
Guys, just admit he's nothing but a meme.

>having to pay to perform a bodily function

He is nothing but a meme

b8 or not, I don't care. I reported this post.

>i am entitled to use something built and maintained by others without giving anything back

there is a fine line between corporate rape and communism

just poo like a pajeet

>some rambling about corporate rape
Please explain why you're entitled to use utilities built and maintained by others without giving anything back. Protip: using the word "corporation" or "capitalism" disqualifies your post.

He is probably one of the few alive who could out autism this board. That is worth at least some credit.

Shitting on streets isn't that common around here.

Does society benefit from the increased revenue flowing to companies operating pay toilets more than it would by having all paid toilets be free instead?

You are entitled to have a private place where it is legal to empty your bladder and bowels.
This is a basic human right which you must not have to pay for and if it is taken away in certain places people must be supplied with free alternatives.

In an ideal country where corporations control the toilets it would be, so shitting on streets SHOULD be more common so that you don't mess up the pristine and nice toilets.

You didn't answer the question. Why are you entitled to use utilities built and maintained by others without giving anything back?

>not enough cunning to take a poo in loo for free

Why have regulations at all?

why do you build mundane facilities everyone expects to be free just to offer a charge you know everyone disagrees with?

there's a fine line between being a businessman and being a greedy scummy leechy parasite on society's asshole

Well if there are two people doing business they can't see each other. Success.

>Why are you entitled to use utilities built and maintained by others without giving anything back?
So a hobo or kids not allowed to see the lights on the streets?


toilets in large buildings are like doors: you shoild install them because they are necessary

pay toilets make as much sense as pay-to-open doors in an office space

>eurocucks get this upset that they have to tip the toilet to take a shit
And they make fun of Americans...

Literally not a single answer to the question... Not even a single attempt.

Given that it is criminal to defecate or urinate in public, it makes sense to have a certain number of publicly available toilets in every so many square miles.

Fortunately, many establishments already have free to use bathrooms, so there is currently no need for government intervention, even if a few have rules stating that they are for customers only.

that's what i tell hookers

I wonder if you can't or won't understood how dumb is your "question" from the core. Also anwered.

>Given that it is criminal to defecate or urinate in public, it makes sense to have a certain number of publicly available toilets in every so many square miles.
What does this have to do with being entitled to use non-public toilets?

>i can't justify my arbitrary and unfounded opinions so questioning them is "dumb"
>t. brainlet

>tip the toilet

but you're ok with the government punishing you for pissing in public?

Soo... you're ok with the government dictating your bathroom habits, but if they use tax payer money to pay for a service. You're not ok with that

Driving through Europe you see a lot of bathrooms.
France is without a doubt the worst country, they shit in a hole in the ground and they never clean anything. Fuck that shitty country. Lazy faggots everywhere.
I think the german way is the only acceptable way to do paid bathrooms.
When you pay, you get a receipt which can be used to deduct purchases at any of the stores along the highway.
They also raise the prices for every item, so it only feels like it is less of a waste.

>you're ok with the government punishing you for pissing in public?
I did not express any opinions on this matter.

> if they use tax payer money to pay for a service. You're not ok with that
I did not express any opinions on that matter, either. In fact, I wasn't asking why public toilets should exist. I was asking why some people think that all toilets (including the ones that are privately built and maintained) should be public.

I know right? I walked into a restaurant and performed the bodily function of eating, and then they tried to get me to pay them afterward wtf?
Needless to say, I yelled "AM I BEING DETAINED" at them over and over before running out of the building, leaving "don't tread on me" flags scribbled on napkins behind me

Because we live in a society with other people. Collectively we decide that we do not want to be like other societies like india where poor people and children piss and shit on the street. So we gather a bunch of money together so that these degenerates can piss and shit in a publicly maintained room as keep public areas clean and stench free which otherwise could effect air quality, sanitation and your housing price.

A minimal functioning government has two obligations: providing for the public defense, and adjudicating contracts. To provide for a public defense, one must maintain an effective military, raised from members of the public. If the public is unhealthy, then therefore an effective military cannot be raised. Public defecation is a public health crisis, and therefore, the government should implement a minimal amount of regulations sufficient to make public defecation non-existent.

You aren't entitled to non-public toilets. You are, however, entitled to have every opportunity to not inadvertently violate the law. If there are insufficient public toilets in a given area, the government must step in to remedy this problem, or else some citizens may be forced into a situation whereupon they have no choice but to violate the no defecation law. A solution to this might be the construction of public toilets using taxpayer money, or it might be a requirement for establishments of a certain size or greater to allocate a certain amount of space in their establishment to public-use toilets.

>So we gather a bunch of money together
I've never seen so many reading comprehension failures in a single thread.

>Pay a fuck ton in taxes for free healthcare and free college
>Don't even get free toilets

>France is without a doubt the worst country they shit in a hole in the ground and they never clean anything.
The major secret of their cheese culture have been solved. /ck/ is on suicide watch.

I don't think anyone said that privately owned toilets should be public. The argument was that there should be publicly provided for toilets.
Private toilets that you have to pay for in countries like stallman was referring to are usually either publicly funded or privately owned by a company but are placed on public property creating a government granted monopoly to the private company.

