Apple has never invented anything.
Sure they perfected several technologies, but such is progress.
Their technology has features that were seen on technology from years ago, but thanks to the logo, at a much more premium price.
>No headphone jack.
>Stolen technologies.
>Over-investment in un-needed features to justify extreme price tag.
>Lack of appropriate customization.
>Lack of dedicated file browsing system.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Lack of dedicated file browsing system.
Wasn't iOS 11 supposed to have a file browser?

you mean snapchat? get with the times grandpa

It does come with a dedicated file browsing system though.
Sounds to me like OP is just trying to justify to himself why he shouldn't get it.

I'd be impressed with apple if they did implement their feature, my props to them.
But I seriously doubt they'd do it, considering they like to water down features in exchange for ease of use.
Do normies still use that?
I thought it stopped being relevant years ago?

>No headphone jack.
Good, it's obsolete shit.

>Stolen technologies.
Nigga, what?

>Over-investment in un-needed features to justify extreme price tag.
What's an un-needed feature? Aren't they are un-needed by being just a feature? Also how is the price tag extreme compared to the market?

>Lack of appropriate customization.
Who the fuck wastes time on that?

>Lack of dedicated file browsing system.
Not anymore. Not like it made any sense on a phone.

Like, Jesus, it's a very flawed phone and even my sister who was hyped for the presentation was laughing over how underwhelming it turned out but your bitching doesn't make any sense.

Proof is iOS 11 beta, its old news, every iPhone that can update to iOS 11 will have file browsing system.

One thing I didn't catch on the presentation, does it have the "Pro-motion" screen the new iPad Pro has? Bc i fucking love the screen on my 10.5 inch pro.

It did.

I'm infiltrated in normie society, nobody uses snapchat anymore.

>Headphone jack is obsolete.
>Stolen technologies.
They literally stole the concept of touch-pad technology. They're pro-monopoly, yet apparently only they can have a monopoly over technologies.
Please explain to me what you need such a high-definition screen for on a glorified nude-sending machine?
>Lack of appropriate customization.
If it hasn't been approved by Apple's-tolerance-approved NSA-verified personnel, you can't download anything.
>No dedicated browsing system.
>it's useless xd
File systems are actually very useful.
Do you not download any formats other than MP3 and JPG on your phone?

Let me add.
>still no WEBM support.


Damn, I've never thought of it like that.

>normies really buy this just to browse facebook all day

No native webm support but there's this thing called the App Store, that has apps you might need if the phone cant do out of the box.

still pretty popular here @europe

Maybe they blocked you? It's still pretty damn popular.

give me a CHEAP lighting-port pair of headphones, or at least something I don't need to use a hundred adapter dongles on, without autistic bluetooth, and I'll admit headphone jacks have to go.

Snapchat is still popular in the usa


Yeah it is.

The phone comes with the fucking dongle if you still don't wanna move on and use Bluetooth.
>moving the goalpost

>but MOM my favorite megacorp deserves credit for the shitty gimmicks they were the first to steal!
>but MOM I need to be able to change out the stock launcher for someone else's shitty abortion so I can be different(TM) in homescreen threads!
>but MOM I need a file manager so I can feel important and work with hipster formats!
Basically the gist of these shitty non-arguments.

FaceID is pretty impressive to be honest
Never been able to get on with Samsung's iris scan offerings - too inconvenient having to hold the phone right up to your face and have decent lighting conditions, plus it's so insecure it can be fooled by a photo.

FaceID on the other hand actually uses what looks like new and pretty amazing technology

I'm never going to buy it as I hate everything about iOS but got to admit I was impressed by the iPhone X reveal

protip : dongles are an ACTUALLY obsolete technology.
>replacing an obsolete technology with an even MORE obsolete technology.
>replacing that even MORE obsolete technology with an unreliable """wireless""" technology that's even LESS reliable then that obsolete technology.

forgive him, he still listens to his radio with 3.5mm headphones


>work with hipster formats
Literally can't open WEBMS and .doc files.
>my favorite megacorps
I thought you'd figure out that I don't give a shit which megacorp wins, as long as I, as a consumer, get the features I want.

When did the industry start deciding for the consumers what they need?

>how is analogue tech that's older than most users obsolete when there are much better alternatives like usb c

>They literally stole the concept of touch-pad technology.
Then it should be easy to sue them and get dem billions, no?

>Please explain to me what you need such a high-definition screen
You don't and it's really stupid from them to start some SUPER RETINA shit. Just in the end it's not the resolution that's expensive but the OLED tech, which is finally mature enough hence a good idea.

