What can a desktop do that a laptop can't?

What can a desktop do that a laptop can't?

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Not throttle to shit.

This, and not burn my balls off.

A space heater

it's 2017
things are cool now

be sold for a reasonable price

not having a tiny ass shit screen

play vydia

be at least half the price if not more

This. I was able to push my A10-7700K to 4.2 GHz on the stock cooler. Temp remains below 75C° and I have yet to experience thermal throttling even after hour of prime95.

Be upgraded on an incremental basis

Not cool enough. We're all waiting for raven ridge but it will probably just let laptops max out 4 physical cores @ 3.6 GHz. The R7-1700 8-core laptop recently out throttles to 3 GHz I think.

house a GP102 based graphics card

Be cost-effective.

be modifiable in terms of core parts (cpu/gpu)

>Modularity for all components, not just ram, drives and the increasingly rare socketed cpu or mxm gpu
>sustain decent temperatures or offer low noise cooling options for high wattage parts
>proper desktop monitors > even the greatest laptop screens
>good keyboards, older flush chiclet designs are nice but 99% of modern laptops are spaced chiclets, the remainder is meme mechanical 20" 7000$ nightmares
>have a decent price to performance ratio
>multiple gpus or multiple cpus
>more than 3 storage drives

Inb4 "you don't NEED any of that"
Tell that to my quad opertron, quad Firepro workstation with 10 drives

>macbook retina screens are better than your shitty lcd monitors
>laptops can be connected to external monitors

>R7-1700 laptop

Not really anymore. You can upgrade graphics and *maybe* RAM but nothing else

macbook retina's screen still is tiny.
Also wont connecting a laptop to a monitor basically make it a throttling desktop?

>Assuming he has LCD monitors and not crazy overpriced meme monitors with amoled



1. Use whatever components you want
2. Save up money over time and replace components
3. Design and colormatch your build to looks sweet as fuck
4. Get the best performance possible
5. Get all the new hardware on day one
6. Add more graphics cards and as many ssds/hdds as you want
7. Adapt your pc to your needs
8. Easy to repair and replace parts
9. Overclock
10. Liquid cooling
11. Less noise (my build is completly quiet). You can even remove all fans and go for massive heatsinks if ypu want to
12. Add all the devices/io you want

Reasons for desktop:
Better performance at the high level
Good discrete graphics (Vidya and more)
Incremental upgradeability
If something breaks, you don't have to buy a new system
Performance/price generally

Reasons for laptop:
That's it, however you put it.

Unless you have an i7 you can always upgrade CPUs, RAM is also always upgradeable as I doubt most people has actually maxed out there slots on there motherboard (not just filled the slots).

wow user nice graphic card you must be really special,fuck off stop blogposting nobody cares, literally half of Sup Forums has a 1080 and is a Sup Forums babby like you

>t. Incredibly jealous user