Linux Distros

Last night I installed Manjaro Linux, with the Gnome desktop envrionment, onto my main Desktop PC and so far I am loving the user interface.

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Yeah, manjaro does some tweaking to the GNOME desktop, it's great

What do you need two bars for?

gnome btfo

i installed antergos. so far im pretty impressed with it.

welcome onboard!

Thanks. It feels good to be a part of the wizard community.

stop using gnome

gnome is the only DE that should be allowed to exist. It's the only DE that actually feels like a finished product.

tablet de

Budgie DE is the most comfy DE. But if you like to tweak literally everything then you won't like it.

kevin has already moved onto macos, you should too


tell us more about the legend. i have heard much lore on Sup Forums about him but never seen him. What is he like IRL? And what possesses him to shill for Solus so hard?

I'll pass

>he smashes all the programs and status bar things into one horrible mess instead of having aesthetic UI that takes a couple of pixels more
Disgusting display.

being a neet grants you a lot of free time to do a lot of shitposting and that's what he does

just don't stop being curious and try things out. play with your system, maybe break it but then learn from it and do better next time. you'll have to do some research from time to time but you'll be better at computing every time. soon you want nothing else. at least thats what I and many other experienced.
I was where you were I am using linux exclusively for 4 years now, tough I can learn more and still have fun envolving my skills. I'm about to land a linuxadmin job and can't be more happy about it.
I wish you good times and happy exploring
also Antergos was the first dristro I settled with
Use GNOME if you like it

>linux admin job
that sounds comfy. i wonder if i can git gud enough to do that without paying the degree jew.

I feel a bit sad for having abandoned Windows 7 and replacing it with Manjaro. Windows has been my OS ever since I first touched a computer, it's the OS I am most familiar with, but I will not put up with Windows DRM or Micro$oft's practices anymore. The windows have been shut!

then live a bit nostalgica

Install some decent GTK and icon themes:
pacaur -S adapta-gtk-theme-git papirus-icon-theme-git

Also, the XFCE terminal is much better than the gnome terminal:
sudo pacman -S xfce4-terminal

really? on Linux? kek
you've got quite something to learn

it never ends

You were so close, but then you clicked the Gnome download link instead of the XFCE one

+1 for xfce4-terminal

I browse many open FTP's I find with and other sites using filezilla just speeds things up

alot of us needed therapy after that few months of non stop kevinposting so we dont talk about it anymore

i am still convinced some rich Sup Forumsentleman actually sent kevin a mac irl so he could finally fuck off

fuck off kevin

What's so bad about Filezilla?

its a good route to start on OP, try out a ground up arch + gnome install once you get comfortable with linux and youll love the speed and lack of bloat

I use sourcemage now

>what is ssh / scp
ftp is an ancient and terrible protocol
>what is sshfs
mount remote directories via ssh
>what is /etc/fstab
automatically mount your sshfs connections
>what is gvfs
mount directories via even more protocols, even shitty ftp

Advantages of mounting dirs instead of using filezilla (-related programs)? Access the files directly via the filesytem.

I use it all benefit of insecure ftp is that I easily come at data see

>what is sftp

a shitty layer on top of a shitty protocol

Is it possible to learn how to sysadmin by tinkering at home? Yes

Will you get hired without a degree? I'm afraid not.

>Last night I installed Manjaro Linux, with the Gnome desktop envrionment, onto my main Desktop PC and so far I am loving the user interface
Neat. I've been migrating to MXlinux. So far so good.