>You aren't entitled to non-public toilets.
Okay. Glad we agree. Didn't read the rest.

You can pee in public you imbecile.

If you're getting caught peeing you shouldn't have been peeing there.

You didn't even ask a question. You made an ironic statement. It's true btw, you are entitled to use a bathroom for free whenever you need it. How the ones responsible for building and maintaining bathrooms handle that is not my problem bit to be honest I wouldn't have a problem with ads everywhere if that made the bathroom free to use.

>The argument was that there should be publicly provided for toilets.
There wasn't any argument. Just the assertion that paid toilets should be illegal because shitting is a bodily function.

>public urination is illegal.
>can't hold back forever.
>government doesn't supply the public with toilets.

This is the only wrong part.
Don't mind payed toilets.

But I'm going to urinate on a tree or in a canal when I have no government supplied option.

>free healthcare and free college
>free toilets
>pick one and only one
I think I will pay for the toilet the rare times I need to use a public one.


>You didn't even ask a question.
> It's true btw, you are entitled
Opinion discarded. Come back when you can answer the question.

You have to be peeing right next to a policeman in order to get fined for that stuff.

in america it is illegal to pee in public.
Obviously you wouldn't know this because you are a shitskin.

>government forbids you from pissing in public
>government uses your tax money to bomb shitskins across the globe instead of building public toilets
>paid toilets are clearly the problem
>this is what communists actually believe

>why are you entitled
Because general wellbeing is a human right. Human rights are by definition unconditional and free of charge. Wellbeing involves having free opportunities to use a bathroom wherever you are. If it's not allowed in public there must be free bathrooms. If necessary, the government has to maintain them.

Mods are sleeping.

Post FREE-as-in-the-beer-I-drank-before-I-had-to-go toilets.

>in public
>getting caught

What did he mean by this?


>Because general wellbeing is a human right.
No, it isn't.

>If it's not allowed in public there must be free bathrooms. If necessary, the government has to maintain them.
What does this have to do with anything? Why are you entitled to use privately built and maintained toilets?

He meant by the Popo's

Men understand.
Women are too beta to say anything.

I once saw a Scotsman pee all over our war monument.
Only time I said something.

the inference here is that there is such a thing as a "Paid toilet"
Paid Toilets are toilets are placed either by the government on public property or by a private company on public property by a company. There isn't such a thing as "paid toilets" on private property other then stores that require you to buy something which is arguably still free since you are not paying for the use of the toilet.
You see, there are these things called "context clues" the context here is living in the world where it is needless to prescribe the context further because such a thing either minimally or doesn't outright exist. While quite possibly within the realm of possibilities, its needless to speculate on it.
For example, if someone says "all banks should carry money" The likely scenario is that a person went to withdraw money from a bank and they are out of money. While there are minimally some banks that operate online or entirely via atms orbanking entities. We can exclude that from the persons statement because it is inferred that the person who is making the statement assumes that you do not need to go into vast detail as what he is interpreting as a "bank"

>privately built and maintained
I'm not saying everyone is entitled to use private bathrooms. I'm saying that the ones who are responsible to watch over human rights (in most cases Governments) are entitled to supply free bathrooms.

>No, it isn't.
Yes it is. At least bodily wellbeing, that is. Not emptying your bladder regularly can lead to serious bodily harm.

It's like the road tax system Germany created.

Truckers need to use some electronic device to pay for road use.
But the government doesn't ensure those devices actually work reliably.
So the truckers get fined no matter what.

Terry is a superior meme anyway

this person is using a verb argument. Basically you just constanty argue the definition of things until you get tired and he can declare himself the winner.

>There isn't such a thing as "paid toilets" on private property other then stores
>it's possible to built a store with toilets on privately owned space?
>it's impossible to just build toilets
I didn't read the rest of your long-winded drivel because you are clearly braindamaged.

ITT: Retards fighting about toilets in the toilet of the internet

Are you seriously saying emptying bladder and bowels is not a human right?

>For every paid bathroom there must be an equally sized free government supplied bathroom.
Easy as that. Good point.

He's 100% right though. You shouldn't have to pay for basic needs.

>I'm not saying everyone is entitled to use private bathrooms
Then why I guess you misunderstood the question, because it wasn't about public bathrooms. The public pays taxes for those to be built and maintained.

>bodily wellbeing
You're entitled to not have your bodily well-being violated by external forces. That's very different from being entitled to "general well-being". In this instance, the government is the one violating your bodily well-being by forbidding you to do your business in the bush and not supplying you with any alternatives.

No, you are just using a semantic dispute argument rather then verb agreement.
Basically you just argue semantics until the other person is forced to give a "long-winded" explanation, then you ignore the explanation for being long winded and claim yourself the victor to an audience of no one.

You are very clearly mentally handicapped. Shoo.

if he is so keen on free toilets, why doesnt he start talking to all these pathetic humans who are too stupid to use toilets like a civilized person and leave every bathroom like a shitfest.
maybe then we could talk about making pay toilets illegal.

Anyone else listen to his speeches while lying in bed before going to sleep? I find that the speeches, the sound of the noctua fans in my computer case, and the radiation-like glow from my monitor to be quite relaxing.

Sup Forums - public toilets