Why don't the normies use this?

Why don't the normies use this?
>Everyone already have it installed (excpet faggle users who use imessages or whatever it is called). You don't need to preach about it like with telegram. You can just send a message and the other person will have a notification on his phone even if he never used it.
>easy to use
>can be used on tablet and PC without a hassle

Sure it is botnet, goolag owned, and not free as in freedom. But we are talking about normies here who use fucking whatsapp.

fuck off botnet enabler


Because Google will delete it and replace it

>asking questions is absolutely haram
It was still up for years, and unlike stuff like google+ it didn't need a critical mass to become popular. I wonder if the successors will be a thing.

>tell all my friends to use Google talk
>setup xmpp clients
>no more talk enjoy your hangouts lol fuk u

Thanks googoo

Google are killing drive app, never trust Google they went full retard.

Just realized allo and duo are phone locked and won't work on non-phone tablets. DROPPED. Funny how only messenger remains the sane option alongside telegram which no one uses.

>android in 2017
lmao just stop being poor

xmpp hangouts also never worked with group chats

I don't understand why they don't have a proper client on PC, you can only use it in a tiny little window on Gmail

>t.middle class faggot that bought an itrash on 12 payments
Every single year the most superior phones are on android. Show me one year when a non android phone had better specs than the flagship samsung. Fapple and microshit can't compete. Keep buying shiny trash while I buy the best and most capable phone every year in cash.

Google killed it: first by assigning the pooest development team available on their hands, and second (and definitively) by removing sms functionality from it.
I was using Hangouts and pushed it to all my acquaintances, but I've moved to a Signal/Whatsapp combo, fuck Google.

but the high end android phones cost more than iphones...

But I thought they killed it? Why is it still alive?

this. you can't use Hangouts for SMS anymore and it's fucking stupid

Oneplus 5 has better specs than your samshit for less eurobucks, without getting cucked by a 24 month plan as a plus

i used it for years
then they "updated" it by separating hangouts & sms integration
i still used it even thought they gimped it
then they decided to "update" it once again by removing SMS all together
and now i use an ad supported SMS app.
>i have to see ads just to view SMS

It's 530€ for the 128gb version (thats about 560 freedom money)

>ad supported SMS app

Why not just use messenger???

Have fun getting all your data harvested user.

>now i use an ad supported SMS app
why do you do that? are you stupid?

My point still stands: android phones always have the superior model every single year.

i like Textra.
searchable SMS.
i should just pay the $3.

Yes, but I don't want that everybody thinks "best android = samsung" because Samsung is actually pretty shit

Almost all sms apps have that functionality, try Messenger and Signal and see if you like them. If not, pay or pirate Textra, using add-supported software is 100% retarded.

It's being murdered by Google. The new policy for system updates now is to delete Hangout if it's never updated. Forced downgrade from settings ("Uninstall Updates" button) also counts.

It's slow