Sup Forums what version of iPhone 8 will you guys be preordering tomorrow?
>iPhone 8 Vanilla
>iPhone 8 Plus
>iPhone 8 Special Edition or iPhone Edition lolz
Sup Forums what version of iPhone 8 will you guys be preordering tomorrow?
>iPhone 8 Vanilla
>iPhone 8 Plus
>iPhone 8 Special Edition or iPhone Edition lolz
The largest one they have because I've been a macfag since the iphone 4 and my anus is so loose at this point shit regularly falls off
When I have sex with a random stranger every day of the weekend it's like he's throwing a hotdog down a hallways
Feels bad man
>doesn't know anything about the device
>is already getting ready to preorder it
same here
Whatever the OLED one is. Still using an iPhone 6 and it's time for an upgrade
Same here. Might consider a Plus since I really like the camera ability of the 7 Plus
Regardless of how loose you've become you can tighten your sphincter like if you really have to shit and need to hold it. That being said you can only do this so much until the sphincter loses all of its elasticity and at that point unless you fuck niggers everyday both of you are not going to like it. I've gotten to the point where I just suck them off.
the one that doesnt give money to apple
Do it. I hardly use my DSLR anymore!
Excited to see what they do with the rumored lack of TouchID. Haven't been a fan of face unlocking but maybe Apple will perfect the technology
It sill uses IPS for now, I think the 8Plus will have OLED.