

>Emoji general

The new Android update comes with a huge revamping of the old style blob emojis, which bring them more in line with the existing iOS emoji catalogue.

This huge change raises the fundamental question-

>Emoji support for Sup Forums when?




Other urls found in this thread:


We know. Theres already a huge thread devoted to this childish bullshit here already. Fuck off

windows 10 chrome here, the star ones showed just fine

Star ones existed before emoji boom

I see a woman in a Hijab and some stars

>I see a woman in a Hijab
you again? you claim this always yet no one else sees it.

OMG, emojisss, I'm gonna cum!
When is this millenial bullshit gonna end?!
Burn emojis with fire

Man, the new android ones look absolutely awful.

Thankfully I never see them since I almost exclusively use WhatsApp

>they killed the qt blobs
Fucking why?

Old android emojis were superior


Blobs were retarded. New ones look virtually identical to iOS/WhatsApp ones.

>He doesn't use emojis

Either autistic or ancient.

>Emoji support for Sup Forums when?
8ch has emoji support. People are maliciously spamming it, causing browsers to lock up and crash.

This could be us but you're playing games!

m8 fuk u, blobs were the only decent mojis

blobs are lame and gay

Bow before me, normies. I haven't used a single emoji in my life.

Raise a bug with your browser vendor.

I like the new ones senpai

Who gives a shit about iOS emoji? The blobs were cute as fuck.


They look like every other emoji. Boring.

>Who gives a shit about iOS

Most people. Even WhatsApp copied their emoji display style.

Like it or not, Apple are directly responsible for the modern emoji experience and not following their display pattern is disrespectful to emojis.

Sup Forums doesn't need emojis you autist

Google should have used their botnet powers to make blobs THE standard emoji desu.

How's your spam

Blobs look fucking shit compared to iOS emojis, which is why Google changed their style to the approved iPhone Emoji Standard.

Having parity between mobile OS's is very important.

Or mature

>Not using an incredibly expressive communication style is mature

Grandpa then, sorry your Nokia 3210 doesn't support emojis.

I'm not a designer or anything, but I really don't care about consistency across emojis. In fact, I prefer Google's blob emojis - and use them as my default emojis in third-party apps like Slack - because they don't feel overly-engineered. They're one of the few Google products that feels hand-painted and unique: They're not symmetrical or anything, but they don't need to be. They're just so, so cute. Isn't that worth something?

whe should get weeb stickers, not some dumb smileys

Who gives a shit if different platforms don't have the same emoji? Whatsapp uses a custom emoji keyboard so it is not an issue.

The blobs are objectively better. Bitches get wet when you send them some qt blobs on snapchat.

I need more blob reaction images ;-;

Try using the written or spoken language you mong, or are these now beyond your infantile brain?
Lazy little shit

The new Emojis are fucking shit and they killed turt

Blobs are much cuter than boring round gayass apple emoji.


I remember when these were smileys and emoticons.

Women love emojis, if you want a gf, put emojis on every of your replies

>Bitches get wet when you send them some qt blobs on snapchat

T. Android povvo.

What actually happens is they know you're too poor to afford an iPhone.

>ads on 4chin
>incognito mode


Testing 1/?

Testing 2/?

Blobs look a million times better than appul's MSN emoticon rip-offs.


Testing 3/?

Testing 4/4
So yeah I just sat and tapped all emojis on my android 7, Google keyboard


Wew, only these work

What do you mean?

The only one worth keeping, a traitor to his disgusting origin

new ones are fucking awful, I want the blob back.

$ grep emoji /var/log/pacman.log | tail -n1
[2017-08-27 18:29] [ALPM] upgraded noto-fonts-emoji (20170519-1 -> 20170825-2)

Not a fan of it, personally... At least I've already got emojis of the emoji 5.0 spec (applel fags won't get this until the end of 2017, kek)

Is it really necessary to waste so much unicode space with this shit?
And why the fuck don't they use ligatures for hair colors?

>all these newfags who don't know Sup Forums used to support emojis until moot removed them

I don't know any women I can text to

I hated emojis until I got an android phone. Blobs are more cute than normalfag iOS emojis. Will it effect Marshmallow?



Probably not. Either way for now we still have the blobs, thank god.

Haven't you heard? Emojis are the future of all written human language, no longer shall we be constrained by language barriers.

>they killed blobs
What the actual fucking fuck
How can they do this? The round ones are so generic and childish

>discussing emojis on Sup Forums
Oh how we have fallen.

It's your fault for not battling phonefags from day one. They are the anti-Sup Forums.

Every day we stray further away from our God

The Facebook one looks like the demon spirit from Avatar that steals people's faces.


>implying the blobs aren't.

8chung supports emoji since ages, why haven't Sup Forums followed suit? It's really an enhancement to my shitposting experience

it doesn't need to be added, it was purposefully removed


My star isn't yellow anymore... It worked a few days back

you may be joking but one never knows

Quickly reminder that emojis are designed for productives programmers : emojicode.org/

i wanted to tear out my eyes after gazing at that image. humanity is devolving for sure,or the masses are being groomed to be as stupid as possible, or both.

meanwhile Apple is getting 3D animated emojis
step it up cuckdroids

>all my problems would go away. I'd have no more cummies
God damn it

No. Everything has to be sterile and boring in corporate culture.

>hijabi is woman
It's a property and 90% of the time stinky and/or pregnant.

Passive aggressiveness isn't boring.

I have this intense urge to brutally club to death anyone that uses emojis or emoticons unironically.

Emojis are fucking bloat and take the creativity out of text based communication. Even ;) is more creative than a god damn emoji.

how do I get this new shit on nougat

>Or is it better to fist back
>I'd have no more ejaculation and broken hearts.

This is fucking retarded. You still need words to communicate. If anything, emojis make everything MORE ambiguous. Who the fuck though this was a good idea?

emojis were a thing on Sup Forums you fucking newfag