ITT: times Sup Forums autism fucked you over
>be me
>work at thrift store
>at cash desk some old guy comes up to buy his stuff wearing a java shirt
>poke fun at him and ask "why would you support the worst programming language?"
>he chuckles back and says "did you know the guy who programmed java was born in calgary (where i live)"
>briefly chat with him
>"he must be quite the talented guy"
>go home and look up the programmer of java
>see pic related
>tfw i just met james gosling
>tfw i just told james gosling his programming language sucks
ITT: times Sup Forums autism fucked you over
Is that a good or bad thing?
aww. probably hurt his feelings.
who starts conversations like this?
I've met him a few times at conferences. Very nice guy, good sense of humor. I doubt very much he took your joke seriously, even if you were autistic about it.
Autists and aspies.
>write once
>now your shit doesn't work because Java JRE 7u45 doesn't work with some programs that were written for 7u44
Fuck Java, piece of shit garbage.
I had some professional footballer come in to get his laptop fixed but I didn't know who he was. He kept telling me about how he has a game on the weekend and needs the laptop back asap and I just told him he will get it when we're ready as we have other customers then he got rude so I told him to go elsewhere if hes such an impatient child then he told me how he makes what i earn in a year in just one day and went on about all the pussy he gets. I just looked at him and told him hes a nobody and he left.
java isnt really that bad. most java programmers are.
Not really Sup Forums related, but one time Usher acted absolutely disgusted that I didn't recognize him at the hotel I worked at.
They're all like that. They expect everything on a silver platter.
>be me
>in college for cs
>fall for the thinkpad/libre meme
>use as little proprietary software as possible
>cripple myself in projects trying to avoid proprietary
>rather than join the normies working on C# internship with a local big business I make a FOSS usergroup
>graduate with a bunch of deadbeat FOSS hippies as references instead of business
>my github page is full of work, but it's all hideous collaborations with other FOSS NEETs
>spend two years couch surfing trying to get a job that's at-least open-source related
>finally break down after being thrown out of my then-gf's apartment for not helping with the rent
>get a job with that business I should have interned with
>do great work there after getting over the memes
>the guys who graduated with me are my superiors
>mfw I should have never let myself get meme'd into FOSS
Where's the part where you just breathed deeply and rejoiced about having your freedoms?
isn't he rich wtf?
>worst programming language
that isn't JavaScript.
Name names
Usher seems like an asshole. He is also partly to blame for Bieber.
Lots of wealthy people prefer to live frugal lives, and thrift stores are a genuine thrill for most people.
You should have gotten him to hook you up with some of his extra pussy and bumped him up in line.
js is fun though, call me when there's a language as fun as js
>js is fun
I wouldn't feel too bad, I'm sure he's experienced far worse autism, and not in the form of a shitty joke.
rich people who piss away money either come from old family money or won't be rich for very long
And just generally silly-ass kids, with little or no social skills and no empathy