The taptic engine takes up too much spa-

>the taptic engine takes up too much spa-
>b-but the headphones jack is too thi-

Other urls found in this thread:

Only fanboys and goy actually believed that Apple couldn't implement a headphone jack in the iPhone 7.

No offence to this guy, but him, a single amateur EE, was able to implement a fully functional headphone jack with no loss of functionality.
Apple could have obviously done it in a much cleaner fashion by integrating the DAC and wiring to it didn't require an extra board.

So, if it wasn't technical constraints, why did Apply remove the 3.5mm headphone jack? Follow the money.
Apple wasn't making any money off of any of the multitude of audio devices that plug into the 3.5mm jack. By forcing everyone to use their proprietary chip and port, they could rake in fees from every manufacturer that wanted iPhones to easily connect to their devices.
The dongle is there to provide compatibility, but in a way that makes it more convenient and desirable to use the Apple connector.
And the public ate it up.

Bravo, Apple.


Only fanboys ever thought that the headphone jack was a "problem"
Literally the world's thinnest smart phone, the Vivo X5 Max at 4.75mm, has a 3.5mm headphone jack.

Literally everyone else knew it was Apple trying to make money.
But all a nigga knows, is all a nigga wants, as the saying goes. People have "invested" too much into the Apple Ecosystem, so they're stuck with it. And Apple is taking them on a wild ride.

I really hope they reintroduce the Headphone hack on the next iPhone, just so everyone can be like "Oh. Fuck Apple. They really made me buy this bullshit adapter for 1-2 years."

>Only fanboys and goy actually believed that Apple couldn't implement a headphone jack in the iPhone 7.
couldn't or won't?

The belief is/was "couldn't", as in they needed to remove it to make space for more/better features.
The reality is that there's enough space in there to shoehorn in an aftermarket board with a Lightning hub and a DAC.

This desu senpai

That guy looks like a mix between Pewdiepie and Jim from The Office lmao

It's about C O U R A G E

Introducing iPhone 9!

The jack is back!

Screenshot this.

>"The worlds first phone to re-introduce the headphone jack!"
>"3.5mm: redefined"

Ha ha you guys are naive. Jonny wants an amorphous slab of glass. Once they get wireless charging even the Lightning port is gone. Screen cap this. They don't care what (You) fucking want.

what is sarcasm

The actual facts were that the display/backlight driver was interfering with the new camera so they moved it to the bottom, where it interfered with the jack. So they decided to make the water resistance job easier and kill the jack. So many pajeets here.

>t. my dad works for nintendo

>H-he didn't show you how he ``fixed'' the dying screen problem at the end.

Fake and gay.

he bought a new one?

> he can’t use google

You know what I don't understand?
How come no chinks have gotten on this yet? Making replacement backs with a hole and actually redoing the charging PCB should be a really simple way to make a shitton of money.

he still cant play music while charging

By the space he used in the phone, apple would be able to put not only a fully functional 3.5mm jack, as yet another camera just for shit and giggles.

When you start adding features until your phone is full, you end up with a Note 7.

The phone of the guy in the video didn't added any stress to the battery.

What is pragmatism? They made a phone which was ahead of the competition(processor is still next gen, first mass market dual cam, dual speakers on a flagship etc.). Why continue to push?

They removed a widely used function of the phone for no reason.


>I'm gonna believe it because Apple said so!

He didn't. He bought a new one and put it together more carefully.

>lol it's so old who uses it anymore amirite guise!!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!11!!1111!11!11

did you watch the video?
....cause the reason why no one else has done it yet is in the video....

>what Apple says
>what material evidence presents
Material evidence wins.
iPhone 4 wasn't shit because you held it wrong but because Apple fucked up.

He doesn't say that in the video. You are either just guessing or received your information from someplace other than the video.

Yep, it's actually extremely amusing that as you said, an amateur just fucking around with it for months was able to do as good of a job as he did.

Apple wouldn't do this because it would mean admitting they made a mistake.

It isn't exactly normie tier tech shit. Even if you could order a kit with the custom pcb and backing with a headphone jack ready to go, you gotta take apart an iPhone, remove a component, adjust a few others, and all this may result in damaging important components.

No chad or Stacy is gonna figure it out

He said he went through multiple screens, he wasn't fixing the screens. With practice he just managed to seat it better without damaging it.

Nah nigga, its about them licensing fees and drm

The old headphone jack is open source(eww) lightning connector is not

Again, he didn't say that in the video.

>introducing 3.4mm jack

I'm glad I stopped buying apple products after the GPU in two of my macbook pros cooked themselves after 6 months of moderate work.

Cool jack, Ahmed

Never understood the "it just werks" when talking about Apple. To get it to work you need adapters, new set of all your Apple products, new set of fucking chargers etc.

t. didn't watch the video

``I finally put it together without breaking anything.''
He doesn't say.


Very carefully.

is that Connor Mcgregor?

The thing is, Apple lied.
Apple just want to sell more expensive accessories.

No. He was very careful when he finding that he didn't have the room and ended up breaking the screens,

Its no the first time they backtrack on something

it was too hard to sit through this wrinkle-nosed teenage girl jumpcut his greasy face every 10 seconds

Its about forcing you to wander around with online bluetooth