What do you expect to see in my next release?

What do you expect to see in my next release?

Other urls found in this thread:


I want a way to merge boards. So I can mindlessly scroll through them all at once.

An apple thread filter

I want to be able to save images to my fucking mSD

It would be cool if we could mark threads and get phone notifications if someone posts.

Or does the app do that? Haven't tried it lul

>active scrollbar or at least the top/bottom button like in old clover
>youtube title for links
>the ability to mark a post as mine
>navigate the archives of boards

chix with dix

allow the users to move a thread to another board within the first X minutes of the thread's life

would help when you accidentally post a thread on the wrong board

(You) counter
Store it in server and encrypt it so no one can modify

its almost perfect. Would be cool if pinned threads would be cached for offline reading.

VR support


Doesn't it already support WebMs?

Sorry, what are we talking about?

other chan support, for sites like lainchan and 8ch. Only thing keeping me from switching back from dashchan.

Support for the new flags. Should've had support for the April fools boards.

Otherwise nothing, it does everything I want.

Fucking hell, THIS.

Filters would be really nice desu

Honestly this , but isn't it an Android issue since SD card access is now only granted through Play Store/Certificate shit?

It already did

Would like to be able to view board archives.

This, as a per-thread option, that persists after a thread 404s

if you notice a bug, create a new issue here! github.com/Floens/Clover/issues

displaying webms as they load instead of waiting for the entire thing

When viewing an image or video, hide the toolbar at the top so I can view the image in full screen.

lainchan is shit


Are there filters for the catalog yet?

A (you) counter


immersive mode support for galaxy note 8

When making a post, the Captcha area should be much bigger so I don't have to scroll to fill it out.

These niggers fuck. Clover just needs some quality of life improvements and it's 100% perfect

The (you) counter Floens has said he would never implement.

Latex support

Images load retardedly slow on clover for some reason.

I hate the title bar keeps missing when I use the search function, please fix that.

Bring back the go to top/bottom button and put it somewhere accessible and not annoying

Less botnet, try to erase all tracking and CDN

Yeah nigger, for it to work. I got the latest update and now I bookmark threads I post in and copy/paste the post itself, then fucking pray. I also can't get downloading images to work any longer. I had an old version that worked, updated to latest, images stopped. I went back to old version, images stopped on the same exact one. Now on new latest, still can't get images to download. I use other apps to download now and basically only use yours to browse.

Need your upvoats little babby? This site sucks because of attention whores like (You)

Does clover support emojis?

Auto-subscribe to thread whem posting.

If thats already a feature than its broken on mine,

Delet it, mobileposting is haram.

I was actually just going to email you:

On a Google Pixel running 7.1.2, the app is slow to load and images take forever to show up, and when an image is tapped, it never loads properly and just looks like a blurry mess. This is on WiFi and LTE

Then put it back on Play Store, there are hundreds of chan browsers there. All you have to do is not include boards.

>not using Overchan

But there already are filters
>Settings > Filters

Upload images via links. I don't feel like downloading a bunch of images to my phone. 4chanX does it so why not Clover?

I'm still mad about this

THIS. Show some love for /sci/ folk.

Proper image viewer and webm playback. Basically starts taking shit out Dashchan.

I think it's bullshit, Dashchan can store on SD just fine.

I just want legacy captcha support
>and/or current captcha scroll fix

I want Dashchan's captcha tb.h

>legacy captcha
Settings -> 3 dots button -> Advanced

>add latex support
>app size increases by 3 GBs

fucking thank you i always assumed that the 3 dot button was just the header for 'Settings'

How has nobody mentioned that you can't clear just one thread from the bookmarked list? Fix that shit dude.

change the default storage location of images to external.

Swipe to the right.

Swiping left in-thread to send to bookmarked tray

Sharing from the app without having to save in gallery

I want every interaction to make a fart sound.


Settings>Pin Threads on Posting

Copy image link. I'm tired of having to open in browse to get an image.

YouTube title preview


That pins if you're posting in an already existing thread. It doesn't automatically pin a thread that *you* post, though.

Because too many fucktards install dumb shit they see on the internet and blame Google for letting them do it.

>developer options
>switch that turns off babby mode
how hard is that

holo/legacy theme
scoll to bottom/top buttons

Can't you just like, tap the bookmark button when you post one?

You should try Dashchan.

Yes but that's an extra step and I'm lazy as shit.

Latex support on /sci/

>scroll to bottom/top buttons
That's in the menu on the top right.

Messenger theme
Atleast when people look at me using messenger instead of a pedo redflag themes

oh, you're right. And i was wondering why the hover buttons were removed.

Maybe an option to make the font bigger than 19pt? Retard.

What are you, fucking 80 years old?

show video titles instead of youtube links

bulk downloading images also results in some of them being truncated for whatever reason

make an app for iphone you r.tard

An easy way to copy thread, post, or file urls to clipboard


If anybody hates general threads as much as I do, get rid of them by creating a filter to remove threads with a subject matching the following pattern:

Any more than one letter between two slash characters in a subject and the post will be removed. It's not 100% perfect but it gets the job done. Fuck generals.

>phoneshitter thread
>facebook filename

like pottery

If your phone has lineageos support you can pretty easily build your own Android with sdcardfs patched to make anything under a specific directory have full rw permissions.
I used to do that but my new phone has no sdcard slot.

Ability to pick Sup Forums flags when posting

You can't do that in general. Don't be retarded and post on /u/ when you meant Sup Forums

Flags on Sup Forums


Preload images/videos on wifi
And the captcha screen being bigger

That would be nice

Option to only watch threads when connected to WiFi.

Load next image automatically in advance while viewing current one

This so much
Love /sci/

Bookmarks section no longer shows Archived icon, please fix

app finds hot singles in my area and i get my dick sucked by floens personally

I also want to be able to save images to 's "fucking" mSD

>type out 500 word essay
>enter captcha
>get thrown back to homescreen

>mfw I had to type this reply twice

Easier and better filtering.