Is Brave browser any good? or still too buggy?
Is Brave browser any good? or still too buggy?
so not very good
update coming soon B
Its a botnet
Sup Forums's a botnet yet here you are
It's a browser coded in javascript.
>a chrome fork with zero features
>zero coding skill or innovation went into making this browser
>suggeted (hijacked) ads...b-b-but, dont worry kids, its not on by default, but if you turn it on we'll cut you in on a percentage of the ad money we stole
>1gb right after install
>Firefox is 300mb with months of use
Why is thing so big?
Buggy on Linux
>bad UI
>no addons
>horrible customization
>"electron" ie js
>designed to identify and track a individual user to build a profile for advertising agencies to verify their ad networks are reaching users and preventing click fraud
>this backend has a private API for the advert agencies to verify themelves on their end without Braves intervention
>private blockchain architecture to create a ledger of all network history
guess im just not Brave enough pal
crashing on mac and the windows are delayed
I have iPhone with brave app but it won't load to Sup Forums, but able to load anything else. Brave literally blocked Sup Forums. Fuck Brave
turn off adblock and try again
Android version is perfect.
Literally al you said is wrong
To the other retards saying it has no extensions, it already has, they were introduced in an update literally 2 months ago. if your favorite extension is not there that's another story, go to their suggestion forum and open a thread.
Slow as fuck on the desktop
doesnt work on slackware
Tried it on my computer and on my phone, and I hated it on both. I still haven't found an adequate replacement for Firefox.
They should implement their ideas as an addon to Firefox. Oh wait, they probably can't now lmao.
Brave is shit tier, use chrome
When you compile it yourself you tech illiterate peasant.