Switched back to Linux around 2 years ago, because I needed Winblows to play games...

Switched back to Linux around 2 years ago, because I needed Winblows to play games. Just realized literally all my games are available for Linux, so I'm gonna switch back.

What's the best distro for an intermediate user? Don't want to be fucking with maintaining my system constantly, or fixing stupid issues.

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just install ubuntu before the arch autismos arrive

weed os

Is that your system or just some random video?

Considered it. Is KDE Neon pretty stable? I like the new look of KDE, but Kubuntu always lacked polish to me.

That's my system

Nice look.

What drivers are you using?

Linux Mint Cinnamon. Since you're gonna be using steam you want to stay in the Ubuntu universe, but unfortunately there is no distribution of Ubuntu that ships with a good desktop environment

Plain old Gallium 0.4

>What's the best distro for an intermediate user? Don't want to be fucking with maintaining my system constantly, or fixing stupid issues.

I am an advanced user and I use Ubuntu. I don't want to be fucking with maintaining my system constantly, or fixing stupid issues. If I want to fuck around with things I'll open my kvm and install some other Linux distro.

Actually, my system is multi-boot, and I have four partitions for system root disks. Plus the KVM capability. But I've been too busy actually trying to get shit done.

KVMs are great because you can fuck around with Gentoo or whatever, but have the Ubuntu system when you need to do real work.

Although, I don't suggest KDE myself, it's very resource hungry.
Go with Manjaro Cinnamon or something

t. KDE user

Debian testing.
It doesn't break and you get up-to-date software. You also get seamless version upgrades, if you put "testing" in sources list (instead of a codename).

Sure kid, knock yourself out

Arch unless your retarded in which case you should stay on Windows

This. It's all the benefits of Arch minus the autism

Neon is very unstable.

lubuntu has openbox. Need to install panel in openbox session so what you say is pretty true imo but still...

I'd just go with Ubuntu if I were you. Being able to search for potential issues online does have merit.

I have deep hate for the unity desktop so I would suggest using mint or xubuntu.

(Currently on Ubuntu on my laptop. Have to use it because close lid settings don't carry to Ctrl+Alt+F1 for when I use this as a server for games.)

>close lid settings don't carry to Ctrl+Alt+F1
On Xubuntu that is.

>not using Windows

>but it's ugly
Woah, hold your horses there, bucko. Ugly? Did you know that Microsoft(tm) Windows(r) Modern Design Movement (The Bauhaus) focus is on making the “function” beautiful? At the heart of the Bauhaus philosophy is stripping away superfluous decorations to focus on the essence of the functional.

>i-it's a botnet
If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear! Plus, Microsoft(tm) Windows(r) offers a unique "ad experience" where ads are tailored to suit your preferences and needs.

>muh customization
If Linux (communist subversion tool) has taught the computing world anything, it's that the end user left to his own devices will ruin the end product and cause problems for himself and others!
You don't NEED more customization than the wide array of scientifically researched pastel colors the Microsoft(tm)s theme customization suit offers you.

>b-but ... IT COSTS MONEY!!!
it's time to clean your room and get a job, sonny jim!

tasty bait

>What's the best distro for an intermediate user?

If you stopped being a beginner and trying to impress people then Ubuntu is fine for a desktop. Debian/CentOs if you need a server, Manjaro if you need something lightweight and so on and so forth. Depends on the use cases. Ubuntu is great if you want to game.

>for an intermediate user
if you were, you wouldn't ask that stupid question
go with unoobtoo


>still using wankblows

>b-bu-but mah functionality
Woah, hold your horses, rajesh, "functional"? Did you know that Microsoft(tm) Windows(r) Modern Design Movement (The Bauhaus) focus is on breaking updates? At the At the heart of the Bauhaus philosophy is stripping away stability to focus on the essence of the spyware.

>mah adspace OS
Yeah I do have things to hide. Privacy is like having guns, they are there to protect you when and if the micropenis/govt. becomes traitors/tyrant. Besides I don't want to waste my hardware and bandwith resources on shitty ads by shekelberg(((tm))) made in tel-aviv((()))

>mah pastel color customization made for 4 year olds
If micropenis (anarchist spying tool) has taught the computing world anything, if you treat the users like idiots, only idiots will use you.

>You don't need them, goy
Prepare for the oven

>bu-bu-but I can show off my 100 bucks change with wankbloz
If you are boasting that you spent 100, it means you are poor

CentOS if you're OK with reinstalling it every 5yrs to upgrade.
Ubuntu for the same but with .deb (it supports upgrading but it goes poorly)
Debian if you're OK with old software but want to upgrade seamlessly.

do you like when strangers know what are you fapping at?

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

Unity is abandoned anyway. You should use GNOME instead of it. But yes, Xfce is the best DE.

That enormous titlebar on your browser. I hate the same about Gnome.

I recommend Arch myself, if you truly want something as an intermediate user and not a beginner. The setup is a bit more involved than with other distros, but not really hard, and you'll end up with a system that's more customised and tuned for you and your machine. Arch has excellent documentation and guides, an excellent package manager, and the AUR is a great place to get obscure software.

Ignore the retards who say things about how it breaks constantly or you have to maintain your system constantly. That's just a meme, and Arch is nothing like that in reality.

What does Manjaro have to offer over Arch?

Antergos. It's exactly like Manjaro except no bloat and no waiting on packages or using Manjaro's shitty repos

Why not just Arch then? Antergos is just Arch except with bloat added. I don't want its shitty Light DM crap installed or its Antergos repository or its Numix theme.

Linux mint. Especially cinnamon.
Easy to install. And basic config is just download drivers with driver manager.

Also mint cinnamon has handy manual in many languages.

In case of problems you have big community so you can find help on irc or forums.

install arch

Solus or Fedora
it just werks desu

LightDM sucks in Antergos.
I swapped it for GDM instantly and have a faster login screen.

I like going without a DM at all to be honest. It's fastest. In my opinion, a DM is only really useful if you share your computer with other users (which I don't), or if you frequently switch between DEs (which I don't).

GDM is okay too though. For security reasons, if anyone is using X, they should either be using GDM or no DM. Other DMs like LightDM and SDDM are security risks because they always run the entire X server as root.

No DM at all is my DM of choice too. Even when I get those autistic ricing urges, I don't care at all how my login screen looks

>Reddit doesn't know what satire is

go try playing half life 2 on linux. Shits so fucked, the water animations run 10x than the rest of the game.

Fedora Xfce or Xubuntu.

This, Ubuntu is nice for gaming

with systemd:
Ubuntu is kinda bloated

Without systemd:


Depends on how intermediate are you...
If you are okay to waste some time on fixing some stupid default settings than openSUSE Tumbleweed is great.
1. Install non-free repos (for codecs and drivers)
2. Fix fonts
3. Change network settings to a more sane defaults for faster boot times.
4. Done.
After you will finish with all this fuckery - you'll get the most complete Linux distro with it's own developed infrastructure (snapper for btrfs, yast, etc) and bleeding edge packages (except Firefox) that are tested by motherfucking robots!
Really, openSUSE is a great distro but I can't recommend it to newfags because default setup is to unfriendly to a desktop environment and non-free software.

I'd say linux mint if you want minimum effort dist. There are a few alternatives which are also minimum effort, just pick one desu.

Is Parabola as simple to set up as Manjaro?

incompetent devs that hold updates for a week.

man parabola is 100% arch just without proprietary software and blobs, both from system and repos
