I was born in 1999. I didn't get to experience the early days of the web. All I know is the internet of today. Full of boring sites and all I do is watch youtube and browse g.
Where can I find old websites?
Other urls found in this thread:
see if you can find some archive totse forums
what am i supposed to do with this, it assumes you know the url already.
wtf. this is what I get with the surprise:
the fuck
thanks I guess I got what I wanted
Can someone post the "redpilled" version of this pic? Thanks.
stop being such a needy faggot, you dumb piece of shit.
well deserved dubs. look up roguesci and the hive too.
fuck off. I looked up old webistes and all I got were "10 old websites you need to see right now" type shit on google.
are you interested in content or design ? Design wise they were just vanilla html and css with minimal or no JavaScript. Lots of tables.
>that picture
Your family and friends should have taught you all those things, autismo.
>le vintage internetz
There's nothing to see but lots of plaintext, tags and shitty phpnuke forums full of unsanitized sql queries.
>born in 1999
>more than likely an underage b&
I see from your image that Sup Forums has taught you fuck all about anything. Seems about right.
It's actually twice as likely he's not underage, retardbro.
Authentic vintage Internet history right here: warnerbros.com
Here's the Yahoo directory from 1996
Two words.
Space jam.
You might recognize these guys.
Used to be my go-to place for gaming in elementary school.
Here's geocities - web.archive.org
Tons of people used to have a geocities account. Geocities and neopets. You could have whatever you wanted on your geocities page, and it required actual HTML that we were taught in school! People would throw tons and tons and tons of animated gifs and shit on them - pic related is a good example.
Clearly google™ didn't taught you how to search web.
>tfw had to use netscape navigator to browse the web
Just change the character and put something like Sup Forums in all the websites cited.
I was born in 98 and I'm happy my parents didn't let me have tech until I was older.
I see middle school kids walking in the middle of the streets with iphones. I had a ds at that age and that's it.
Picture is the cringiest thing btw.
Do you have a higher quality version pls
>Google taught me to trust faceless corporations
>Tumblr taught me to steal
>YouTube taught me to clickbait
>Vine taught me ADD
>DeviantArt taught me about copyright
>What the fuck is blogger?
>Facebook taught me privacy is for retards
>Instagram taught me narcissism
>Etsy taught me to resell AliExpress crap at a huge mark up
>Twitter taught me to censor fcys that make me feel uncomfortable
I love being a consumer whore with no will. Pickle Rick!
>she actually thinks social shaming works here
Fuck off.
>you will never go back to the days of browsing random websites off of random toplist sites you found in random banner ads that were real ads for real websites and not just clickbait to give you viruses (usually)
The Elite are all about transcendence and living forever and the secrets of the universe and they want to know all this; Some are good, some are bad, some are mixed. But, the good ones don’t ever want to organize, the bad instead are the ones that organize, because they lust after power. Powerful consciences don’t want to dominate other people, they want to empower them, so they don’t tend to get together until things are really late in the game, then they come together. Evil is always defeated, because good is so much stronger. And, we’re on this planet and Einstein’s physics showed it, Maxwell’s physics showed it, all of it, that there is at least twelve dimensions, and now that’s why all the top scientist and billionaires are coming out saying it’s a false hologram, it is artificial. The computers are scanning it and finding tensions points where it is artificially projected and gravity is bleeding in to this universe, that’s what they call dark matter. So, we’re like a thought or a dream that’s like a wisp in some computer program, some god’s mind, whatever. They’re proving it all, it’s all coming out.
Now, there’s like this sub transmission zone below the third dimension that’s just turned over the most horrible things, which is what it resonates to, and it’s trying to get up into the third dimension, that’s just a basic level consciousness to launch into the next levels. And our species is already way up to the fifth, sixth dimension consciously, our best people. But there is this big war trying to like, basically destroy humanity, because humanity has free will, and there is a decision to which level we want to go to. We have free will, so evils will have to contend, not just good.
check out scaruffi.com for a web 1.0 experience and some interesting reads
>using deviantart instead of artstation
OP should probably checkout nimp.org for maximum nostalgia.
early web is overrated
He's practically a Sup Forumsentooman with strong opinions on culture
>he never used netscape navigator
poor lad
Browse the archived Mozilla Directory (DMOZ)
artstation is worse than deviantart is
the best website for artwork is pinterest
back to redirt you go, retard child
top cringe
Now this is the kind of shitposting I can get behind.
