Meet Mayuko: our new girl, ya Sup Forumsoons.
Meet Mayuko: our new girl, ya Sup Forumsoons
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No, she isn't.
who's your waifu gee?
I mean, math isn't really necessary to program, so she's not wrong. However, I'm definitely in favor of saying that it is necessary, generally.
She's a beautiful Japanese girl, with an American accent, that writes code. I would sniff her ass.
>ugly chink
I found her first, nig nog.
>he thinks you need maths to program
Kek no, you only need a good understanding of a few things that are considered mathematics. A good sense of logic is far greater benefit even, but most code monkeys that go to school don't even have that.
even by girl standards her day in the life of a software engineer video is unbearably insipid and demonstrative of literally nothing other than her ability to pull dumb duck faces and sip starbucks on public transport
>you don't need maths
>you just need to know some maths is all
hurr durr
What an attention whore. She has exactly four videos, all basically autobiographical anecdotes about herself, and all thumbnails are literally just her. And she has 8000+ subs. What the fuck is wrong with you thirsty-ass virgins?
Man, you really need to learn how to punctuation.
She is also OP.
I think what that user meant was higher-maths, such as differential equations and shit.
Literally only a comma and a period are necessary to make his sentence grammatically correct. Fuck off, whiteknight.
and you need to learn to verb nerd
she is very pretty. I love asian brown eyes
i wish i was her. i'd be fingering myself right now :^)
>Literally only a comma
kek, brainlet.
>I'm retarded
>the post
>communicating clearly
>engineering field
normies get off my board reee
bad news guise, she got a ring
good for her. is it an asian guy?
>smart watch
into the trash it goes
>engineering field
>wat is documentation
found the "freelancer"
>ywn get to play vidya or make bad jokes about time complexity with ur qt3.14 gee waifu
>ugly chink
>hired to fill diversity quota
>sipping Starbucks while pretending to code
I'm already devising a plan to end that shit with divorce. She's mine.
begone she is thine
I should do a day in the life of a software engineer video. The contrast would be shocking.
do it. post it on Sup Forums
Are you an A V E R A G E asian girl? Don't bother if not, no one would watch
The dog is not chinese.
Salty af.
You sound like an U G L Y asian girl.
I want to stick my benis into her bagina
>cute girl
>vocal fry
and into the trash it goes!
>uses mac
>uses some proprietary editor
>calls herself a software engineer, not a programmer
>writes some proprietary code
>not using emacs
into the trash it goes
well technically shes not married yet.
>6/10 for normies
>9/10 for Sup Forums
software is doomed
She's beautiful tho.
>coding apps
So which one did she get engaged to?
The one called Scott.
Hope that helps.
I heard she cheats on scott with a coworker
>I will love these two goofballs the rest of my life
The dog is likely to die a lot sooner than her, why would she think otherwise?
I just watched that and the video was pretty horrible. No wonder women want to force quotas to make sure they get hired for this comfy "drink coffee and walk around the city shopping and do actual work like 15 minutes per day" job.
I said communication, not documentation, but thanks for proving my point to me that normies will twist what you say and try to call you out for bad grammar rather than just asking for clarification
it's not a good habit to have user, especially not when you have to work in a multilingual/multinational team where spoken english as a native language would fall in the minority
I do the same thing.
My job is comfy as fuck.
Another "I am so American and not Asian, but I will play off my asianness to seem interesting" whore
>but I will play off my asianness to seem interesting
Lmao, she's asian, though. I think you're projecting again, user.
sad yellow fever weebs
t. only dates asians
she is literally marrying her brother
what the fuck
It don't take people with smart watches serious.
>they arr look the same
she is literally marrying her clone minus makeup and hair
what the fuck
Gross. That probably means she's had sex too. Impure.
the one on the left is the wedding meal
Impure women are best women.
But only a pure woman can understand a pure man such as myself.
So deluded.
Who is this slut?, my waifu is Louis and nobody can take his place
Fucking normies. I hate them so much!!!
tfw ill never find a qt asian nerdy girl
why must life be so painful anons
How many azn grills pass through your basement on a daily basis? Maybe try going outside. You never know what might happen...
i work at a company full of qties, im just not fit for having a relationship
end me now
she speaks engrish without nipponjin accent : ( I'm disappoint.
are they going to eat the dog?
>don't have a dick
Why are you doing it to yourself, OP? You can't even suck her dick.