanical Keyboard, Smartphone Genearls
In concept these are great. Containment threads for gadgetfags and consumer electronics normies. However, they are borderline too numerous. Maybe some merging could happen but its up to them.
>Private Tracker General
Containment for questions about torrenting
>Daily Programming General
A good general
>Web Development General
Containment for javascript, one of the worst programming language ever conceived
>Nyaa Replacement
Could be merged with the other torrent General maybe
>Cybersec, Cyberpunk, "Ungoogling"
These need to stay one thread and not split up
Some fag who will never finish his browser. Will die naturally.
>MPV generals
Maybe we don't need these.
Conclusion: Although they seem numerous, there really aren't that many generals compared to other boards. They also all serve a purpose. Imagine the quality of Sup Forums if none of these topics were contained to one thread.
Sup Forums is so bipolar about generals it's not even funny
>mfw libreboot general and pen general and watch general are left of the list
>Some fag who will never finish his browser. Will die naturally.
You said that 3 months ago when the work on the browser began and it's still chugging along
>Private Tracker General
>Containment for questions about torrenting
It's like you've never been in private tracker general
/retro/ threads are not generals but containments threads
Go back to >>>/reddit/ as well, faggot