No animated gif tiled background images? For shame :)
The best site ever, who can forget Superbeast?
it was same shit in the 90s
>Mocha and Cocoa are long dead now
What the 2000AD Web looked like
I have a small folder of "stuff I remember from when I started using the internet" that I made for some reason about three years ago
I grew up in a third world country so i didn't have access to internet consistently until about 2006
But still, that's 10+ years ago
>bulbous bouffant
Used to play this series with my dad around 1999-2000, so much fun
computer died one day with a popping sound and ozone smell
never did figure out where to get this game from afterwards (was on the computer when we bought it from some other expat on their way out)
of course
this seems... like it's too recent to be in this folder
maybe I just heard about it really late
stop digital blackfacing
The other main game I played with my dad. I feel better about this one because we actually beat the series a couple of times before the computer died.
oh hey, nice. Might cop that. I better be able to beat it now lol
eight year old me thought it was hard
my first internet community experience was a homestarrunner fan forum. suprisingly i think it was actually a good introduction to the internet, since the owners knew it was for kids they actually enforced a lot of kid-friendly rules (no swearing, insulting, etc.)
looking back most of those kids were definitely autistic. we were fucking weird, playing forum games (there was a homestarrunner-themed survivor game) and making intricate fan-characters via our avatars and signatures
pretty fun looking back on it tho
I used to play picture related all the time, but it's gone completely off the internet now
The only thing I can find are unrelated games also called blix
It was all so easier back then.
>dude come over to my house i just found this wicked cool stick fight animation video
the original was a flash animation but flash is ded so enjoy the youtube version
>click "suprise me"
>get arch linux website
np, assuming is you as well;
(Jill of the Jungle)
it's not available on GOG (yet...)
Still one of the best physics based platformers I know of. Like it much better than super meat boy.
My first was eighth grade, the social forum of the internet school I did a year in. Looking back I feel like we were all retarded. Just imagine a forum with only middle schoolers in it, who all live in remote enough areas that they have to do online schooling.
>some girl from Togo and I ran the Lord of the Rings subforum
>We signed all our posts with our Elvish names
>I had a literal paragraph from the silmarillion in my signature
>Virtual "Valentine's Dance"
>Virtual drama over who was taking who
>Virtual chocolate fountain and roleplayed food fight
we must have been bored out of our skulls with our actual lives
or at least I know I was anyway
funny though, I ended up dating a girl I met there for three years when we both ended up at the same boarding school - and I forced that Elvish meme name at school so hard that years later people still call me it when we Skype
also this one: youtube.com
but it wasn't the same author
my first rap music video, sniff
found it from weird al's white and nerdy
which I found from someone linking weird al's anakin guy
which I feel like was my first taste of youtube
tfw don't remember the names of many of the sites/games i used to use when first using the internet
Well, that was surprisingly useful
am now editing my homepage to make it more better
on the 90's internet all I used to do was play this and talk to my bros about legos on BZpower.
Sometimes I would check my fish tank on nick.com but they would always be dead
mm, looks like that's all I had in that folder
I remember we had a DVD of the Microsoft Encarta digital encyclopedia. That was basically my "internet" 2004-2006. Read/watched/listened to so much stuff on there to pass the time.
>mfw 11 year old me reading about Human Coitus covertly on my dad's spiffy Compaq Presario laptop with Windows XP
only in kenya..
I have found the old internet
Anyone else remember MOTAS?
Thia game was the shit, and I love the music. The site is still online I believe.
I miss that era so much. When getting online was an event. Late 90s. Everybody would gather around the computer and it would play that screeching noise, signaling your portal to another world was opening up.
Now the Internet is everywhere we have baby bumpers everywhere so nobody gets cut doing stupid shit. Everything is connected to Faceberg, it's awful.
Oh man I just remembered the trouble me and my friend went through to get a copy of this
>Had played it on other friends computer in the capital
>Be about 12, internet just starting to be available in village where I was
>Remember how great the game was and that it was free to download
>Determined to get a copy
>Have some money saved up from chores
>Sneak away from parents and bike about 3km downtown with buddy to use new "internet cafe" (4 grimy dinosaurs and two grimy Ethernet cables hooked up to a satellite dish)
>Get there and they tell us the connection is down, don't know when it will be repaired
>bike back dejectedly
>Neighbours got a cell modem that you could stick a phone sim in and load it with airtime and get internet through the first cell tower that just went up in area
>Slow, expensive, unreliable but easier than biking downtown to check email
>Come up with plan to buy airtime cards and ask neighbor to use their modem if we pay for what we use
>Neighbor agrees, thinks it's funny we want this game so much
>Load up some time, connect and start downloading
>God this is slow
>Add more airtime whenever it gets close to running out
>Getting close to finishing the cards we bought
>Sweating bullets loading the last card we have
>please please please finish shit shit shit
>Oh god it finished
>Just in time
>Used every minute we bought
>Run back over to my house fingers crossed that the installer wasn't corrupted or anything
>Successfully install
>Play the shit out of pocket tanks until the laptop runs out of battery in the middle of motherfucking equatorial congo with my best friend
it was all worth
>all these triggered Sup Forumsflakes
like pottery
this random website thing is a goldmine
It's like I'm back in 1999 again
i'm pumped
tfw i was born in 1994 only got a glimpse of the good old web before it all turned to shit.
i was born just to watch it turn into a shitfest:/
I mailed that guy in like March 2016, he still uses Windows 95 as his main operating system, but he did start using XP more. I do wonder why he's obsessed with 95 but not NT4.