>If it hasn't been approved by Apple's-tolerance-approved NSA-verified personnel, you can't download anything.
Which has almost no practical downsides. It's an idea that's problematic in theory though.

>Do you not download any formats other than MP3 and JPG on your phone?
Why the fuck would you need a file system for that when a dedicated app does the same faster? It makes sense on an iPad since it wants to be a computer replacement, why would it be relevant on a phone?

>still no WEBM support.
All the 5 people who need it will suffer greatly indeed.

Come on, name some actual cons like the shitty glass cover and boring colours, still huge bezels, camera bulge, face ID speed and the very un-Apple-like cut off screen that messes up video playback.

Aren't Apple ones pretty cheap? Besides, it's not like they don't offer an adapter, which just turns part of your old headphones. The fact that they went with lightning instead of usb c is much, much worse than killing the headphone jack.

They point of a dongle/adapter is to offer the possibility to use obsolete technology for the couple people who absolutely have to without ruining the product itself for anyone else. Most people will never use the shit.

>not writing your own faceID software
>allowing your face to be stored in NSA servers

1 0 0 0 D O L L A R F A C E B O O K B R O W S E R.
>buy raspberry pi for 25$
>install gentoo
>browse facebook

>aren't apple ones pretty cheap
Protip : not everyone has money pouring out of their assholes.
The apple ones are around 40-50$ in Canada.
>The point of a dongle adapter is to offer possibility of using obsolete tech.

listening to nerds trying to defend the 3.5mm jack is kind of like listening to republitards trying to rebuke leftist talking points, their hearts are in the right place but their arguments are so pathetic you can't help but pity them

it's time to grow up and leave the bulk-ass over ears at home

I just got one for shitposting and web browsing stuff

Works pretty great desu

daily reminder:
Biometrics = giving your anus to the NSA, CIA, FBI, and whatever other surveillance organizations there are to peg with a dragon dildo every day.

How are headphone jacks obsolete?
I legitimately cannot understand.

>Literally can't open WEBMS
Which is a format barely anyone has heard of outside of imageboards and don't give a shit about
>and .doc files.
It's 2017.
>I thought you'd figure out that I don't give a shit which megacorp wins
If that was the case then you wouldn't be here crying about what megacorp "stole" from what other megacorp, you would just be buying whatever product suits you and feeling secure in your choices, something you obviously aren't.

They tangle, they break easier, they limit mobility on a mobile device. How hard is this to comprehend?

not samefag but
>.doc files are obsolete teehee
i bet you store your information on google drive too.

Yes, but what is the "SUPREME ALTERNATIVE"?
I'm completely ready to make the change, but what else is there?
>inb4 fucking bluetooth

They're not obsolete, they're just a retarded fucking thing to have on a phone. Buy a real computer.

>The apple ones are around 40-50$ in Canada.
Well, that's an Canadian problem. Here they are €30 which is pretty fair for above average durable (mine lasted for two years so far, while other shit kept dying after one) headphones. Besides, they are included either way and you're not forced to buy new ones like with most other phones that include absolute trash.

It's a HUGE port with singular function. It's just dumb on small devices where every millimetre counts, specially when usb c or even lightning can fulfil multiple functions.

Dumbass, put them under your shirt, most problems solved.

>they break easy
Most people don't know how they're made, or what they consist of; fragile material. You need to take care of them, and most poeple don't.

It's right there. Maybe you just need to stop expecting so much of the $5 chink shit headphones you're undoubtedly cheaping out on.

top fucking kek
Their wires are the flimsiest fucking things on the planet.
Their chargers break after a month of usage.

>weakly bitch and cry about "reliability"
>someone points out 3.5mm shit isn't reliable
you make our arguments for us

Every bluetooth headset I've used, including several sony ones have problems pairing.
And if you have a problem with conventional wired headphones, then don't be a fucking ape and manage to destroy them the second you get your hands on a pair.

> $1000 facebook machine

Its true. The amount of people who buys these and then never use any of the features is crazy. One guy i worked with didnt even know there was an app for facebook, he was just using it in the browser.

Feel free to show me cheaper headphones that are better, without the nasty rubbery shit.

>Their wires are the flimsiest fucking things on the planet.
>Their chargers break after a month of usage.
Well, I know tons of people who it happened to but they seem ... to do something wrong. I never had a single issue with either, while other headphones died after one year with the same usage levels.

>3.5 isn't reliable
>bluetooth and dongles are.

The same reason you're not going to drop your phone on the ground, is the same reason you shouldn't stuff your headphones in your pocket, fucking retard.

