so there's no way in hell all the data that we feed into google captcha isn't being sent somewhere, right?
So there's no way in hell all the data that we feed into google captcha isn't being sent somewhere, right?
its helps their machine learning shit, which is why it went from ocr'd books to fucking cars/signs
>shut it down, the goyim know
who is this asian alex jones guy?
its arex yones you shitlord
yeah exactly it's always improving
It's not the text you put in that's the problem. It's the fact that google has a timestamp on every post you make, and can de-anonymise you as a third party.
Google has a record of every post you made on Sup Forums.
Google is pooling personal data on the following groups
>Sup Forums users
>White People
Once everyone in this category is identified missiles will be simultaneously fired up your rectums and you will be purged
It builds the neural nets that will enslave us.
I think its on cars and signs now because of googles self driving car shit, not so much that the algos got better