So Sup Forums, I found all these M-ITX motherboards in the trash on one of my dumpster diving excursions...

So Sup Forums, I found all these M-ITX motherboards in the trash on one of my dumpster diving excursions. They're not all Asrock D1800B-ITX (only 3 are) but actually Biostar N3150NH boards. There's 15 in total and they are believed to be faulty as some of the boxes contain labels with vague "workboard faulty" descriptions. Otherwise they all look brand new with not a single spec of dirt on them.

Because there's so many it's going to be a pain in the ass to test them all. Is there some Live CD I can run that will do a series of basic automated diagnostic tests to see if they have any underlying issues when they are put under load?

Nice find user, here have a bump

Jamal, give it back

How can I give it back when they don't want it back? Businesses just chuck this shit out because it's costs more to test/repair them that buy a new batch from China.

That's pretty cool OP, if it werent for DDR3 prices and the lack of expandability on those integrated boards I'd say make a distributed cluster for shenanigans.

The Biostar stuff is quite capable as media handling machines, pfsense, routing, etc. The J1900 equipped Asrocks will choke on almost anything media though.

Yeah, I was thinking of making a small render farm for fun but as you say the RAM prices are too high and those passively cooled CPUs can't be capable of much. I can only really test and sell them on for cheap if they work.

Give it back, Tyrone

can i have one?

If you want to take a trip to a countryside location in Northamptonshire/Oxfordshire, UK then sure, you can have one. I'm all for helping out fellow poorfag anons.

well im in germany , if you could ship me a working one i could make good use of it

just put it back in the trash


Im in the us op think I can nab one. I'll pay for shipping. Make a thread on /r/hardwareswap or something

Use an arch live USB and Pacman stuff like proper drivers for those boards

If you make a thread on hardware swap give us a code word to day so you can give us Sup Forums Bros a priority.
Also preload a live USB with drivers and do some basic automated testing

Anyone else wish they were in a line of work that regularly exposed them to free hardware.
A high school recently closed down in my area and they had 80 Lenovo ThinkCentres being thrown out.
I nabbed a few hard drives but man imagine working at enterprise tech recycling

dAMN! That's a great haul! What store?

would buy from you op

could make for a cute x86 raspberry pi
could leave it at school and have it mine or seed or something.

>op got caught


>yea man just post your address and payment info on Sup Forums thats how this transaction should go

Just came from Malborough m8

>i dont know what a burner mail is

>p-please stay on Sup Forums dont go to reddit
if the op wants to maximize their possible income from those mobos then he would probably go to reddit(which allow more seller-buyer interaction to the mass potential-buyers) or ebay

Not a store but a small business on an industrial estate which is where all the good stuff is. As you'd expect this stuff is hard to find initially and usually in the most unexpected of places. Once I know somewhere that throws this stuff out I just return every so often until they inevitable start locking the containers. I have been trying to document my finds by taking pictures because no one is going to believe you when you say you found a X79 motherboard loaded with 32GB of RAM in the trash.

>op got caught

are you selling anywhere op you have like 12 potential buyers in this thread but you went ahead and skipped all those comments and only replied to

Time to start mining crypto

>all these idiots ITT that want to buy these things
>when OP made it clear they may not even work

You guys are grade A retards that really should go back to *eddit.

businesses would have a blown cap on their monitor and throw away the entire monitor rather than pay the 12 cents it costs to fix it
they probably used these mobos for some TV screens setup around the building and audited their tech thinking that the mobo is at fault for some vlc artifacts

Why am I going to sell something on a Cantonese pottery board that has more Pajeet scammers than an iPhone eBay listing? Half of these most likely won't even work and if anything I'm just going to sell them on gumtree for cheap.

>dumpster diving excursions
Can you expand on this? Do you target certain dumpsters? What kind of places do you target? Stores/office buildings/etc?

Places like pic related. I'm not sure what the equivalent would be in burgerland. Industrial or business park maybe? I look in almost every waste container and the success rate is like 1 in every 100. Once you've scouted an area a few times you'll become more efficient at searching and knowing where to look. I've also found the bigger towns/cities have worst prospects due to increased crime rate so I stick to smaller towns where security is more lax. Residential is generally a waste of time unless you want old stuff.