>that include absolute trash.
Just like apple. Oh wait, you actually think this earpods are good? Lmaoing @ your life, poorfag, no wonder you defend iPoverty phone.

>It's a HUGE port with singular function. It's just dumb on small devices where every millimetre counts, specially when usb c or even lightning can fulfil multiple functions.
Lets ignore the fact that they have put LITERALLY nothing in it's place. iToddler phone would not be any thicker or thinner if it had jack. It was LITERALLY removed to milk morons like you our of money on dongle purchases.

The positive is that all screen looks cool and Sci-Fi.

The negative is that you're going to have to put it in a case that will negate all the coolness anyway. I'd stick with the 8 if I needed an upgrade.

Using a pair of Sony EX15LP - 19$ CAD (about 13 Euros) right now, owned them for 4 months now, and they still work perfectly.

>you actually think this earpods are good?
They are clearly above average (as I said) which is worlds ahead of other free stuff you get.

>Lets ignore the fact that they have put LITERALLY nothing in it's place.
Who knows when they actually made the decision to kill it. We'll see how they use the extra space now.

>on dongle purchases
You mean the included dongle? Also where the fuck did you get the idea that I have any interest in their current phones? I am not spending money on shit with camera bulges, it's just nasty. Killing headphone jack is still an obvious positive though.

Well, 4 months isn't much. Let's see how they will do after 16. Besides, that form is just nasty. I have no idea how it turned out so popular.

They masquerade the removal of actual useful technology as "obsolete", because they know it'll help them raise the price while LOWERING production costs.

I actually owned a 5S, and the included earpods broke after about 2 months of usage.
For comparison, a pair of literal throwaway dollar store headphones lasted me the same time period, but with BETTER sound isolation instead of the shitty "molded plastic" shit that the earpods use.

Just they didn't raise the price for 7 and the lowered production costs are probably balanced out by the free dongle.

Well, shit always happens, just going by the experience of my friends, mine seems pretty consistent when it comes to headphones. Don't know a single person who had to replace their Apple ones. Most did manage to kill their power cables though.

>but with BETTER sound isolation
It's given with the rubbery design, just it's way less comfy IMO. If isolation is such a big deal, active noise canceling is the way either way.

>They are clearly above average
Your idea of average is pretty shit. I guess you have never owned anything of value. There are chinkshit earbuds in $10 bracket that shit all over earbuds.

> worlds ahead of other free stuff you get.
Being worlds ahead of literal garbage that you should instantly throw into trash means nothing. I guess earbuds have advantage of having resale value, since you can sell them to some deaf moron who wants fashion accessory.

>Who knows when they actually made the decision to kill it. We'll see how they use the extra space now.
Gee I sure wonder what. I'm positive they will yet again put fucking nothing in there, just like with 7. But honestly it really doesn't matter 2 shits to me, phones don't need to be any thinner than they already are. Remember small phone trend in early 2000? You are probably too underage to, but it's the same shit over again, it's pointless manufacturing race that does 0 good for customer (goy) and plenty of benefit (in sales) for manufacturer (merchant).

Why do you care so much about what other people buy?

I don't.
I hate the fact that people will LITERALLY make comments if you don't have an iFaggot device.
At work got asked why I still have such an """obsolete device""" (Motorola fliphone.).
Apparently the reply "I literally only use it for calls, and everything else I do on my laptop" isn't a valid answer to normies.

>There are chinkshit earbuds in $10 bracket that shit all over earbuds.
That's where you post reviews to prove it, user. You wouldn't be just talking out of your ass, would you?

>Being worlds ahead of literal garbage that you should instantly throw into trash means nothing.
Your autism is of no relevance for normal people.

>that does 0 good for customer
>a better looking phone isn't a huge benefit for the customer
Nice one.

I'll wait for the iPhone SE X

So instead of explaining so basic you choose to bitch about their bitching on 4chains?

>head phone jack is obsolete
You know what else is obsolete, the wheel, tank treads are the new thing

>So instead of explaining so basic you choose to bitch about their bitching on 4chains?

This guy is correct, you are either underage or extremely insecure.

I feel sorry for you, btw I'm going to buy the iPhone X

>hehe i'm gonna spook this faggot because he would NEVER have enough proof that chinkshit products are POSSIBLY higher rated than -1 gorrillion.
Newsflash faggot.
Chinkshit headphones are better.

>5 star reviews from 196 reviews.

>they break easier
Another retard that walk on the road with full size headphones.

Actual reviews, user. Not people who don't know any better, rate according to their expectation with the price or try to deal with buyers remorse.

