"Yes, I like Sup Forums because they respect my pr---"

"Yes, I like Sup Forums because they respect my pr---"

Other urls found in this thread:




if you cared about your privacy that much to use tor get a pass

tor nodes were being abused way too fucking much

Every working VPN instantly gets used for Spam/CP. Blame Sup Forumstards for this.

i use a VPN, stop using shitty public ones and get your own

>No problem! I will just a buy a pa--

If you're using a private one you bought or created then Sup Forums would never fucking know you're on a VPN.
It's the public ones that steal your info that are the issue since a bunch of fags use it and abused it.

Using PIA vpn (paid one) and a pass.
Pic on OP happens when you use any US PIA server, or Brazil, and a lot of Europe ones. Don't ask me why, it just happens. Fucking gay as fuck. This doesn't happen on Reddit.

If you think this site isn't in direct contact with government agencies, you are literally retarded.

Never said anything about that. But now that you mention it, yes this site is 100% an FBI honeypot. Reddit posts a transparency report every year, Sup Forums doesnt. Proof: reddit.com/r/announcements/comments/63974m/its_that_time_of_year_again_we_just_published_our/
Also hints of m00t giving info about Sup Forums users to CIA niggers and m00t ignoring hard hitting questions here: reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/gdzfi/iam_christopher_poole_aka_moot_founder_of_Sup Forums/
I like Sup Forums it just sucks that even paying for a pass and a vpn I still can't post like I do for free on Reddit.

This is really annoying and I wish they would change it to 5 minutes.

>thinking you have privacy on Sup Forums
>on a website sold by literally who to scamming-sensei
>where underage mods who have access to your whole posting history have been shown to doxx users
s឴mh t឴bh f឴am

Wtf I love cripplechan now

Who wants to bet the US government has a direct feed to 4chans server logs?

i like Sup Forums because i can post an inane opinion/comment and exit the thread if i get too many (You)s calling me retarded with zero repurcussions

Posted from my Windows 10 computer


said no one since as are part of the jewgle analytics botnet

No (You)s in so I guess I'm right.

>all the literal pedophiles in this thread pretending they want privacy for any other reason

That's because edgy kids always used tor to spam child porn same for all the proxies so moot just threw the whole list of tor nodes and proxies onto the ban list.

lets be real we all know moot sold us all out when the FBI contacted him in 2009

you're retarded

if you hate Sup Forums so much why don't you just stay on reddit?

>edgy kids
..those weren't edgy kids user

at the very least they have always had a direct feed for Sup Forums with mods of Sup Forums and possibly /trash/ being fbi only intervening on illegal content as in cp.

the other boards? look, if the entire site was that fucked it would not exist, we get normal mods for everything else, but Sup Forums has been government run for years now.

Reddit allows proxies/vpns/tor etc. We have mods and report systems.

Not a valid excuse, at all.

that's because reddit uses accounts.

honestly, I think Sup Forums would be better off if it used accounts too, but have the names remain anonymous.

Its much better than entering captchas, having post delays and other bullshit.

>that's because reddit uses accounts.

takes like 10 seconds to register an account on reddit, they don't even require an email or special characters password

accounts would make Sup Forums better because you get to deal with spam easier
what would make Sup Forums MUCH better is site wide id's though, like what Sup Forums use to have and what Sup Forums does, this would keep anonymity but kill shitposters at least on a thread to thread basis, as a new id per thread

>by letting them know what other posts are yours

Sup Forums is shit for privacy. I would use NNTPChan or 8 via tor instead.

This. My isp uses dynamic ips and at least couple of times a week a get a I am banned message.

I have my own vpn and it works perfectly, never been banned for it.

Sup Forums also bans online.net's servers.

Thats not the case anymore, Sup Forums is leftist central, also mods are too quick there is hardly ever any cp posted there. I suspect they monitor pol and maybe few others like k

Sup Forums is a shadow of its former self its almost as slow as Sup Forums these days and Sup Forums is just the exact same ylyl or rekt or pics ur not supposed to share threads every day. Pretty sure all the notoriety of Sup Forums moved to Sup Forums

The notoriety has fucked off the site a long time ago, and what was left fucked off the moment something happened on one of the boards, pretty sure we all know what it was and was a factor in moot also fucking off

>Oy vey, yes yes get a pass and you can post from your anonymous vpn goy!
>Don't worry, it doesn't let us link all your posts to you along with your name and billing address or anything hehe


I was banned for posting CP, even though I didn't (I have dynamic IP). Tried to explain it to some faggot mod IRC and he banned me for ban evasion. Fucking illiterate retards.

>inb4 user was banned for this post

>Not using a Fortune pass


Sup Forums takes bitcoin. Come on, man. I'm a privacy freak, too, but people really need to stop sowing disinfo.

>the Internet
No you stupid cunt

Obviously to prevent ban avoidance. Good policy.

So you can keep spamming shit?

Sorry nope

Still allows them to easily link every post you ever make together

just buy 2 passes :^)

>it's a plebbit shilling thread

How often do you need to change your IP? Theres no reason to change it that often unless you are spamming.

It happens when the IP is flagged by Sup Forums or whatever service they use as posting spam.

