I have a relative going to Japan soon

I have a relative going to Japan soon.
What tech should I get from Japan?

The only correct answer is a sexbot.

Lots of onaholes

I forgot, no lewds.

they have basically entire department stores for onaholes, it's amazing

Panasonic Lets Note

Whats one of these?


>Panasonic Lets Note

That's way too expensive, and I already have a laptop.

This isn't the 80's/90's anymore, Japan isn't some place full of cool tech shit you can't get anywhere else. Everybody here just uses Apple shit anyways nowadays.

I wish they'd make one with an ANSI layout. Can't stand the japo keybeard.

This is very sad to hear.
>Japan, the crazy place where weird things are normal
>They just use apple shit now

They make really good thermoses / travel mugs. I have pic related; it's the Concorde of portable coffee containers. Search for 'Zojirushi'.

You can get them on Amazon but when you factor in customs fees etc it will probably be cheaper for you to ask for one to be brought back. It's also a handy size for your relative to pack.

there really isnt any japanese excusive tech anymore. i would have said certain laptops a few years ago but now its pretty homogenous. Maybe if you desire a japanese keyboard it coulod be a plan. apart from that onaholes are pretty much the only thing i can think of. akiba is shit these days btw

i dont think you understand how greentext works

its mainly ipads and iphones mind you

>akiba is shit these days btw
Ain't that the fucking truth. Tech has become so homogenized nowadays with the ubiquity of laptops and smartphones that even the back streets of Akiba are frankly kinda boring.

the third time i went to akiba (3rd trip to tokyo) i went to almost every "adult" shop there. They're sort of hidden but not really. Like above a pharmacy, above a card shop etc. Its more fun this way i think. seeing 5 story dvd shops with each level getting more and more intense is rather fun. Then of course you have the few doujin shops (i think theres only 5 or so, counting the 3 toranoaras). Really puts into perspecive what akiba actually is like now days past the thin curtains

About the only thing I'd want these days is to have someone bring me back some gunpla so I can avoid the shipping fees. The ones with the LEDs in them so I can technically claim it's technology.

how do they keep putting out new gunpla?

There's ALWAYS more designs that haven't been seen in kit form yet. There's a new series or OVA every few years increasing that pool even further. There's new lines of kits to release existing designs in. There's old kits in existing lines to get new versions of with updated molds, engineering, and modernized proportions.

Do they keep cool as well?

really man...

I've never had one of these

its basic thermodynamics, think about it

no only hot

>G-Saviour finally getting a reprint
thank the lords

Get a time machine and go back to when Jap tech was relevant.

That's a big hobby lobby

This. Globalism won. There's nothing cool anymore. I ordered a book from amazon japan last week, and it cost $20 CAD including shipping. That is less money than buying it at a retailer here.

Cameras and lenses, if you are europoor. Else theres pretty much nothing technology wise except rice cookers.

same. the fact i can just buy stuff online means japans dead to me now.

Dont go to Akihabara and get Arduboys en masse.

Anything by the better Sony, Panasonic. That company did more to the tech industry than Apple. They deserve to live

Get a Seiko JDM watch. Seiko keeps all the best watches in Japan.

You can probably get some rare vidya at Super Potato, or a "Mouse" brand laptop. But like others have already said, there isn't really Japan-exclusive tech anymore. The only stuff you can get in Japan but not online is probably JDM cars and rare weebshit.