Why aren't you using Atom?

Why aren't you using Atom?

I am.

why should I?

Because I like vscode

Because I'm not a poorfag who can't afford using Jetbrains.

Because vim

not enough ram

This, well I am a student poorfag but they give it you for free.

If I am going to use a piece of software that uses a ton of memory, and takes a time to start I'll use a good IDE.




I'm forced to use phpstorm.

Because I like VS Code.

Atom has been crashing on Windows.

vs code can do the same, has more features from default, doesn't needs the crapton of extensions atom needs to be usable and it's hella lot lighter than atom

Because "computers are now faster" is not an argument for making shitty-optimized software. I will have a better time smashing my laptop with a hammer than using anything made with Electron.

VS Code > Atom

I use VS Code, it's an Electron app that actually doesn't take a gig of RAM and take forever to load, unlike (((Atom)))

Might go back to Vim/neovim though honestly

Yes it does, I use it almost daily and it's a piece of shit

Is vs code safe. I heard it builds telemetric capabilities to your programs upon compilation.

Because it takes a million years to start up and eats laptop battery for breakfast.

Conversely, Vim is just as customizable, if not more because of its longer time in existence, giving more developer more time to develop plugins. It's lean, takes up near zero processing power, runs in your terminal, and closes and opens as fast as you can type the words "vim" into the cli.

That enough reasons?

vs code only knows how to run node shit out of the box and js isn't even a compiled language

it does have telemetry though (which can be disabled)