>That's where you post reviews to prove it, user. You wouldn't be just talking out of your ass, would you?
VE monk plus. Check whatever audio forum for reviews. It's $5 by the way.

>Your autism is of no relevance for normal people.
Wanting to have quality things have nothing to do with autism. Isn't it exactly why morons like you buy iToddler phones?

>a better looking phone isn't a huge benefit for the customer
And you are calling me autistic? You are so bothered by few milometer wide hole on the bottom of your phone that you have to inconvenience yourself with dongles, you mouth breathing retard. I recommend to find more meaningful hobbies than staring at the bottom of your phone.
If there is anyone autistic in this thread, that's you.

>be me
>regular person
>purchase pair of 15$ wired headphones
>purchase headphone winder
>wind headphones around it, or around phone whenever not in use.
>each pair lasts me a year
>walk and laugh quietly as applefags are chimping out over their earpods breaking after 1 month of usage because they store them in a fisherman's knot within the confines of their pocket, along with their keys, spare change, and wallet, where it all turns into one big ball of headphone-infused crap.

>Apple has never invented anything.
A folding long-range lens for mobile devices


>VE monk plus
Now these seem legit. Skimmed through some reviews but the main point seems that they are great for the price, not any better than earpods.

>Wanting to have quality things have nothing to do with autism.
Not being able to discern that there is a lot room between TRASH and GOOD is pretty autistic.

>You are so bothered by few milometer wide hole on the bottom of your phone
Why would I want to want waste of space on an already small device? Though good point, the headphone jack looks hella ugly too.

>that you have to inconvenience yourself with dongles
How? Why would I bother with a dongle? It's for the people who want to use obsolete tech. Everyone else can use the stock ones or buy airpods.

>storing phone and keys in the same pocket
Do people unironically do this?

>moving the goal posts

shut the fuck up faggot this isn't debate class no one cares

OMG people this stupid do exist.

>not any better than earpods.
And what exactly makes you think that earpods are not shit? What do you compare them to? Have you actually ever owned or listened to any decent reference grade headphones?
Because it sure seems to me like you have no fucking clue what you are even talking about.
And to quote you, go and find ACTUAL reviews of earpods not made by shills or portals not related to audio in any way, that say those things are not complete shit. Good luck.

>Why would I want to want waste of space on an already small device
If this space is not being used in any way, then you are wasting it by not having anything meaningful (like headphone jack) there.

>Everyone else can use the stock ones or buy airpods.
Normalfags can. I'm neither poor nor deaf. I don't use shit.

>implying any of that is a bad thing

> What do you compare them to?
Other in-ear headphones in the included for free to 150 bucks range. (Since comparing them to autist headphones for 400+ bucks makes no sense.)

>reviews of earpods not made by shills
Like? Obviously we're excluding most user and customer reviews but so what's your definition of shill? Any major tech site? Just the ones who say something positive about them? You should easy find reviews of them on your favourite site, whatever it might be, given the sheer popularity and most rate them as above average, as they are.

>Normalfags can.
>complaining about being called an autist
>outs himself as autist
I honestly don't get that train of thought. If you have some extraordinary requirements to headphones because you unironically listen to FLACS with magical golden cables, then just own it, instead of acting like niche cases like that have any relevance for the general public. Also don't forget to cash in your price for being able to prove it.

iphone x.mp4

i tell you what also has a file system... my 10 year old original jailbroken iphone using ifile

and every other jailbroken iphone i owned up to my current 6s

and dont forget where the control centre originally came from... fucking hacks copying hackers

in college
all people do is snapchat
instagram is borderline
twitter is pretty much gone
facebook is rip

honestly tinder is almost the new facebook

ITT: Ameripoors crying about the price when it's almost $2000 in Australia

Stop being fucking poorfags. The iPhone has cost over $1000 here for years.

Well surely shipping doesn't cost $1000. So why not buy an American iPhone and have it shipped to Aussie land?

>Apple has never invented anything.
Much like the rest of the phone industry. Except Microsoft who could never build something that people wanted to buy.

>So why not buy an American iPhone and have it shipped to Aussie land?
Because Oz phones are all GSM. If your US phone isn't it won't work here. There's also the issue of frequency bands, but that's a whole 'nother,

Not our fault that you bend over and let your government fuck you with absurd import taxes.

iPhone has GSM/CDMA and supports all global bands.

Speaking of jailbreaking, does Cydia still have a monopoly on the jailbroken app store? I remember when I brought a iPod touch because any decent smartphone released in 2011 was still a lot of money.

I was basically forced to use Cydia to install jailbroken apps which was a complete slow and bloated nightmare to use. Any other alternatives was discontinued.