>site wide id's
then what's the point of anonimity? technically it would be the same as having a username but a randomly generated one.


I once got banned from all boards for calling the mods "ban happy."

Honestly it'd be hilarious if government agents were getting paid to sift through all this shit posting. They probably hired IBM Watson to use machine learning to spot non-sarcastic, threatening posts. Then they just sift through those ones. And yes, machine learning is getting quite good at detecting sarcasm and assessing threat levels, they have ridiculous amounts of data at their fingertips. They can probably predict the goddamn future at this point to be honest.

Which they can do with your IP or browser print anyway. Your point?

The number one main reason why I suspect this could be a government operation is because this site would pretty much have to have something like sovereign immunity to be able to still exist because not only is literally the entire thing is intellectual property rights infringement, but also in most of the world free speech like holocaust denial, and nazi-ism, and hatespeech, etc are criminal offenses. So the only way this place hasn't been nuked from orbit by litigation or SWATed yet is the people running this place are even more powerful and above the laws?

>I have no idea how laws apply to websites/organizations

no illegal content is actually allowed on Sup Forums, and if it comes up it's swiftly reported to authorities. just because some shithole european nation has speech laws doesnt mean it actually applies to Sup Forums since it is based in the US.

if the federal govt is in contact with site administrators it is probably to target specific users and not for honeypot purposes. but this can be said about any other US-based site. the vast majority of things posted here are not worth the time/resources to something like the FBI

they do those sorts of things for drug dealers, pedos, etc. I think a lot of the posters ITT are overreacting

>no illegal content is...
>some shithole european nation
The former makes me doubt you understood what I meant. And the latter isn't even relevant, unless you consider all of Western Europe some shithole.

My point was clearly that content which is considered hate speech in other countries is not illegal in america, so is thus not a viable target for law enforcement authorities

Now if it's a site that deals with drugs that are illegal anywhere, then countries will probably cooperate to take it down. This was also seen with megaupload (not drugs by copyright).

So no, I highly doubt there's a conspiracy with Sup Forums. If it were an actual honeypot, there would probably greater indications than mere conjecture by anonymous posters

Said no one ever

But let's say any one of us tried to start our own independent imageboard and it became popular and there where millions of people sharing copyrighted images and text, so basically the entire base of the site is copyright infringement. Wouldn't the intellectual property troll cartel then want to take it down? Or if one of the main parts of the site was constantly advocating for things that are considered criminal such as neo naziism and so on wouldn't there be authorities from all those countries keen to take it down? Would probably not be able to get away it and get a knock on the door from some professional men armed to the teeth who are offering a nice "deal" or else.

The copyright police don't give a flying fuck about anime reaction images or images in general.

>and text
Can you name some examples of copyrighted text on Sup Forums?

The reason other imageboards don't get populated is because there isn't a need to repopulate. Sup Forums serves its purpose well enough.

The only reasons other imageboards get popular is because they center around a topic Sup Forums has banned. These communities are usually filled with hate, and devolve into a circlejerk of hating Sup Forums. Ironically enough, most of the time, these communities devolve into the very reason they left from Sup Forums in the first place and die.

Also, unexperienced moderators who cut their teeth on an imageboard usually suck ass because they enforce not out of logic but out of appealing to maymays such as "ban region, or "

The problem with pursuing copyright notices against this site is that
1) The content is deleted shortly after posting
2) No one is really profiting off posting it
In essence it's really not worth it for them to pursue copyright take downs on Sup Forums, plus the site administrators technically arent held responsible for copyright content being posted, as long as they make an attempt to remove it.

Also, copyrighted content is already prohibited in places on Sup Forums.
>/t/ - Torrents
>All material licensed in the United States is prohibited. This includes music, manga, hentai, artbooks, and anything else protected by United States copyright law.

And AFAIK, no one on here is seriously coordinating violent or criminal attacks. Sure, if you go to Sup Forums a lot of the stuff on there most people would find abhorrent, but in america at least, that doesnt necessarily mean it's illegal.

In terms of internet standards, Sup Forums is actually pretty tame legally.

Hmm interesting thank then maybe I might program an image board software that's better, and not worry as much but still hope I don't get the aforementioned guests at my door.

>I might program an imageboard software that's better
Have you looked at #nextchan and #lynxchan on Rizon? You should go give those places a look.

No shit the system is flawed. But it's the best we've got.

Try using cripplechan for 30 minutes and then tell me you want Sup Forums to degenerate into that.

Funny thing is, IP band literally don't do shit if you know the first thing about modems. A VPN ban is ineffective at best, and harmful at worst.



you would still be user, the only difference is the whole 'we don't know what posts belong to you' shit would end.

What is the event


the only illegal content posted to Sup Forums is cp at least in image form.
everything else largely lives based off free harbor laws and no website wants to piss off a good chunk of the internet.
Even torrents, nothing is hosted here, only links to said content, its hard to really go after it.

as for
> but also in most of the world free speech like holocaust denial, and nazi-ism, and hatespeech, etc are criminal offenses.

Sup Forums is hosted on us based servers, so you get free speech.

Sup Forums relies on IP bans to enforce its rules. Proxies, VPNs, and Tor exit nodes have allowed users in the past to avoid these bans, so all of these have been banned.