Can stallmen sue me for selling cds with linux distros to clueless classmates?

can stallmen sue me for selling cds with linux distros to clueless classmates?

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You're allowed to sell or distribute software under a free software license any way you want as long as you follow the conditions of the license. Selling linux distros is perfectly legal and its how Red Hat operates.

If the source is open, no.

How much do you sell them for?

Stallman encourages people to do it because it's one of the rights in the GNU license:

I used to do the same with porn off of Kazaa.

Commies BTFO

The software is free. But the cost of the CD & your service to burn it into a disc isn't free.
Your classmates are paying for your service, delivery & costs. Only the software is free & the code is open source.

Not to mention if you decide to provide tech support for their new systems. There's many ways to get legal money out of it.

The license recognized capitalist distribution and wants you to.

You call your classmates clueless, yet you are the clueless guy who don't know how GPL or LibreSoftware even works.

Yes, this is perfectly fine.

Stallman himself once recalled an anecdote where he used to sell large magnetic tapes with software he has written, and charged quite a lot of money for them.

I bet it was CP

Free software gives you the freedom to redistribute modified or exact copies of a program(s). You can charge for them if you want.
The only things that you can't do:
>redistribute them under a different license
>redistributed them and claim that software was made by you or anyone who aren't the original developers
>hide or make it impossible for the new users to obtain the source code
>include nonfree software in it, or software whose license is incompatible with the GPL
>include DRM or any mechanism that impedes the new users to run the software for whatever reason they want to
The FSF and many distributions sell CDs and other merchandise with free software in it. It's not a big deal at all.

are you retarded?

Kazaa was kinda like that... "Asian-gangbang-video.avi" and then after figuring out what was on it people start googling how to format their disks.

Early internet was like the darknet is today. Filled with open degeneracy

>using non-free storage media

When did they stop running consumer software on magnetic tapes? I remember computers that did that once as a child in the 80s, but never saw it again.

No, it's legal

How is it possible for you to be this stupid
>anime watcher
Oh, that explains it.

>selling something on a cd
90s called they want their disks with Slackware back.

>selling cds with linux distros
it's 2017 and OP is selling CD's

who would even want that shit for free?
